Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

272: Those who are close to the red are red and those who are close to the ink are black

272: Those who are close to the red are red and those who are close to the ink are black

The dean smiled and turned to look.

The infertility thing is the pain in their hearts.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with the dean's words.

The album contains simple information such as the ages of the children.

"Your eyes are really good.

Then he said: "Let's go, let's go see the child."

0.. ask for flowers ·

"The main purpose of our orphanage is to improve the living environment of these children."

Ye Xuan didn't expect any truth to come out of his mouth.

Seeing that the dean refused to answer his question at this moment.

"President, I'll tell you the truth.

Some excited to look through the window.

Opposite him, there was a middle-aged couple sitting.


After all, he handed the album over.

The husband and wife do not suspect him.

But no matter how much you say, you must first see if there are any children who have a good eye.

The couple laughed and said.

Then he said: "Understandable.

I saw the little boy sleeping quietly on the bed, biting his fingers, very cute.

"But an orphanage is an orphanage after all.""

The dean laughed this time.

Eyes are the first priority, and then will consider issues such as character.

"Many parents who come to adopt are actually in a similar situation to yours.

"Because I was busy with work before, I just let it go.

"So if someone is willing to adopt, it's definitely a good thing for the children.

"This child is fine, has a good personality, and is usually not very lively, and belongs to the quieter type.

But the husband and wife didn't think about it so much, and immediately asked the dean if they could take a look.

After seeing this scene, they immediately decided to adopt the child.

"Just kidding, in the future there will always be someone who will take care of you.""

The Dean's phone vibrated.

Ye Xuan finally figured out how her bestie's character of not crying without seeing the coffin came from.

The dean has all excuses. Either he was adopted by someone else, or he was seriously ill. He is currently undergoing treatment and is not suitable for adoption.

"In order not to have any regrets, after consultation, I plan to adopt a child."

The husband and wife thought they had found someone they could talk to, and said all their sufferings over the years.

Hearing the words, the dean smiled slightly.

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. She was raised by the dean since she was a child, and naturally she has learned a lot.

"I always feel like something is missing in my life."

"But it's nap time now, just take a look, don't go in and disturb.

"Dean, we look good on this kid. 35

The dean got up and went to the desk.

The couple couldn't wait to meet the child.

The couple were somewhat disappointed.

The procedure was done quickly.

The husband and wife soon found a little boy who closed his eyes.

But see the child they are pointing at.

However, the child has been taken away by others, so they can't rob it anymore, right?

After seeing the face, the child just looked at them timidly.

To the point.

Children in orphanages have suffered some trauma to some extent.

The first time they came to the orphanage, they didn't expect it to be so bad.

Just after noon, the children's nap was over.

on the screen.

The dean said those high-sounding words.

And while they were looking at the photo album.

But something suspicious is that they picked three or four children in a row.

"But now that we are all this age."

The Dean was sitting in his own office.

But then he said with some regret: "I'm sorry. 99

Seeing that the two did not pay attention to themselves, they took out their mobile phones, edited a text message and sent them out.

"This child was adopted a few days ago.

The dean pointed to a room next to him and said, "The child you just watched is in this room."5

Putting it on a child is somewhat inappropriate.

The dean immediately took out a photo album.

He opened his mouth and said, "You two, the situation in our orphanage has been a little special recently.

They now believe that the dean is actually doing this for the sake of the children.

"President, what about... this?"

In fact, there is essentially no difference between adopting a child and adopting a cat or dog.

The dean explained: "This child has been traumatized in the future, so he is a little timid."

The tone of the husband and wife both changed a little cautiously.

The dean smiled slyly.

"Our husband and wife have been without children because of physical reasons.

The couple nodded quickly.

They took the two to go through the adoption agreement.

"These children are more sensitive, so you can first pick from the album to see if there are any children you like.

"You have to take good care of him in the future!" Fan.

Knowing that the husband and wife felt a little unusual, when they frowned slightly.

But it can be seen from their slightly sad expressions.

"It's definitely not as warm as home.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel something is not right.

No matter how softly the two of them spoke, it was the same.

The three went downstairs together.

"Would you like to see the others?"

However, the dean began to change the subject and talked a lot.

Good vision? This is clearly to evaluate the product.

So immediately urged the red dust beads.

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