Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

275: Can you hear the cries of those children?

275: Can you hear the cries of those children?

Just when everyone felt that the dean was already full of evil deeds.

No one expected Ye Xuan to be able to speak amazingly.

The water friends stared at Ye Xuan with wide eyes.

I want to see how he is so amazing!

"Master Ye, what do you mean by that?"

"Yeah, this bastard has kidnapped children, is it not his greatest evil? 99

"My God, it's true that good people don't live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years, how did this guy do bad things for so many years.

"How could such a person not be punished, I really want to kick him to death!

And the dean was a little flustered at the moment.

However, the girlfriend standing beside him was directly blocking him.

An angrily said to An An in front: "What are you doing!"

"Now there is no basis and no evidence, it is all the one-sided words of this Master Ye.

"What qualifications do you have to arrest the dean!

I heard my girlfriend say that.

The dean also seemed to wake up.

The panic on his face disappeared, replaced by a kind of anger.

I saw him look at Ye Xuan coldly and said, "That's right.

"These are all just words from your side.

"Although I don't know what means you used."9

"But these are all fake!"

"I want to smear other people's reputations at will, and put such a big shit pot on my head.

"What the hell are you up to!

The dean's questioning made the water friends call shameless.

The evidence is now solid.

But he still said that it was all fake.

Ye Xuan wasn't angry either.

Instead, he said lightly: "Continue your performance~||.""

"After all, you may not have this opportunity in the future. 35

He was so calm and calm.

It made the dean grit his teeth even more, and the blue veins on his forehead popped out.

"You bastard."

"I must sue you for defaming others."

"When the time comes, I'll see if you dare to talk like that!"

Ye Xuan picked up the cup and took a sip.

Then he said, "Are you done?"

"Okay, now it's my turn to talk, right?"

"Well...I don't seem to have anything to tell you. 55

"Just one sentence."

"Can you... hear those children crying?"

Ye Xuan's words confused the water friends for a while.

And An An was also a little confused and didn't understand what Ye Xuan meant.

However, she instinctively felt that there was something she didn't know.

So he asked, "Master Ye, what do you mean by that?"

Ye Xuan smiled.

Dao: "Have you found a problem?"

"Obviously those adopted are those children with problems.

"But those healthy children are always disappearing?

This is over.

The dean's face instantly became even more ugly.

And An An also thought about it, and then nodded sharply.

She was about to ask why.

Seeing that the dean rushed directly to the screen, he pointed at Ye Xuan and said, "Shut up for me!

"How long are you going to talk nonsense!"

Ye Xuan just stared straight at him.

He tilted his head and asked, "Since you have a clear conscience."

"Then why don't you let me talk now?"

"Okay, then I'll shut up."

The dean was stunned for a moment. He never expected that Master Ye would cooperate so well.

But right away he knew he was wrong.

Because the screen flickered.

He saw himself and the scarred man standing at the foot of the mountain...

In the picture, the dean is standing under a tree.

The scarred man is digging a hole.

The temperature seemed to be a little hot, and the dean did nothing and was sweating profusely.

Seeing that the scarred man had stopped, he urged, "Stop for what?"9

"Why don't you dig the hole?"

The scarred man glanced at the dean disdainfully.

He opened his mouth and said: Is it so troublesome to use it?’

"Isn't it just a dead child, throw it directly into the mountain, those beasts will eat him clean."

"As for burying it?"

Hearing this, the dean was furious.

Taking a few steps forward, he said angrily, "What's wrong is a dead child."

"If it weren't for your heavy hand, would there be such a thing?"

"Do you know how much money I lost when a child died?"

"These are all selected by me. As long as I send them out, the least I can get is tens of thousands of dollars."

The scarred man was silent, but there was a ferocious light in his eyes.

Then he said: "Okay, you have said this little thing hundreds of times."

"I didn't get these kids after all. 35

"Otherwise (Wang Wang's) how do you make this money?

Seeing that the scarred man has some meaning to take credit.

The dean looked at him contemptuously.


"Apart from having some strength and having clean hands and feet when you do things."

"What else is there to do? Years

"And your cousin, being a cook can cause me so much trouble! 99

"Now you don't have all the money I managed to get for what you eat and wear! 99

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and quickly bury this child."

"You have to make a trip to the border in the afternoon and send the other two children out!

Simple conversation.

But it revealed extraordinary information.

The water friends stared blankly at these pictures and couldn't help trembling all over.

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