Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

499: Evil has evil retribution, which is very pleasing

499: Evil has evil retribution, which is very pleasing

At this time, the parents standing beside them were also full of tangled faces.

"Shengsheng, this is your sister after all. 35

"Isn't it good for you to be like this..."

Frowning, Lei Sheng interrupted just as he was about to say a few words.

"Dad, Mom, I'm all awake, why are you still not awake! 99

"When she asked my son to take the blame for her son, did she ever think that I was still her brother!"5

"Don't talk about it, this matter is not negotiable!""

"If you say it again, I will kill her directly today!"

Lei Sheng's attitude was firm, and he was about to lift his foot and kick it down.

The old couple stood next to each other and didn't dare to say a word.

Afraid of further stimulation, he said that today not only his daughter is gone, but his son 787 is also gone.

Lei Baozi saw that Lei Sheng wanted to start.

The situation was not good, so he quickly stepped forward and hugged Lei Sheng tightly.

Parents took the opportunity to take Raisa to the hospital.

After Lei Sheng calmed down, he called someone and threw all Leisha's things out of the house.

Now, without Ding Lan's threats, Lei Sheng couldn't let her sister stay at home for another day.

"It's long overdue!""

"Yes, there is such a sister who will be destroyed sooner or later.

"Fortunately, there is Master Ye this time, otherwise I don't know what the consequences will be."

"Yes, Master Ye is too far away (acej)!

"Master Ye is cheating!

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room kept blowing Ye Xuan's ass.

at this time.

Ding Lan looked at Ye Xuan with gratitude.

"Master Ye, thank you very much!

"If it wasn't for you, our family might have really broken up.

Ye Xuan laughed: "You're welcome. 99

Then a few words of courtesy.

Just close the video link.

Just now he has seen the future.

Reza's son hit-and-run will not be less than ten years, and more than that, he will lose a lot of money.

This money, Lei Sheng, made it clear that he would not give it.

For the old couple to choose by themselves, either cut off ties with Reza or cut off ties with him.

Anyway, he wouldn't want such a sister.

If we meet in the future, we will call each other once.

The old couple was helpless, and couldn't helplessly watch as their sister couldn't afford the money and was hurried away.

In the end, I could only sell the house in my hometown, and I scraped together hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for it.

Finally, I rented a small single room next to Lei Sheng's house.

The days were very hard.

And Reza was even worse. She didn't even have a place to live. It can be said that it was directly cold.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

What goes around comes around.

This is also the purpose of his live broadcast.

Seeing the retribution of these wicked people makes the world vigilant, and will easily dare not do bad things in the future.

at the same time.

In the corner of a barbecue stall in Jiangbei City.

A man with sunken eye sockets and unshaven beard is pouring a glass of white wine into his stomach.

The people next to him were shocked when they saw his desperate drinking method.

They all discouraged:

"Don't drink it, be careful of stomach bleeding. 35

"That's right, brother, if you have something to say, just say it, it's even more worrying to drink alcohol.

The man sighed and shook his head: "It's useless, it's useless.

"You can't help me."

"No one in this world can help me.

At this time, someone next to him said.

"You are wrong about that."

"I know there is someone who can definitely help you."

"You turn on your mobile phone live now and search for a person named Ye Xuan.

"He's a god operator, and he can definitely help you."

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