Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

492: It's too powerful, I'll be bald in a fight

492: It's too powerful, I'll be bald in a fight

"Fuck, it's dark!

"Fuck, you're all familiar! 39

"Why did my eyes get hurt twice in such a short period of time.

"It was actually electrocuted by stealing a cable."

"People are doing it, the sky is watching, it's really retribution."9

"Why do I feel like I smell meat.""

"Good guy, the heavy taste upstairs!"

Watching the man in the Red Dust Pearl being electrocuted to death, the audience in the live broadcast room was disgusted.

At the same time, Reza is still playing mahjong in the mahjong hall.

Suddenly, my heart was shocked, I was a little irritable, and I played a card at random.

Suddenly, the woman next to her took the card that Lesha had just played and slammed 02 on the table heavily.


"Touch! 99

"Win, win, give money, give money!

Seeing this, there was a murmur around him.

"Sasha, you still play this pie when you know she's going to screw up."5

"Yeah, originally I almost got tough because of you!

The winner also deliberately fanned the flames:

"Oh, it's not because of my good skills."

"Sasha, you said yes.

Reza shouted irritably: "Yes, yes, you are the best, you are the most powerful.

"do not bother me."

"I'm in a bad mood now, so I won't fight anymore."

Saying that, he took out a few dollars and threw it on the table, and got up.

The person behind him rolled his eyes and said disdainfully: "It's really not a brand. 35

"If you lose, you have to run. If you run so fast, the family is dead. You have to go home and go to the grave!

The word "death" touched Reza's nerves at once.

Turning around and staring fiercely at the speaker: "What are you talking about? 35

"You say it again? Who are you saying is dead!"

Not to be outdone, the man said, "I said that if you died, your whole family died! 99

"What's the matter, come and beat me if you don't agree!

Saying that, he pointed to his face.

Leisha was in a hurry: "F*ck, my mother will beat you to death today!"

Saying that, he rushed forward.

The opposite side seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and slightly turned sideways to avoid it.

Raisa fell directly to the ground.

The nose made a close contact with the ground.

Nosebleeds flowed instantly, and the ground was full of drops of nosebleeds.

The person next to him quickly discouraged:

"Sasha, are you alright?

"Don't fight, stop fighting."

"Yes, it's all from the neighborhood, if you have any questions, just say it, don't fight.

That being said, no one went up to pull the rack.

After all, like this group of middle-aged women, the favorite thing besides playing mahjong is to join in the fun.

The more beautiful and fierce the fight, the happier they will be, and they can't wait to fight until the ambulance comes.

How can it be stopped now.

Raisa wiped away the blood from her nose with her arm.

"You don't stop me. 99

"If I don't kill her today, I won't be named Lei!"

As he spoke, he shouted and rushed towards the opponent.

770 grabbed each other's hair and pulled hard:

"Mud horse, I told you to scold me, and dare to hide."

The other party screamed in pain, grabbed Leisha's face with one hand, and tugged at Leisha's hair with the other.

"I don't like you for a long time. I don't know how to scold you. I even beat you to death."

Hard on both sides.


Two pig-like screams sounded in the mahjong hall.


One was torn off a large piece of scalp, and several were bleeding.

Although the scalp was not ripped off, a few hairs were lost.

He became a bald man, and three bloodstains were scratched on his face.

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