Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

438: Even if the villagers are cheated of their m1y, is there still humanity?

438: Even if the villagers are cheated of their money, is there still humanity?

After all, they also have some income because of the vegetable growing greenhouses.

Ye Xuan didn't want to waste time.

Basically, the water friends have determined that she has a problem.

This Tu Tu and Zhang Jiajun are simply eating money at both ends.

"The houses that are available will be bigger."

But Tutu even deceived the villagers' hard-working savings.

"Simply put, the more money you give now, the higher your income will be in the future.

"`" But as I recall, there doesn't seem to be any extra house in the resort's plan, right? 35'

"Although there is compensation, there will always be a day when it will be spent."

"But then people will be displaced."

This made the villagers yearn for it.

With the lead, others will not be left behind.

And it also emphasized that in the future, every family can live in a small house.

It was announced that some real estate developers are preparing to develop a resort in the village.

Tu Tu gave Zhang Jiajun a look.

"This development is actually not free. 35

see here.

She also kept saying that everything was caused by Zhang Jiajun.

The villagers doubted him.

"Everything is for entertaining guests."

"These people, all of them look yellow and skinny. I didn't expect that their family is not small.""

They are pragmatic and understand better than anyone else that there is never a free lunch in this world.

Zhang Jiajun said to Tu Tu: "Not only did I get back all the money that the vegetable greenhouse gave them before."9

"Who promised them a house? Is there a contract? Is there a receipt?

They emptied their homes one after another in order to get a bigger and better house.

The latter immediately said: "You may not understand what it means to be a shareholder.

And called all the villagers together.

"As long as the price is low. 35

But what they saw was always smeared to tell right and wrong!

While removing makeup, Tu Tu said indifferently: "Anyway, the money is in hand, so why bother with so much? 35

They are used to the hard life, why don't they want to improve the quality of life?

"Originally, the real estate developer's idea was to buy this place directly. 99

"Did you tell them that (Zhao Li Zhao) doesn't need very good materials.

"That's why I tried every means to get the real estate developer to agree to let everyone join the construction of the resort by way of shareholding. 35

So all are very active asking, how much money is needed.

"Although there will be some investment in the early stage, as long as the resort is built, if you do a little business at that time, you will definitely be able to earn it back."5

The water friends finally understood.

The money that Mr. Zhang took advantage of is not to be mentioned.

Tu Tu is passionately building a blueprint for the future.

in the screen at the moment.

If you want to live in a small house with blue bricks and white tiles without spending a penny, how is it possible?

"Also made a lot of extra money.""

Tu Tu was speechless.

"So it all depends on how people choose.

"There's nothing, they can make trouble."

After the villagers left one after another.

Tu Tu and Zhang Jiajun have returned to the village.

But just when the villagers were discussing the matter happily.

Tu Tu opened his mouth and said, "I don't hide it from everyone."

Continue to urge the red dust beads.

Soon someone stood up and said that he would use all his savings to buy shares.

"By the way, how's the construction team you contacted before?"

The villagers felt that Tu Tu's words were very reasonable.

Now take it out, and the right should be an investment.

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