Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

484: This sister cured my low blood pressure for many years

484: This sister cured my low blood pressure for many years

The screen turns.

It's Lei Baozi's birthday.

Ding Lan prepared a table of meals early.

There is also a large piece of birthday cake, just waiting for Lei Baozi to come back.

Leisha sat in the corner, watching Ding Lan busy, she whispered in her mouth:

"It's not just a birthday, what the hell is it? It's so grand. 35

"Those who didn't know thought it was a birthday for your son.



"The food is so disgusting and it comes out groaning. 35

Saying that, he retched on purpose.

The sound is not small, especially in the quiet living room.

Ding Lan was so busy that he didn't have time to pay attention to Leisha's deliberate molesting.


Raisa stood up, twisted her waist and walked towards the kitchen.

770 "Whoops, sister-in-law. 35

"So busy.

"My brother really doesn't feel bad for you."

"I don't even know how to call the cook in the store to help you."

"Looking back and talking about him, I really don't know how to feel distressed.""

Listening to Leisha's yin and yang's strange words, Ding Lan sneered:

"Not busy, much better than you."

"At least when I made it, some people ate it, and some people praised it.

"But no one eats what you make.""

"Tsk tsk...poor.

The meaning of the words is obvious, that is to say that Reza is a widow, alone, and no one eats when she cooks.

Hearing this, Reza's face turned blue and red.

Eyes turn.

Suddenly shaking hands, pointing towards the dining table in the living room, he screamed in fear: "Ah!

"Look, what is that! There seems to be something there!

Ding Lan stretched out his head in confusion: "What, I didn't see anything! 35

"Oh, right there, cockroach!"

"Ah, so disgusting, I saw it climb up"

"It's in the meal!

Shouting anxiously, Teng Teng Teng took a few steps to the side of the dining table.

Just pick up a bowl of vegetables and pour it on the ground.

With a disgusted expression, he pointed to the food on the ground: "The cockroach just crawled in"


"There's more here!

Saying that, despite Ding Lan's obstruction, he poured another bowl of vegetables onto the ground.

"And here! 99

Reza kept shouting, and after a while, there was a mess on the table and the ground, all of which were steaming meals.

In the middle, she deliberately stirred the dish back and forth with her shoes.

Ding Lan's hard work all day was gone.

Looking at the mess on the ground, she squatted on the ground and clutched her heart aching.

At this time, Reza shouted excitedly:

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I know where the cockroaches are.

"It turned out that the black wool on my scarf fell off."

"I'm really sorry, I've been seen as a cockroach and scattered all your dishes."

"You don't blame me, do you. 35

Ding Lan raised his head and stared fiercely at Leisha:


Reza touched her chest and pretended to be frightened:

"Sister-in-law, I'm helping you too. 35

"Girls are born to be afraid of cockroaches, and I can't control it.

"If you really blame me, it's your fault."

"Don't talk, I'm tired, what's the matter, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

After saying that, with a sneer, he twisted his waist and returned to his room.

After entering, he stuck his head out.

"Sister-in-law, I see that you are too busy today.

"I'll water your flowers while you're not paying attention."

"But... I seemed to be drinking milk tea at the time."

"Then I just watered your flowers with milk tea."

"It's all water anyway, and it's not all the same when you pour it."

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