Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

489: Fame and wealth are all clouds, as long as you are happy, that's enough

489: Fame and wealth are all clouds, as long as you are happy, that's enough


What hero?

I don't understand at all!

Reza was stunned, she didn't know what was going on.

Lei Sheng is still indignant:

"Brothers and sisters, this is the big hero of our family. 99

"These awards are all hers and my sister alone! 35

"Sister, brother is really proud of you!

"Where is the applause! 95

After speaking, Lei Sheng waved his hands, and there was a burst of applause.

"Sasha, great!"

"Sasha, we are all proud of you!"

"Miss Sha, I want to take a picture with you, go back and let my bastard grandson take a good look at it, what makes a good student!"

"I also want to take pictures, let my son study hard!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, all line up for 770, I want to take pictures too!

At this time, Reza had already seen the commendation on the table.

After the circle was over, there was unprecedented panic.

Because that box contains not only the commendation, but also the engraved fake stamp, which is at the bottom.

Now relatives and friends are all there, if it is found that these are fake.

It can be said that it was humiliating and lost to grandma's house.

Reza slapped herself hard in her heart.

Calm down, don't panic!

"These are trifles. 35

"It's nothing...․Hehe..․Hehe.

Resha concealed her embarrassment in a low voice, and suddenly clapped her head and said, "I suddenly remembered that I still have (acej) homework to write! 29

"Brother, give me the box and I'll go in first.""

Saying that, he stretched out his hand in Lei Sheng's direction.

Lei Sheng frowned, his expression displeased: "Sasha!

Reza was shocked, she won't be found out by surprise..

Afterwards, he pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Brother... listen to my explanation...'

"No need to explain!

"I know it all!

Leisha wanted to cry without tears: "What do you know..."

Lei Sheng looked at Leisha, who was covered in a circle, sighed, and shook his head:

"My sister is so sensible.

"Knowing that low-key is the main thing, if I don't find out today, are you going to give us these commendations for the rest of your life!"

"Even now, you know that learning is the priority.

"I am really lucky to have such a sensible and obedient sister as you."

"Sister, let my brother help you today!

"Now, let's invite my sister to come over and give a speech.



Has your head entered the Xiangjia water???

Reza used a lot of self-control to avoid kicking her brother hard in the face.

The relatives in front of them have spontaneously vacated a way.

Reza bit her head and walked slowly to the middle.

My brother was still beside me and kept urging in a low voice.


Reza smiled awkwardly:

"These are very small things around.

"Just absolutely I have the ability to do it, the ability to help other people.

"I went to help and never thought about the consequences.

"I didn't expect to be honored either.""

"These things are floating clouds.""

"People are alive, happy, and the most important thing is to be happy. I will be happy when I do good deeds. 95

"As long as I'm happy, that's enough."


Reza said, and put all the commendations on the table.

"These are all clouds.

"For me, it's not an award, it's a burden. 95

"Because it will make others think that I am doing these things for the sake of praise.

"I'm going to throw them all away now!"

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