494: Is this brain in water?

Reza shook her head and said, and suddenly saw the ID card dropped from the body.

Squinting to see the name on the document.

In an instant.

"Boom boom boom...

Leisha only felt five muffled thunders smashing towards her head.

Standing in the same place and dangling constantly, biting his lower lip, he did not faint.

"Alas...who are you...you can't just come in here!

Reza ignored the doctor's obstruction and rushed to the bedside.

Pulling back the white cloth, I saw a familiar person.

Reza pointed at the person on the bed with a trembling hand: "How did he die...

"He's my husband!"

In a word, the doctor stopped 787 who was about to call the security and pull Lesha out.

With a sigh, he said, "I was electrocuted."

Raisa exclaimed, "Electric death?

The doctor nodded.

Leisha opened her mouth wide, and after she was stunned, she cursed at the hospital bed: "Fuck!""

"You useless bastard.

"It's not better to die than to die.

"Go touch porcelain!"

"At least we can give our mother a little money.

"You tmd are directly electrocuted now, you have nothing, and you want me to collect your corpse. 99

"md, if you really die, you will kill me!"

Listening to Leisha's scolding, the doctor was shocked, Lei Sheng was shocked, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked:

"This is a sand sculpture from there!"

"It's a shame I just planned to comfort her." 5

"It turns out that the clown is actually us!

"Sure enough, this kind of person has no conscience and cannot be sympathetic to."

At this time, Ding Lan asked suspiciously:

"Master Lin, why did Leisha tell us she died of illness even though she was electrocuted?

"What's the benefit of lying to us like this?

Ye Xuan said slowly: “Because of shame. 55

“She felt ashamed of her husband being electrocuted.99

"So the situation was concealed."

"And it is easier to gain your sympathy by saying so. 55

After listening to Ye Xuan's words, Lei Sheng was still stunned and opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.

Ding Lan, who was beside him, saw that he had been deceived by Leisha for so long, and said angrily:

"You've heard it all, you've read it, right?"


"You already know what kind of character your sister is.

"She has done so many bad things, do you still want to excuse her?"

"They have to go today."

"We can't keep this kind of rice worm in our house!

Ding Lan said with a look of anger, but her husband hesitated and wanted to explain for his sister:

"She didn't do anything wrong."

"If you drive away, you will be homeless, living on the streets, and it will be too miserable.

"She just went astray before, and it would be too serious to drive away.

"Actually, I will tell her about this later, and she can change it. 55

"No need to drive away."

Listening to her husband's words, Ding Lan almost fainted.

Taking a deep breath, he poked her husband in the head and shouted:

"Do you still have a brain?

"It doesn't do anything to hurt the world?

"Does it mean that it would be a disaster to destroy our family?"

Knowing that he was wrong, the husband said in a low voice, "Isn't it good that the family is not ruined now?"

"Forget it...forget it..."

"We are all forbearance, we are all family, we must be harmonious."

Ding Lan covered her ears and didn't listen: "I'll tell you today."

"If you want to endure it, you have to endure it, anyway, I can't bear it!

"No matter what today, your sister must leave for me! 35

"Otherwise we will divorce! 35

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