445: Everything is just a conspiracy

I heard Zhang Jiajun say so.

The younger brother immediately asked: "Brother Jun, did you take all the money from Sister Tu Tu?

"Then she won't think of a way to get it back, will she?

Zhang Jiajun grinned.

Directly: "Get it back?"

"Then she must be dreaming.

"Including my money, all I put in one of my foreign accounts. 99

"Except for myself and my other personal phone.

"This money will never be moved by a second person!"

"Fight me, she's still too tender!"

Hear this.

The younger brother was amazed.

"It's not a loss for my handsome brother, he is thinking about comprehensiveness."

Zhang Jiajun showed a smile.

He patted his little brother on the shoulder.

He opened his mouth and said, "You kid and I are fellow villagers, so I can tell you this with confidence.

"But these words are limited to what you know.

"Don't worry, follow me in the future and keep your food and drink spicy! 99

"Look back and find a good girl, and I'll give you the dowry!"

The younger brother was not impressed.

He hurriedly said: "Thank you, Brother Jun, I will definitely follow your lead in the future! 35

see here.

The water friends all feel a little strange.

Didn't you say Zhang Jiajun died?

But now he is alive and well.

Even the younger brother who drives is so loyal to him.

Is it possible that there are other unknown means of smearing?

Thinking of this.

The picture also changed suddenly.

The sky was overcast.

The younger brother parked the car on the side of the road.

He opened his mouth and said, "Brother Jun, I'll go and make it easier, wait for me!

Zhang Jiajun has been resting with his eyes closed.

Hear what my brother said.

Just snorted softly.

But in the next second.

Zhang Jiajun suddenly opened his eyes.

Turning his head in disbelief, he looked at the grim-faced little brother next to him.


The younger brother held a needle in his hand.

It was directly tied to Zhang Jiajun's neck.

Zhang Jiajun also responded quickly.

He kicked the younger brother away, pushed open the car door and ran down.

But the strong drug effect came on too quickly.

Before he could run a few steps, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

The vision in front of him became more and more blurred.

Even if he bit his lip and tried to stay awake with pain, it was of no use.

The younger brother walked over from behind in a leisurely manner.

And crouched down beside Zhang Jiajun.

With great interest, he said, "Brother Jun, what are you running for? 35

0.. ask for flowers ·

"You should be more familiar with this medicine than I am, do you think you can still get away with it?

Zhang Jiajun couldn't hold it anymore.

fell directly to the ground.

Then looked at the younger brother with doubtful eyes, and asked weakly: "Why...why?

The younger brother grinned.

He said, "I've been with you for so long."

"To be honest, you're nice to the brothers. 99

"But, no matter how nice you are to me, can you be more kissable than money? 35

"Sister Tu Tu said that as long as I can know where your money is, you will give me half of it. 55

"Now that you got her money, I wonder if she will give me more?

Zhang Jiajun understood.

Some are just conspiracies.

And these conspiracies are not a day or two.

These little brothers were all found by him.

It stands to reason that the relationship with him is definitely better.

But do not know when.

Tu Tu even bought all these little brothers in private.

Even if I didn't say those words to Tu Tu today.

This woman will definitely find an opportunity to do it.

For Tu Tu, he has never played an important role.

All she cares about is the money that she has shared over the years! Fan.

Bureau g

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