Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

286: God is fair, if you get it, you will lose it

286: God is fair, if you get it, you will lose it

Zhang Jiajia really doesn't understand.

Why does the mother-in-law look down on herself so much.

In terms of appearance, he is also a school beauty, and at the beginning, I didn't know how many people chased me.

In terms of knowledge, he was also invited by the top 100 companies.

In terms of family background, although my family is not very rich, it is definitely better than her husband's family.

Even her best friend sometimes feels strange.

In the end, Zhang Jiajia fell in love with her husband, rejected the pursuit of the rich second generation, and rejected the invitation of the top 100 companies.

He didn't even hesitate to leave his hometown to come to such a small city that barely reached the third-tier level.

All this, not because she loves that man.

And the mother-in-law's attitude towards her was really bad to the extreme.

Forget the cynicism, you can pretend that you didn't hear it.

All kinds of making things difficult, all kinds of tea art is nothing more, just bear it and endure it.

Now she actually let herself and her husband break up 677.

She came here to marry her husband and live a good life.

Not to hear this.

But just when Zhang Jiajia was silent.

The mother-in-law feigned anger and said, "Are you polite?

"The elders are talking to you, are you pretending not to hear you?"

"How did your parents teach you."

"Thanks you still graduated from the same school as my son. 35

"Did you just learn how to seduce men?

This is really disgusting to say.

Not to mention Zhang Jiajia.

The water friends all felt that this mother-in-law was too much.

It's enough to provoke dissension, but now it's actually a personal attack.

And Zhang Jiajia's silence was also regarded as weakness by her.

Just listen to her continue: "Listen."

"Today is my son's birthday and I have to make him happy.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I will never let you go.

"Also, after today, you'd better break up with my son quickly."

"Otherwise, you're going to be out of luck!

"Marriage? Don't even think about it!"

"As long as I am alive, I will never agree!"

from start to finish.

Zhang Jiajia never refuted her mother-in-law.

My husband used to say that his mother was very good.

He also said that when we met, his mother would definitely like her very much.

But the current result is something Zhang Jiajia could never have imagined.

A marriage that was not blessed by parents.

Does she have to keep going?

Or, in this case, is it necessary for her to continue to be with her husband?

The screen turns.

Zhang Jiajia and her husband have returned to the house they rented outside.

Although my mother-in-law has vacancies.

But after all, he is not married yet, and living with his parents is a bit inconvenient.

It can be seen that the husband is very happy today.

However, Zhang Jiajia's face was a little ugly.

"Jiajia, what's the matter with you? Are you too tired today?"

Although the husband is a little dull.

However, Zhang Jiajia's depression was also seen.

Zhang Jiajia bit her lip and hesitated for a moment.

Finally, he said, "Let's... break up."

During these few hours, she thought a lot.

(acej) With such a mother-in-law, even if she and her husband get married, the future will not be as sweet as she imagined.

Long pain is worse than short pain.

Breaking up now may be the best option.

When the husband heard this, he immediately panicked.

Hastily said: "Why?"

"Weren't you happy just now, why are you breaking up suddenly?

"Oh, I see, today is my birthday, you prepared a surprise for me, didn't you?"5

Zhang Jiajia wanted to tell her husband how his mother treated her.

But on second thought, he decided to break up.

There seems to be no need to say those things.

When her husband saw Zhang Jiajia's face, it was even more ugly.

Also know she is not joking.

He could only quickly appease: "Wife.""


"If I'm doing something wrong, you can tell me. 39

"I'll change it, but why break up?"

"By the way, is it because I forgot to buy you jelly before."

"You come with me."


The husband took Zhang Jiajia and walked to the bedroom.

open the door.

The lighting in the bedroom is dim.

On the bed, all kinds of winters were used, and a huge love was piled up.

"Wife, it was my fault before.""

"Will you please forgive me. 35

Watching her husband's meticulous preparations.

Zhang Jiajia's heart that had just settled down was shaken in an instant.

I chose him in the first place.

It's because he really cares about himself.

Although I have never taken myself to a high-end restaurant, I have never bought myself any expensive gifts.

But he can always give himself a lot of surprises.

And within the scope of his ability, give himself the best.

She gave up.

Give up the idea of ​​breaking up.

this moment.

She has figured it out.

God has given her such a good man, and other aspects will naturally not be perfect.

But no matter what the mother-in-law treats herself.

She will be with this man for the rest of her life!

Because he deserves it!

The screen ends.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were filled with emotion.

Even countless people are wondering whether Zhang Jiajia regrets the decision he made.

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