Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

504: Good guy, this woman turns her face faster than she turns a book

504: Good guy, this woman turns her face faster than she turns a book

Ye Xuan didn't talk nonsense either, and once again input mana into the red dust beads.

next moment.

There is a new picture in the red dust beads.

After getting married, Zhang Yue's attitude towards Yao Peng has changed 180 degrees.

Lying at home every day, clothes come to stretch out your hands, meals come to open your mouth.

The housework and cooking at home are all done by Yao Peng.

Not even Yao Peng wanted to hire an auntie nanny.

Zhang Yue said that she was afraid of strangers because of the previous incident.

So you don't want strangers at home.

Yao Peng also expressed his understanding, and then he took care of everything at home.

At the dinner table this afternoon, Yao Peng has been preoccupied and hesitant.

In the end, after a long time of tying the knot with 787, he said slowly:

"Yueyue, we have been married for almost a year now."

"Today my mother urged me, she wants to hold her grandson."


Zhang Yue frowned and threw the chopsticks in his hand onto the table.

"She wants to give birth to her grandson by herself."

"How much of a shadow does that matter have to me, don't you not know?

"It's only a year now, and I'm going to urge me to give birth to a child for you."

"Have you considered my feelings?

"Am I just a child-bearing tool in your eyes?

Yao Peng quickly explained: "It's not like this, it's not like this."

"I know you were the one who saved me in the first place."

"This is also because my mother was anxious recently when she saw that I was not moving. 39

"I'll tell her later, tell her not to worry. 35

"Don't be angry, eat the vegetables first, I made them today to nourish the body.

Zhang Yue rolled her eyes.

"If you don't eat, you're full of gas. 99

After speaking, he left immediately, leaving Yao Peng alone to sit at the table awkwardly.

"It's so miserable.

"Yao Peng's people are too good, so they can bear it."5

"Yes, if this is my husband, it's too late for me to love him, how could I murder him?

"Yao Peng, don't ask Zhang Yue, I will give birth to a child for you."

"Follow me, don't talk about having children, it's no problem to have a football team for you.

Seeing that Yao Peng treated Zhang (acej) Yue so well, Zhang Yue left Yao Peng here alone.

The female compatriots in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it any longer.

They asked Yao Peng to dump Zhang Yue directly.

At this time, the picture in the red dust beads continued.

on the screen.

On this day, Zhang Yue told Yao Peng that he wanted to open a beauty shop.

Because I haven't been in contact with the outside world for too long, I am afraid that if I continue to lie at home, it will become useless.

Of course Yao Peng raised his hands and feet in agreement.

Pay for decoration, choose an address, and sign a contract.

Yao Peng contributed money to this store.

Zhang Yue only had to wait in the store every day to collect money.

This day was the first anniversary of the marriage, and Yang Peng set aside one day for it.

Went to Zhang Yue's store with a bunch of flowers, ready to surprise him.

As a result, Zhang Yue was not found in the store.

Yao Peng knocked on the front desk while sitting at the door, playing with his mobile phone.

"Where's the lady boss?"

The front desk found out that the boss was coming, and was very scared.

He faltered and explained: "This is what she went to receive."

"What kind of goods? Why don't I know? Did she go by herself?"


A series of questions came over, and the front desk stood there, hesitating for a long time without saying a word.

Yao Peng frowned, did not ask any further, but took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Yue.

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