Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

486: Have you ever seen the sun at 2 in the morning?

486: Have you ever seen the sun at two in the morning?


"what's the situation?

"Did you carve a chapter yourself and make a certificate yourself?

"I don't know how to criticize so badly, so these awards are all made by yourself?

"I laughed so hard, the fake certificate is still like a treasure, and it has been treasured for so many years."

Look at the guesses of the audience in the live room.

Ye Xuan shook his head:

"You all guessed wrong. It takes several chapters for the "770" side on a certificate."

"Resa doesn't have that great ability to carve it all down yet.

"Not to mention the engraving of the school seal, if it is discovered, it will be persuaded to be dismissed.

"Raisa is even less likely to take that risk.

Upon hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room had doubts:

"What's the reason for that?"

"Master Ye, hurry up and say it, don't give a shit!"

"Master Ye started to sell off again, pulled it out and chopped it up!"

"Master Ye, if you sell me again, you will lose me. 35

Watching the audience keep urging.

Ye Xuan is no nonsense either.

Reached out and stroked the red dust beads.

next moment.

A screen appeared in the red dust beads.

On screen:

Leisha, who was still in her third year of junior high, was smoking a cigarette on the side of the road with a group of gangsters.

Leisha took a deep breath with the cigarette holder in her mouth, and the look of puffing up the clouds attracted frequent glances from passers-by.

He whispered softly:

"If you don't study well, you will smoke at a young age.

"Students now... tsk tsk tsk.""

"If my daughter were here, I would have killed her with a stick."5

Hearing these discussions, Reza frowned.

He stared fiercely at the passers-by.

"Shut up."

"Do I know you guys? It's really easy to manage one day."

"My parents, my brother don't care about me, want you to care here?"


"md, the good mood of the old lady has been screwed up by you."

"Not leaving yet? Look!"

After scolding a few times, those passersby not only refused to leave, but also attracted other people to join in the fun.

Reza's anger suddenly rose.

Pick up the stone on the ground and smash it at passers-by:

"I show you, I show you!"

"I'm watching my mother goug out your eyes."

"Don't hurry up and get out!"

The passers-by who were smashed could only walk away angrily.

Reza spit TUI on the ground.

The younger brother next to him saw this, the eldest with his mouth open:

"Sister Salsa is a bullshit! 35

"Sister Sasha is amazing!"

"Hahaha, those people deserve it, who let them mess with Sister Sasha!"

"When will I be able to take it like Sister Sasha 0.."

Finally, the thin little brother said with a sigh.

Reza glanced sideways, pointed to the sun above her head and said:

"You only come to why can't you be like me? Years



"Please, Sister Sasha, tell us why?

The little brother beside me kept asking.

Reza sneered and said, "That's because you haven't worked hard enough. 99

"Have you ever seen the sun at two in the morning?

The younger brothers shook their heads: "No..."

Leisha patted a little brother next to her on the shoulder: "Work hard. 35

"Sooner or later, your 4.9 will be the same as me.

At this time, a younger brother exclaimed: "I see, Sister Sasha is going to tell us at this time.

"As long as you work hard, as long as you don't sleep, as long as you see the sun at two o'clock in the morning. 99

"We can talk like her.

All the younger brothers nodded suddenly: "So it is. 35

"Sister Sasha, we have realized it!"

Reza nodded in relief: "I'm really relieved that you are so smart."

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