Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

475: Breaking your son's ribs, you are so good natured

475: Breaking your son's ribs, you are so good-natured

"So much has been said anyway. 35

Directly motivated the red dust beads.

Lin Feng said, "My grandma was not in good health."

Brothers and sisters may fight over their parents' property.

But now, the two of them are on the same stance.

I know that the two of them have no conscience.

"If you don't want to die, just give me the account book.

Grandpa hasn't died yet, and they seem to be impatient.

Speaking of which.

His parents stood in front of him and looked at him condescendingly with cold eyes.

Didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Am I wrong to think about the aftermath?

He had been holding back for too long, and it was not bad to be able to vent when he was about to die.

He really wanted to make everything public.

"Then... why did you finally sell the house and split the money equally?

Parents are still lying.

The father immediately interrupted: "You stop farting there!

"Have you thought that doing this will make Lin Feng homeless?"

He even retorted: "No!

But it can let him leave this world without regret.

As soon as this word comes out.

But this only lasted for a few minutes.

Ye Xuan smiled.

Ye Xuan didn't say anything this time.

Ye Xuan said to Lin Feng, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

In Lin Feng's life from childhood to adulthood.

He looked at his parents.

See the two do not speak.

Facing Ye Xuan, she said directly: "I've had enough of you."

"It's even more of a fight for this! 99

"Instead, I started to discuss how the house will be divided after my grandfather's death!

Not to mention that they are such a good-looking couple.

"It was the doctor who said that your grandfather is more fortunate than good."5

They have no self-esteem as adults at all.

"This house belongs to Grandpa, Grandpa is still alive, you can't sell the house!" Fan.

The scary thing is that something that has been longed for for a long time, just obtained but lost like a mirror.

The sailors were all stunned.

There was blood on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, but he was holding the household registration book tightly in his arms.

"Not only did I not think about how to cure my grandfather. 35"

He said, "Of course I know you have a bad temper.

"This house belongs to your grandparents, your mother is a foreigner who wants to rob it, should I let her come around?

But Lin Feng had no intention of letting go.

Lin Feng did not speak.

But the water friends didn't think so.

0.. ask for flowers.........

"It's better to take the opportunity to say it all."

The facts are clear.

"You are very involved in our family affairs. Do you really think we have such a good temper?"

"And the one who breaks his own son's rib alive?35

Although this does not change the grievances and injuries he once suffered.

in the screen.

Listen to Lin Feng say this.

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! 99


Although the mother was angry that the father said that just now.

Ye Xuan opened his mouth and said, "According to what you mean, you actually want a house, right? 35

Lin Feng nodded.

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to exchange the house for money."

Let everyone see how ugly their parents are.

"I left because the rescue of a sudden myocardial infarction was ineffective."

Just experienced what a parent should be like once.

With vicious eyes, he said, "But they!"

The water friends are too lazy to scold these two shameless people.


"My grandfather was hit hard, overthinking, he was also admitted to the hospital, unconscious.

In the eyes of water friends, it is not terrible to have never been there.

This is the most distressing.

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