Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

269: In the face of confrontation, can still be bit10 back

269: In the face of confrontation, can still be bitten back

When I heard that my best friend was going to find the dean.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were immediately excited!

Of course, this excitement was mixed with endless anger.

Their current thinking is to take a good look at the dean.

Maybe you can meet them on the street in the future.

At that time, we must teach this beast a good lesson!

The girlfriend completely ignored Ye Xuan's warning.

She just thought that everything reflected by the red dust beads was Ye Xuan's falsification.

Just bring the dean over.

Everything will be self-defeating!

An An didn't dissuade him either.

Because she trusted Ye Xuan.

Since Ye Xuan is not afraid of confrontation, what is there to fear for her.

As for girlfriend 02...

She is also helpless now.

All that can be done has been done.

There really is no other way.


The water friends saw their best friend pulling the dean over.

There was still some distance, and I heard the voice of my girlfriend.

"Dean, this way!"

"There is a big liar who claims to be a master on the Internet."

"Slandering you in various ways during the live broadcast! 35

"You said you opened the orphanage to satisfy your own selfish desires.35

"And said a lot of bad things about you!""

The dean frowned.

A little uneasy.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he was dragged to An An's side.

"Mr. An, why are you here?"

The dean saw that An An was also there.

He asked suspiciously.

put before.

An An may also respect the dean on the surface.

But now that I know all the facts.

As soon as she saw this man, she was filled with disgust!

He didn't even say hello, just turned his head away.

Girlfriends are not afraid to tear their faces now.

Pointing directly at An An, he said angrily: "President, the person who slandered you is also counted as her!"5

"It was she who found the liar and spoke ill of you together!

Under normal circumstances, people who eat melons do not know the truth.

But the water friends in the live broadcast room are all old fans of Ye Xuan.

Plus I've seen a lot of facts just now.

They naturally know who is right and who is wrong.

Now hearing that my best friend framed An An and Ye Xuan so much, they all swiped the barrage with righteous indignation.

Seeing the dean sitting down in front of the phone, he looked at the screen.

The water friends were instantly as if they had been beaten with blood, and they were full of energy!

"You bastard, you really dare to come, kind of tell me where you are, and see if Laozi won't kill you son of a bitch!"5

"You have hands and feet, but you make a fuss about a group of poor children. How can you have the courage to live!"

"I'm sorry for those pigs, cattle and sheep if you say you are a beast!"

"When you disabled your child, did you think about the retribution?

"If there are really eighteen floors in hell, the King of Hell will definitely get you a nineteenth floor alone! 99

See these barrages.

The dean's pupils visibly trembled.

His body trembled involuntarily.

The girlfriend on the side immediately noticed the abnormality.

"President, don't be angry, it's not worth it to be with this group of people who can't tell right from wrong!"

good guy.

The dean's panic was actually recognized as angry by his girlfriends.

This is truly world-class comprehension.

And when the dean saw Ye Xuan.

Suddenly he took a breath of cold air.

He also pays attention to the Internet.

Naturally, he also knows the number one person Ye Xuan.

I heard that his fortune-telling is very accurate, and he has special interests.

Why did you get caught by him?

Then, the dean thought of An An next to him.

I immediately understood why this woman's behavior was a little strange some time ago.

Coupled with the current situation, he immediately understood.

The current situation is too unfavorable for him.

Need to divert attention.

So he immediately said: "Teacher An.

"I don't know why you want to slander me with this Master Ye. 35

"Could it be because you wanted to raise your salary before, but I didn't promise you something? 35

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Even An An, who was asked, was surprised and even a little confused.

"What are you talking about? What salary increase?"

An An asked back.

But girlfriends seem to have figured out 660 a little.

Immediately said: "So that's what happened!

"An An, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"I don't see it, you usually pretend that you don't care about money."

"Now, because of a little salary, you slander others? 35

"Didn't you say you're not short of money? And doing these things is just to show love.

"I really know people and faces, but I don't know my heart, and being a best friend with you, I'm just blind!

The girlfriend's words pierced into An An's heart like a knife.

Everything she does is for her children and best friends.

But at this moment, the person she wanted to help turned around and bit her.

It made her so sad that she almost cried!

When the dean heard his girlfriend's words, he immediately calmed down a lot.

Immediately said: "Mr. An, didn't I explain it to you?

"We are a charity, so the salary is not a lot.

"But if you have difficulty, I can consider giving you a little more."

"But isn't it inappropriate for you to do this now?"

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