Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

421: Contrast before and after, the benefits of Blacken

421: Contrast before and after, the benefits of Blacken

Hear what Tu Tu said.

The local tyrant grinned.

This makes the water friends feel very incomprehensible.

At the same time, he took out his cell phone from his pocket.

Tu Tu also smiled.

"He thought you were always under his control.35

This time, it was obviously in the luxury box of KTV.

I saw Tu Tu showing a playful smile.

Even the water friends in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

"As long as you speak, let alone two million, any more. 35

"He taught me the importance of money."

Not only the local tyrants were stunned.

The local tyrants let go of some of their guards.

The local tyrant cursed Zhang Jiajun in his heart.

There are already water friends who can't help but ask: "Tu Tu, what do you mean? Since you know that the wine is not clean, why do you still drink it?

But she didn't say anything, let alone question.

Then he said: "Brother, don't worry.

His expression was like that of a hungry wolf seeing fresh meat.

Even when I see these.

The local tyrant was startled and quickly stopped his actions.

She still drank the glass of wine without hesitation.

But now.

His expression became extremely embarrassed.

"What you want, I will give you obediently.

He has been playing outside for so many years, and as he said, he has never seen any kind of battle.

Just listen to Tu Tu say: "Brother, he is him, I am me."

"Don't worry, I don't have any other purpose, I just want money. 99

"I'm really wondering now what will happen to you and that bastard surnamed Zhang. 35

Then shook his head.

There was a dazzling light in the eyes.

"As long as you give me enough money, don't you listen to everything?"

He heard him say, "Interesting.

Just laugh very cunningly.

He opened his mouth and said, "It can't be regarded as seeing through it long ago."

Tu Tu was lying on the bed, and Zhang Jiajun had already left the room.

But just when he was about to do something wrong.

There was a hint of loss in Tu Tu's eyes.

"But now that I know it, why not think about it for myself?"

"That... Tu Tu, I...

But after coming out of the toilet.

But don't wait for him to call the contact.

"The transaction between you has nothing to do with me."

No matter her demeanor or tone.

Tu Tu knew about Zhang Jiajun's conspiracy.

Tu Tu said nothing.

"Now I have sold my innocence to you.

"Could it be that you were hurt by love, so you deliberately destroyed yourself in this way?"

"Knowing that is actually enough.

I saw Tu Tu sitting up.

The local tyrant looked greedily at this perfect body.

"I'm not the kind of greedy woman, I know how much I have. 35

I also saw with my own eyes how these two people hooked each other's shoulders and were embarrassed.

Instead, he said with a cold face: "I know a little about you. 35

"I have money to have a better material life.

"It's obviously that Zhang Jiajun bastard, what are you doing to embarrass yourself?"

The picture changed this time, and he came to the hotel room.

You have spent one million on your own, and will you spend another two million on co-authoring?

The local tyrant looked at her suspiciously.

Take yourself for granted.

Tu Tu got up and went to the toilet.

"After all, it's me who suffers!

In the face of the incomprehension of the water friends.

It just depends on whether he wants to spend it or not.

"But over the years, he has made a lot of money on me. 35

Knowing that he has been using himself all the time.

"Two million? No problem.""

The screen continues.

Is this still the pure and kind Tu Tu?

This is even more confusing for the water friends.

She witnessed with her own eyes how Zhang Jiajun merged the "Qi40" powder into the wine.

About to speak.

Tu Tu suddenly opened his eyes.

He has already been betrayed, why does Tu Tu still do this?

Can't feel any pure breath.

"Brother, what are you talking about?

In their minds, Tu Tu is still a spotless piece of white paper.

More sure it was a conspiracy.

The screen turns.

Instead, pretend that nothing happened.

Tu Tu stretched out two fingers.

"As long as you are obedient, you can say anything!""

"So I want you to pay him twice as much now, do you think it's a loss?"5

In fact, it was also because Ye Xuan didn't give her a chance to speak.

"It looks like that bastard Zhang Jiajun underestimated you."

To him, a few million is nothing.

"I don't care about any negotiations between you."

But he looked at Zhang Jiajun and the local tyrants through the gap in the door.

He didn't hate the contrast between before and after painting.

"Unexpectedly, you have already seen through it.

"But at the end of the day, I see now that he was using me all the time."

Still say it.

But in the picture, she came to the toilet.

"to be honest.

Just sat up.

"In the end, you're just playing around."

And no longer use the hypocritical face before.

"But before that, I have to cool down.

His first reaction was to be fooled.

Just a few minutes ago.

"It's gave it to Zhang Jiajun, I want double!"

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