Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

306: The wicked will be punished after all

306: The wicked will be punished after all

I learned that Zhang Jiajia really won a astronomical inheritance of 120 million yuan.

The husband and mother-in-law were all sluggish.

How could they have thought that Zhang Jiajia actually has such a wealthy relative.

"Son, - what are you still doing!

"Go and chase that woman back—ah!"

"It's just getting 120 million and I'm going to divorce you, how can there be such a simple thing!

"Even if we get divorced, we should score at least half of it!

Grandma said this.

The water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly booed.

Just now, I did everything possible to drive Zhang Jiajia away.

In the blink of an eye, are you going to find people back?

The husband also woke up immediately.

The gesture is about to run out.

One hundred and twenty million, a huge sum of money enough to make countless people jealous.

No wonder Zhang Jiajia said that if she gets divorced, she doesn't want a penny.

Even having a lawyer handle these things.

It must be to hide the inheritance thing.

After all, it is a property after marriage, no matter what, he has to have his share.

I saw my son rushed out.

Grandma is really worried.

Glancing at Ye Xuan.

So he immediately grabbed the phone and chased it out of the bedroom.

"Son, I'd better go with you!"

"In any case, this woman must be brought back! 35

"Divorce is fine, but those inheritances must be part of us! 99

Both mother and son's eyes were red.

It's like a wild dog who has been hungry for days and suddenly sees food!

The two ran straight downstairs.

Looking left and right, Zhang Jiajia was no longer in sight.

The mother-in-law immediately said: "At this time, she will definitely pick up your daughter.

"Go, go to the gate of the kindergarten to block her!

The husband was right.

Immediately, I took my mother and ran to the road outside.

The water friends were a little dizzy because of the shaking lens.

Others yelled at the mother and daughter for their actions.

"How can there be such a shameless person, why should the inheritance be distributed to you!

"Are there any friends who understand the law, in this case, should the inheritance be distributed to them?"

"Why did God Ye tell them about this, if they didn't tell them, they wouldn't know. 35

"Don't guess Ye Dashen's thoughts, since he did this, he must have his reasons, just look at it honestly and it's over."

Why does Ye Xuan say it?

In fact, he has explained it before.

Man's life is ordained by God.

The husband will know about Zhang Jiajia's inheritance anyway.

He just followed the way of heaven and said it in advance.

And there will be no change in the outcome of the whole thing.

The water friends just looked at the shaking camera.

The mother and son have already run out of the community.

Ready to take a taxi straight to kindergarten.

It's hard to stop a taxi.

After getting in the car, the mother-in-law began to urge her life-threateningly.

"Can you drive faster, do you know that we are in a hurry!

"You also call driving like this? The bastards in the river are faster than you!

The driver looked impatient.

But when he saw an old lady, he couldn't say anything.

But the mother-in-law is really endless.

The driver is also a little annoying, just drive them down, and they will run away.

Had to choose to quickly end this single business.

So the speed was increased immediately.

But accidents are unforeseen.

Just when the driver chose to cross the intersection with the yellow light in order to complete the order as soon as possible.

A fully loaded haul truck rushed out of the side.

0・・For flowers............

No matter how loud the driver honked the horn, nothing changed.

All the water friends just watched the truck with great inertia directly loaded on the taxi.

After a loud bang, the sky was spinning.

The phone was thrown far away, but it didn't break.

allow them to see clearly.

The picture of the mother and son being swallowed by flames in the deformed taxi.

After an explosion, everything was quiet.

The screen also disappeared.

Although the water friends all felt that the mother and son were originally destined to die.

But this way of dying was beyond their expectations.

But for Zhang Jiajia, this may be the best result.

"God Ye, you have already figured it out, they will die, so you told them about it?"

"This driver is a bit innocent. It's all because of my mother-in-law. If it wasn't for her desperate urging, how could there be a car accident!"

"In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

"It's good to be dead, such a person is not worthy of living!"

Ye Xuan saw them talking a lot.

Only then did he open his mouth and said, "This result is already doomed.

"So even without me, the ending will not change."

Hearing this, the water friends seemed to be thoughtful.

at the same time.

A teenager in a certain city heard Ye Xuan's last words.

Also thought secretly.

His name is Li Qing, and he is a third-year high school student.

His academic performance is very good, and despite his young age, he knows how to behave very well.

So whether it is with classmates in the class, or relatives at home and the like.

Get along very well.

But at this moment, looking at his frowning brows, he seemed a little confused and distressed.

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