Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

279: It's not me who is wrong, why should I admit it

279: It's not me who is wrong, why should I admit it

Husband regrets it.

Because the wife behaved very decently before marriage.

Even after marriage, in front of himself, he performed perfectly.

But now I hear what my mother said.

He just understood.

It turns out that the wife has always been face to face and behind the scenes.

When he is there, various performances.

As soon as she is not there, she will reveal herself.

He has been a single parent since he was a child, and was brought up by his mother through hardships.

How can I bear the grievances of my mother like this.

The more I think about it, the more I regret it, the more I think about it, the more angry I become.

I knew I shouldn't have married her in the first place!

In anger, the husband immediately picked up the phone, as if preparing to call his wife.

Seeing this now, stop immediately.

02 "Son, what are you doing?"

"I'm just talking to you casually, but I must not affect the relationship between your husband and wife! 99

But the husband comforted: "Mom, she treats you like this, how can I ignore it?"

"Don't get involved in this matter, I'll solve it!

The mother could not persuade.

I had to get up and go back to my room.

But just closed the door.

She showed a sinister sneer.

"Zhang Jiajia, just rely on you, what qualifications do you have to be with my son. 39

"You can't even give birth to one with a handle, what's the use of asking you!"

"My son is still young and handsome.

"After you divorce, you can find a better one in minutes!"

The husband had no idea that what the mother did today was premeditated.

At this moment, he has already called his wife.

Soon, the wife's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello? Husband!

"I have a great news to tell you!

It can be heard that the wife seems to be in a good mood now.

But her husband completely ignored her words.

Directly: "Zhang Jiajia, I ask you!""

"What do you do to your mother-in-law when I'm not at home?

"I asked you to do some work, you pushed three and four, and finally did it, and you still have a black face."

"I ask you, does my mother owe you anything?"

"Why do you treat her like this!"

Zhang Jiajia on the other side of the phone was stunned.

Because the husband's accusation is simply inexplicable.

"Husband, who are you listening to?


Don't wait for Zhang Jiajia to refute.

The husband continued, "Who told you?"

"Heh... Zhang Jiajia, I didn't see it."

"Why, after I tell you who it is, so that you can take revenge on others?"5

"You play a good game in front of you and behind your back.

"When I met you, why didn't I know that you still have this talent!"

Just for a moment.

Zhang Jiajia's good mood instantly fell to the bottom.

Husband's suspicion and distrust.

It was like a knife pierced into her heart.

Originally, during this period of time, their husband and wife seemed to have entered a period of burnout.

To this end, Zhang Jiajia has made a lot of efforts, but to no avail.

Originally, I wanted to tell my husband the great news so that their relationship could be warmed up.

Who would have thought that what was ushered in was such a head-on blow.

In fact, Zhang Jiajia also understands without her husband saying it.

You can slander yourself like this behind your back.

Except for the mother-in-law who has always looked down on her, there will be no one else.

So he said, "Did your mother tell you something? 35

"Probably some of my disobedience to her, right?"

Zhang Jiajia's tone also sank.

When the husband heard this, he immediately sneered: "It seems that you still have some self-knowledge.

"Are you going to confess now? 99

"If you have a better attitude, maybe I can beg my mother for mercy.

"But you have to make sure that you won't do it again in the future!"

Zhang Jiajia smiled coldly.

He opened his mouth and said: "Guarantee? Why should I guarantee. 99

"It's obvious that your mother has always been so harsh to me, and now she's ripping it back."5

"You actually made me admit my mistake?"

"How much grievance I have suffered, have I mentioned it to you?"

"Now you don't even ask me to indiscriminately wronged me.

"Forget it, I've had enough, let's get a divorce.

The husband was taken aback.

Obviously he didn't expect his wife to say that.

Immediately, he said angrily: "Who are you scaring? Divorce 660."

"Hurry back, pack your things, and get out of here!

Hang up.

Not long after, Zhang Jiajia returned home.

He didn't even look at his husband, and went straight back into the house to pack his luggage.

After packing some necessities.

She came out dragging her suitcase.

Seeing her husband sitting there, the grievances he suffered for so many years suddenly erupted.

I thought to myself: "Why do I suffer so much grievances?"

"I'm still being kicked out now?"

Thinking of this.

Zhang Jiajia suddenly felt out of breath.

The phone vibrated a bit, picked it up and took a look.

It turned out to be a live broadcast of Master Ye.

She had a flash of light.

Immediately, I thought of the magic of this Master Ye.

So she immediately said to her husband, "I can't be wronged for no reason."

"Even if you want to leave, I have to let you understand who is right and who is wrong! 95

"Come with me, I'll show you now, what happened when you couldn't see it!"

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