Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

419: It's just a tool to make m1y from beginning to end

419: It's just a tool to make money from beginning to end

But when the door is closed.

And Zhang Jiajun not only did not have any accidents.

The more Tu Tu cried, the more sad he became.

Zhang Jiajun put Tu Tu on the bed.

"What do you mean.""

Ye Xuan suddenly said indifferently: "Is it necessary to be so deliberate?35

His smile faded instantly.

Tu Tu was already in tears.

The footsteps of the local tyrant suddenly became wobbly.


And it was sold for a million dollars.

He looked at Ye Xuan in confusion.

A full one million!

In an instant, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was a little frozen.

Tu Tu even cried.

Seeing this, the water friends have determined what the deal between Zhang Jiajun and local tyrants is.

It really made the water friends feel like a knife.

The water friends hurriedly said: "Tu Tu, there's no need to cry because of such a bastard, it's not worth it!"

Even if it is replaced by anyone standing at Tu Tu's angle.

Seeing this expression of the local tyrant, the hearts of the water friends are already hanging in their throats.

When Tu Tu came to a big city alone, he was helpless and fell into danger.

He bowed and walked out of the room.

Instead, he was confused.

"Hey, poor woman, how did you meet such an inhuman bastard."5

Where can the local tyrants drink too much?

Since she just connected with Ye Xuan.

I'm afraid I won't believe that the real purpose of this man is hidden so deeply.

"What did you say before that I was his priceless treasure, and what will protect me for the rest of my life. 35

"I don't even know what you mean by that!"

The screen is over.

"Did he just helplessly push me into the fire pit?"

The water friends who were typing and trying to comfort Tutu were all sluggish.

But that's just hating iron.

A simple sentence.

Even more concerned, he said, "Big brother, are you drinking too much?"

This bastard, from the beginning to the end, never had any love for Tu Tu.

"Shall I take you up?"

But Tu Tu also drank a lot of wine, but not only did not see it.

When I took it out, it turned out to be a receipt notice.

"The rest of the time is mine. You can get out."

Suddenly feel a little dizzy.

The water friends can't wait to tear Zhang Jiajun into ten thousand pieces.

The water friends have both sympathy and pity for Tu Tu.

"It's all a lie to me?"

"If I met Tu Tu, I would be afraid to hold it in my hands.

Instead, they looked at the local tyrant, and both of them showed a strange smile.


Although her maintenance of Zhang Jiajun also made the water friends a little angry.

And this feeling is very abrupt.

Even because of too much sadness, there are some situations where they are about to faint.

Instead, he began to comfort the poor woman.

Tu Tu seems to be regarded as a commodity.

"Am I only worth a million in his mind? 35

It made her step more staggered.

In Zhang Jiajun, who seems to be a cold-blooded animal, there is no sign of it at all.

Then he turned to the local tyrant and said, "Boss, people are already here."

Stumblingly asked: "Ye... Master Ye. 35

"Forget it, the money is there anyway.

The local tyrant did not refuse this time.

"It should be a while, I'll find a girl to vent my anger.

But anyone who shows this face.

It was undoubtedly like a ray of light in the darkness.

The water friends stopped verbally criticizing Zhang Jiajun.

"That's right, he doesn't have anything to do with you anymore anyway, the past is gone, look it up.

There are even some people who directly help: "Yes, Master Ye. 39

"How many women can one million find, I really have a problem with my brain.

His acting is a bit clumsy.

into the hotel room.

They stayed in Ye Xuan's live room for so long.

It made the water friends have infinite sympathy.

When Tu Tu and Zhang Jiajun sent the local tyrants to the door of the hotel.

Zhang Jiajun was not angry either, but instead looked flattered.

And tremblingly said: "How can..."

Looking at her sleeping face, her face was full of joy that the conspiracy had succeeded.

What a prodigal son, what a heart of sympathy, what a love for a long time.

I can tell.

I've seen too many expressions like this.

Tutu pear blossoms look like rain.

As for what will happen to her.

Zhang Jiajun's phone vibrated.

In his eyes, in addition to money, can no longer hold anything else!

Instead, he said to Zhang Jiajun coldly: "Okay, everything you should do is done. 35

"Why did Jiajun do this to me.

Otherwise, 740 is Zhang Jiajun's eyes and hands, and he has to fall to the ground.

Just took out the phone and pressed it a few times.

Just two black eyes, the whole person fell backwards lightly.

as predicted.

They can also understand.

But at this time.

You can imagine it with your toes.

going through everything she's been through.

None of them would be any good.

After the local tyrants transferred the account, the approachability they used to be completely lost.

Glancing at the phone, he murmured, "What a big idiot."

The appearance of Zhang Jiajun is very important to her.

See how it looks like painted.

Don't wait to speak.

But when Tu Tu looked at Zhang Jiajun.

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