Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

313: It's not a good thing to see old age at 3 years old

313: It's not a good thing to see old age at three years old

Ye Xuan's voice fell.

Immediately activated the red dust beads.

It is clear.

Ye Xuan's popularity is even more terrifying among this group of students.

So after hearing his name.

The students also took care of the school rules that had to allow electronic products.

They took out their mobile phones and entered the live broadcast room to watch.

People who don't bring their mobile phones will immediately get next to others, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

And Li Qing, who was robbed of his mobile phone.

Had to watch it with the head teacher.

The screen flashed.

A little boy appeared in everyone's sight.

It's clearly what the little bastard looked like when he was a kid.

At this moment, the little gangster is with a few friends.

"Look at my diamond card, is it amazing?"

"Che, what are you, I still have a supreme card. 99

"I also have the Supreme Card.

"It's like no one is there.

Seeing that everyone else has a very colorful Supreme Card 02.

The gangster holding the diamond card obviously feels isolated.

So he immediately said: "You wait, isn't it the Supreme Card, I'll buy it right away! 35

In order not to lose face, the gangster turned around and ran.

After returning home, he found his mother who was playing cards.

He opened his mouth and said, "Mom, can you give me some pocket money, I want to buy a few packs of cards. 35

"Five Pies!

The mother threw a card.

Impatiently: "I want money again, what's the fun of those broken cards."

"Go, go, have no money, and have fun.""

The little bastard touched his nose.

If you go back now, you will definitely be laughed at.

After hesitating for a while, I ran to my grandma's house not far away.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw my grandmother counting money.

Those big bills made his eyes a little straight.

And saw the grandson come.

Grandma was obviously very happy.

Immediately put the money under the pillow, and said with a smile, "Big Bo'er is here, have you eaten yet?"

The little bastard came back to his senses and immediately said: "Grandma, my mother is playing cards, so let me come here for dinner."

The grandmother sighed when she heard the words, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law, but she was helpless.

After patting the little bastard's head, he said: "Okay, grandma will go and cook something delicious for you, you can watch TV by yourself first.

Grandma went into the kitchen.

And the little gangster heard the sound of chopping vegetables inside.

Only then did he quietly walk to the bedside, stretched out his hand and took out a hundred-yuan bill from under the pillow.

Then he quickly stuffed it into his pocket, took a step and ran out.

"Grandma, my friend is looking for me to play, I'll come back later to eat! 99

When grandma came out of the kitchen, the gangster had already run away and disappeared.

"This child..."

Grandma smiled, not only there was no blame in her eyes, but she was full of doting.

The screen ends here.

Everyone watched helplessly as the gangster stole the money.

And at that time he was so young, he actually dared to do such a thing.

The water friends even commented directly.

"Sure enough, I looked old at the age of three, and I stole money when I was older, and it's not surprising that I robbed when I grew up.

"I admit that I also had this idea when I was a child, but I just thought about it and didn't dare to do it at all."

"This is the so-called good boy? Hahaha, it's ridiculous!"

Not just for water lovers.

Even the classmates present were whispering and pointing at the gangsters.

The little bastard's mother is a little ugly.

She really doesn't know these things.

But he still said, "That's it?"

"The kid just took some money for fun, isn't it stealing?

"Besides, it is understandable that I was ignorant when I was young.

"Then it's a bit ridiculous to use this as evidence, isn't it?"

The mother's protection made the little gangster's face look better.

He was really guilty just now, for fear that his mother would question him.

But Ye Xuan was not surprised at all after hearing these remarks.

He just said lightly: "Of course this can't be regarded as evidence."

"In the end, stealing money from your own family can only be considered a family affair."

"But... a lot of things, often after tasting the sweetness."5

"It will get out of hand.

The little gangster instantly tensed.

And her mother also scolded coldly: "What do you mean by that?"

"You have to throw this basin of dirty water on my son, don't you?"

"You said that this is a family matter, so what does that have to do with you! 35

"Your hand is too long, isn't it?"

"My son I understand. 35

"Even if I was confused when I was a child, it was because I was ignorant."

"And if you say that you are out of control, I think you are just looking for trouble!""

Ye Xuan still had a faint smile.

Indifferently said: "Are you so sure?

"For things that you are not sure about, it is best to leave some wiggle room."

"Otherwise, it's easy to get slapped in the face!"

The little gangster's mother didn't take his advice at all.

Because she firmly believed that a sensible son would never do such a thing again.

But as Ye Xuan always said before.

Facts are facts and nothing will change.

He didn't say any more, but continued to motivate the Red Dust Pearl.

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