Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

277: This wave is called the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind

277: This wave is called the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind

"I'll give you as much as you want."

"You can tell me...

Under the severe pain, the dean could not understand the current situation.

"Money...isn't it money?

"Don't think I don't know, you've already prepared for it.

"Two butchers were actually killed by a sheep? This is too ridiculous!

The roommates in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

After the mantis catching the cicada oriole, no one expected that she would become the final winner.

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded.

"Do you think I don't know where you hide all the money?"

The scarred man seems to be really saying his last goodbyes.

"It's not good! We have to get those children back."

"As long as you are dead, all your money is mine, why should I save you?

"To the end of the co-authorship, I deserve to be the scapegoat so you can go unpunished, right?"

"This account, you should calculate it better than I do?

How much dissatisfaction he has accumulated over the years.

"To die here together now is a cycle of karma."5

"Hurry up and save me, I'm dying..."

The dean prayed with all his strength.

Just when the water friends were talking about it.

"Although I don't like this middle-aged woman either, but I have to say, nice job!"

Immediately, my neck felt cold.

The scarred man walked up to the dean with great interest.

But he never thought that his secret had already been known by others.

"As long as you get caught once, you must eat peanuts.""

Ye Xuan also obviously did not intend to stand idly by.

Another figure appeared in the office.

0.. ask for flowers...

"I did all the dirty work, and you took all the money."

At the same time, the relationship between the three also allowed them to see through the so-called human nature once again.

If I report another anonymously or something, wouldn't I have lost my wife and lost my army?

"I do all the dirty things, but you are the one who enjoys it."

It is not difficult to see from the scarred man's grim expression.

Looking at him who was dying.

The middle-aged woman's expression at this moment is extremely terrifying.

"As long as he's dead, the money will be all ours."5

"No one knows better than me the places where he hides his money."

An An immediately understood.

"When you die, the money is all mine alone."

"Do justice to those children!

Ordered: "Go and arrest this woman, absolutely can't let her run away!"

But before he could react.

The voice fell.

as predicted.

At this moment, the dean is ready to run away, which can be regarded as a complete explosion for him.

But the water friends just saw it clearly.

"Then notify the relevant departments to come over and make sure that she explains everything clearly!


"Then you really underestimate me.

Muttered: "Why? You still have the face to ask why."

His face was cold, as if murder was not a big deal to him.

This person is no one else.

It was the middle-aged woman who also worked in the orphanage.

"Sure enough, who has the last laugh, who is the most powerful, this woman's city is probably no worse than those two guys."

Where is there a half-point of respect for the dean at ordinary times.

"Think about it for yourself, how much money have you earned over the years, how much have you given me in total? 35

not to mention.

In fact, middle-aged women have the opportunity to escape.

"Master Ye, is this the end?"

At this moment, the scarred man let go.

He just walked to the back of the dean in such a leisurely manner, and came directly - a backstab.

"It can be said that all bad things are done.""

"Do you know what I do is when I lose my head."

"Brother, don't worry.

Originally, I wanted to use the place to hide the money as a last bargaining chip.


The scarred man raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, "Save you?"

"You're good for life.

The dean was desperate.

But the scarred man sneered.

He couldn't understand why the scarred man wanted to kill himself?

There is a secret passage in the office.

It was basically impossible for the middle-aged woman to escape under these two men.

But because she was too greedy for money, she was delayed for some time. Just as she was about to slip away, she was caught by two bodyguards! Fan.

Because he knew very well that this run, with the dean's character, might disappear halfway.

The middle-aged woman was sneering at the moment.

"You two make an idea, and one does it.

The two bodyguards quickly ran towards the office.

"There is still this money, all of which are stolen money, and should be confiscated, and then go to support public welfare undertakings!"


Let the dean collapse to the ground.

But this time, there was a bit of questioning in his eyes.

"The feng shui turns, and it's time for me to enjoy happiness.

"As long as I am caught, even if I confess you, you will be able to find excuses at that time. 35

The scarred man has been hiding a knife behind his back since he entered the house.

This interlocking plot is even more exciting than the TV series.

However, he was keenly aware that the dean's eyes seemed to have changed.

He turned around in disbelief and looked at the middle-aged woman, with questions written all over his face.

The dean asked weakly.

An An also looked at Ye Xuan.

Can be suddenly.

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