Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

477: Retribution, it will always come at the right time

477: Retribution, it will always come at the right time

The water friends can see clearly.

Parents have never had serious jobs.

My father is like a moth, always asking for it from my grandparents.

The mother, on the other hand, depends on the man to eat.

The two of them talked about raising Lin Feng so big.

In fact, they created Lin Feng and gave birth to him.

He never fulfilled his duty as a parent for a day.

It is filial piety and virtue to care for the parents.

But neither of his parents raised Lin Feng.

Why let Lin Feng go back and support them?

02 So for parents.

None of the water friends thought it was right.

But at the same time, they didn't want to see Lin Feng's accident.

They all persuaded: "Xiaofeng! Parents don't have to choose, but you can choose the path you want to take in the future!

"Yeah, Lin Feng, if you jump like this, those two won't be sad, but they will regret that they can't make money from you."

"Little brother, listen to me, don't jump. When you become a big boss in the future, come back to them and see what they will be like at that time!

The water friends dissuaded Lin Feng one after another.

But Ye Xuan opened his mouth and said, "Everything you want to say should be finished, right?"

"I only tell you one sentence, those who gain the Tao will help more, and those who lose the Tao will have little help."

"You should understand what this means?"5

"If not for the help of neighbours and schools.

"Your grandfather may have passed away long ago."

"This... is your credit!"

"Again, people are doing it, and God is watching.

"Those who do a lot of injustice are bound to be attacked."

"After hearing this, do you still think that jumping is the only option now?"

"Or, are you still confused?"

Lin Feng pondered for a long time.

When you look up again.

There seemed to be some light in his eyes.

He heard him say: "Master Ye, thank you.

"The reason why you asked me to say it was not because of any regret, was it?

"It's because I have held back these words for too long."

"After you say it, you can feel relaxed and free yourself."5


Ye Xuan didn't respond, just smiled faintly.

Lin Feng didn't ask any further questions, but let out a long breath.

He said slowly: "Thank you for your concern.

"I decided, I'm going to college to report.

"And from there, start my new life!"

The water friends were finally relieved.

They feel.

Lin Feng should think so.

But at the same time.

Parents are also very satisfied.

Because for them.

As long as Lin Feng is alive, they can continue to demand.

But at this moment, a drizzle started to fall in the sky.

After only a few dozen seconds, the rain suddenly became heavier.

The parents immediately said, "Xiaofeng, have you had enough trouble?"

"Since the trouble is enough, hurry back with us, the rain is getting heavier and heavier!

Hear your parents' voices.

The water friends can't wait to give them two slaps.

Although Lin Feng is not ready to commit suicide, he also has a new goal.

But these two vampires, it is estimated that they will become his troubles.

But at this time.

A flash of thunder flashed, instantly brightening the world.

The sight has just recovered.

Everyone saw the sparks from the high-voltage cables on the parents' heads.

770 next second.

in their terrified eyes.

The severed cable fell directly on the father's body.

In just an instant, the father rolled his eyes and fell to the ground twitching.

And my mother may know the power of high-voltage electricity.

Getting ready to leave.

But the cable slipped into the puddle.

Elementary school students all know that water conducts electricity.

Mother just started.

Suddenly there was a twitch, and then he fell straight to the ground.

This ending was unexpected.

Lin Feng stood on the rooftop, staring blankly at his parents' corpses.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye.

No one can tell.

Whether he was sad or sad, or because he was completely relieved.

Only Ye Xuan muttered to himself: "Retribution, it will always come at the right time..."

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