Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

479: Turn your elbows out, your son doesn't help

479: Turn your elbows out, your son doesn't help

The woman took a few deep breaths before she slowed down and said with a bitter face:

"My name is Ding Lan, and my husband's name is Lei Sheng. We have a son named Lei Baozi. 99

"Our family owns a restaurant, although it is not very rich.

"But the family is happy together."

"But, just a year ago."

"An uninvited guest suddenly shattered the happy life of our family.

"that is......…

Halfway through Ding Lan's words, she heard quarrels coming from downstairs.

You don't need to look to know that Lei Sheng's father and son are arguing. Before this situation, we could not see it a few times a year.

As a result, after the uninvited guest came, this kind of quarrel has become commonplace.

At first I didn't want to pay attention to it, but the quarrel not only did not weaken, but instead became louder.

There was also the sound of things falling to the ground and shattering.

"Master Ye...this..."

Ding Lan's expression was a little embarrassed.

Ye Xuan waved his hand: "Go and see first, don't wait for your husband to tear down your house."

"Uh...Thank you, Master Ye. 35

Ding Lan smiled awkwardly, turned around and walked downstairs with a dark face.

During the process, he also held (acej) his mobile phone and did not turn off the live broadcast.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the situation downstairs clearly.

I saw a middle-aged man in his forties slammed the vase in his hand to the ground.

The little Pangdun next to him was so frightened that he clenched his fists, lowered his head, and said nothing.

The man said angrily: "You have grown up, dare to throw things?"

"You throw me again! Come again, don't throw it on the ground this time, throw it directly on my head!"

The man was Ding Lan's husband, Lei Sheng, and Xiao Pangdun was their son, Lei Baozi.

I saw Lei Baozi's face wrinkled like a pinched bun.

He said slowly: "It's not because you lent my car to my cousin.

"That's my new car, I haven't driven it yet!"

"The last time I came back, the car was slashed several times, and it was driven several times in violation of regulations.""

"I went to touch up the paint and spent more than 6,000 yuan. Just after I repaired it, I got it back, and you lent it again.

"I said I don't want to borrow...

In his father's angry eyes, Lei Baozi's voice became lower and lower.

It's like a fly chirping at the end.

Lei Sheng's chest rose and fell violently, and he was panting heavily.

Pointing at Lei Baozi, he said, "That's how I taught you?

"You don't even want to borrow a car?"

"Do you feel bad for your six thousand dollars? I'll just give it to you."

"I told you earlier that your cousin lost his father, it's very pitiful."

"Leave him a little bit about anything, you are turning my ears on a deaf ear now, aren't you!

As soon as the words fell, the audience in the live broadcast room stopped in Bengbu and began to complain:


"Is this something that worries about money?"

"The key is not to cherish it. If you are careful, will it rub against you? Will it be illegal?"

"If my car is lent to someone else and it gets rubbed when I return it, don't ask me to lend him a second time.

"What's the origin of this cousin, is he kind to your family?

"Yes, my son doesn't help, and keeps favoring my cousin."

After the anger, the audience in the live broadcast room began to wonder what happened to this cousin.


Ding Lan sighed: "He is the son of my husband and sister."

"The uninvited guest I'm talking about is my husband's sister, Reza."

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