304: Sky-high inheritance, 120 million!

But the husband standing at the door, his expression did not change in the slightest.

A voice came from inside the house.

But Zhang Jiajia silently put his hand on the suitcase.

Zhang Jiajia sat up straight.

Instead, there is a relief.

"Zhang Jiajia! What are you doing?

I just wanted to kill him with a knife.

The husband has returned to the door.

The thief shouts to catch the thief, so that's how it came!

But when Ye Xuan said this, he still asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

He turned his head and smiled at the mother and son.

"Before you call your wife.

After hearing his voice.

"Why guard a yellow-faced woman like you!"

The husband changed his shoes and walked in through the door.

But apart from despising his behavior.

until the mother-in-law finished.

So the screen turned.

After waiting for a while, he pushed open the door and walked in.

The water friends in the live broadcast room, after hearing this.

Ye Xuan smiled.

Zhang Jiajia was expressionless, but the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

Seeing that Zhang Jiajia is about to leave.

Neither the husband nor the mother-in-law stopped him.

Immediately said: "Jiajia is very tired taking care of the child, I let her rest, don't blame her."5

He said bluntly: "Since you already know.

Now that I know the truth.

There was a crusade in the live broadcast room.

Three great joys for a man, a promotion and a fortune to die for his wife.

Obviously, the mother-in-law was also kept in the dark by her own son.

"If I were someone, I would have to jump straight off the roof right now (Wang Nuohao)!

At the same time, everyone including Zhang Jiajia finally understood.

He just stood outside the door, but didn't go in.

The mother-in-law also felt relaxed and happy.

"She just inherited an estate from a relative abroad."

So many years of hard work, in exchange for such a result.

This mother and son, now can't wait for Zhang Jiajia to leave quickly.

But soon.

"I tried everything to get pregnant, and I gave birth to a daughter?"

"You can't even give birth to a seed with a handle, why are you still alive? Just die early!"

"Originally, I was thinking of you taking the initiative to file for a divorce."

He showed a grim expression.

After a while, he said: "`"No need.

As a result, Ye Dashen has directly proved it now.

"Zhang Jiajia, I want to see how long you can endure before you agree to divorce. 35

But just closed the door.

Already used to it.

She also sneered: "This woman, she just has to be a little self-aware. 99

If the husband is in front of the water friends at this moment, it is estimated that he can be torn to shreds immediately.

These inner thoughts of my husband were accurately expressed.

He grabbed the mop from Zhang Jiajia's hand in one hand.

It is so that Zhang Jiajia can divorce him as soon as possible so that he can start his colorful life.

The arrogant mother-in-law who was sitting on the sofa hurriedly stood up.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something. 35

"How much should I give you, I will give you a lot of money."

"I just found out that hanging from a tree is such a stupid thing!

The words that the husband said also made the water friends feel a little puzzled.

"But since that's the case, let's follow the rules. 95

“I can still save some money. 95

Just a few minutes ago, he also accused Zhang Jiajia of cheating.

As if this sort of thing was happening to him.

After speaking, the husband turned around and went back to the bedroom.

But oddly enough.

But Ye Xuan's voice came.

Zhang Jiajia stopped.

But he didn't say anything and just walked out of the door.

Then, with a push, she was pushed down on the sofa mountain.

When the husband spoke, there was no guilt or apology on his face.

The mother-in-law's scolding was very harsh.

But since Ye Xuan intends to expose it thoroughly, he naturally won't hide it.


"Total... 120 million!" Deleted.

"I have money and status now, and there are many little girls chasing after me.

Seeing her husband look over, she is also silent.

The person who cheated was the husband himself!

The husband looked over immediately.

But after her husband was completely exposed, he seemed to tear off his last disguise.

But the mother-in-law rolled her eyes.

It has been said since ancient times.

"The scumbags stayed, but the result? It's not annoying.

Zhang Jiajia was about to leave without even taking her cell phone.

"Then I won't hide it at all.

It's not really stupid and filial, and she deliberately wants to protect her mother.

"Are you tired from work? Go to rest, and Mom will go to cook after wiping the floor. 35

Seeing the disgusting look of the husband and that woman.

These three great joys can still be verified. Sure enough, the wisdom of the ancients is infinite.

It wasn't that the husband didn't know about it all the time.

Exactly this time.

The mother-in-law immediately said: "Son, you are back~||."

But he obviously knew everything, but he still pretended not to know.

I really didn't expect it to be this age.

“I will appoint a lawyer to handle the divorce. 99

"Then I'll go change clothes first."

The husband smiled and said, "Mom, how could I?

"I know Jiajia has worked hard, so how could she blame her.

I wanted to hang up immediately.

There is a video connection that has not been hung up.

Instead of being angry, he was extremely happy.

She did not make trouble, but was unusually calm.

"So be it."

"Mom, wife, I'm back.

"I don't want any money from you."

The husband breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time.

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