Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

460: In 10 months of pregnancy, what is born is a tool to vent anger

460: In ten months of pregnancy, what is born is a tool to vent anger

No one cares what the parents are fighting over.

But I saw my mother calling Lin Feng over.

The hearts of the water friends suddenly twitched.

Because the mother's expression at the moment is very ferocious.

In addition, because I just moved my hands, my hair is messy now.

There was blood on his face.

Don't say it's a child.

Even an adult will inevitably feel a little scared after seeing it.

And Lin Feng in the picture.

At first it was obvious that he wanted to go to his mother's side.

But after seeing her mother's appearance, she shrank back in fear - back into the closet.

But next second.

The furious mother stood up.

Involuntarily, he opened the door to the closet.

He grabbed Lin Feng's ear directly, and dragged him out abruptly.

Lin Feng asked for mercy.

The milky voice shouted "Mom don't hit me", "I'm sorry mom" and so on.

This scene made many water friends in the live broadcast room unable to sit still.

Especially those who are parents.

Seeing Lin Feng being treated like this.

All clenched their fists, wishing to rush into the screen to rescue him now.

But these are just the beginning.

The mother threw Lin Feng directly to the ground.

Then he ordered: "Kneel down for me!"9

Lin Feng did not dare to disobey.

Even if the ear hurts badly, I don't dare to rub it.

Hastily knelt on the ground.

It is only natural for a son to bow down to his parents.

But now this scene, no matter how you look at it, makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

If you just kneel, that's all.

Mother looked around.

He even took out a feather duster from the bed.

Then he beat Lin Feng on the body involuntarily.

He also cursed: "Dare to beat me, do you really think that the old lady is so easy to bully?"5

"Mother kills you!

The feather duster fell on Lin Feng's body with the sound of the wind.

Every time it hits a bloodstain.

And from the mother's words, everyone heard it.

Although she beat Lin Feng, it was her father who was scolding her.

Her behavior is simply venting her anger!

Lin Feng was so young, how could he endure such pain.

But as long as you dodge, the mother's beating is even more fierce.

Even kicked directly with the foot.

At first, Lin Feng still had the strength to beg for mercy.

Shouting things like "Mom, I hurt so much".

But it didn't take long for him to make a sound.


He can only hold his head and let the raging storms rage.

Mother is tired.

Sitting on the edge of the bed gasping for breath.

But his eyes didn't even look at Lin Feng.

Who would believe that this is the child she gave birth to in October of her pregnancy.

Anyone who comes here will probably think that this is a vicious stepmother.

Most hateful.

Not only did the mother not take a look at Lin Feng's injury.

Instead, she put on makeup on her own.

Then he swaggered down from Lin Feng's body.

Poor Lin Feng until he heard the door closing.

Then he sat up slowly.

The water friends thought that he would cry and continue to hide alive.

But the unexpected is.

This is not even a child of elementary school age.

However, he silently brought the broom and began to clean up the room where his parents fought and messed up.

for a while.

The behavior of this child brought tears to the eyes of all 2 million water friends in the live broadcast room.

Just how strong he is to endure the pain and do these things.

And what made the water friends cry the most was.

When Lin Feng picked up the feather duster.

He said softly: "Grandpa and grandma must clean up before they come back."

"Otherwise they should be worried again..." Fan,

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