Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

267: Don't persuade others to be kind

267: Don't persuade others to be kind

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The tailor shop owner just came here.

When I heard the dean say this, I gave a thumbs up.

"Good thing, in this world, good people like you are - rare.

"In that case."

"Then I will take these clothes.

"I will also give you the high price, and you can also buy more food.

"So that the kids can get through this winter!

The boss is very generous.

The dean naturally thanked him again.

The money was in hand, and so much food was mixed in.

The dean's trip was quite rewarding.

After a ride, we returned to the orphanage.

He didn't go in.

Instead, they came to the back of an inaccessible mountain.

He directly opened all the food that the vendors gave to the children, and then ate them happily.

He even bought a bottle of wine with the money from selling clothes, and hid here to eat and drink, so happy!

It was getting dark.

The children are still hungry in the orphanage.

He wasn't in a hurry at all.

It wasn't until it was completely dark that he smelled of alcohol and walked back staggeringly.

The children saw the dean come back.

They all ran out.

But the dean threw the bag in his hand directly to them.

He said, "I won't cook today."

"I went to the town during the day, and this is the buns I bought for you, go eat them.

The bun shop owner is not stingy at all.

Vegetable buns and meat buns are given a lot.

But at the moment, the children got only plain ones.

Obviously, all the meat had already entered the dean's stomach.

At first, the children were overjoyed.

But they soon found out.

These buns are simply not enough for so many of them to eat.

Not even one person can be divided into one.

But even so.

The kids are still happy.

After all, this bun is much more delicious than the vegetable paste.

Watching the children divide the buns in an orderly manner.

And full of happiness.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are about to explode.

At the end of the day, these kids just want to be fed and have a shelter from the wind and rain.

Even if the dean intends to use them.

But is it difficult to meet their simple needs?

"I can't stand it anymore, these kids are so pathetic!"

"Most of the buns can make them happy like this, what kind of life is this!"

"I just want to tell the villagers how ugly this guy is, and I'll see how he will act in the future! 35

"Acting is so good, isn't it better to be an actor than it is now?

The more you know what the dean has done.

The water friends became more and more resentful towards him.

Of course, there is an exception.

That's naturally a girlfriend.

It is now completely clear why she couldn't eat meat when she was a child.

No clothes to wear yet.

After seeing these facts with my own eyes.

She still didn't care.

Instead, I saw the water friends scolding the dean.

He said, "You can say whatever you want.

"If you were displaced when you were young, you would be like stray dogs. 99

"Don't you think it's not happy to be able to eat gooey?

“Don’t persuade others to be kind without suffering others. 35

"You people don't understand such a superficial truth?

"Then you really lived in vain!"

The water friends saw their girlfriends looking like they were broken.

Hate is itchy.

They haven't said anything ugly to their best friend.

Well now, this woman has educated them in turn.

0.. ask for flowers.........

An An has completely stopped talking.

For this best friend, she has done her best.

With what she knows about her best friend.

Nature knows better than water friends.

Now, she is simply incapable of oil and salt.

It's useless to say more.

And girlfriends seem to be addicted to preaching.

After talking about the water friends, he looked at Ye Xuan again.

"And you, can you understand what I just said?"

"You keep saying that the dean is a bad person."

"But if there is no Dean, we would not know where to die!


"So what right do you have to say this or that.

Ye Xuan smiled lightly.

There is no abnormal emotion because of the girlfriend's words.

"That's right.

"Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering others."

"That's a good sentence."

"Only, are you sure that this sentence is appropriate to use here? 35


"Are you sure that he is really the only ray of light that will save you?

The best friend stared, as if she didn't understand what Ye Xuan said.

And Ye Xuan didn't even bother to explain to her.

Instead, it directly motivated the red dust beads.

The background in the picture is not in the orphanage.

It looks more like a villager's home.

The dean sat on the stool and frowned.

And an old man sitting across from him was chattering.

"Look, it's not easy for you to pull these children alone."

"Just in time, I heard that there are many couples in the city who want to adopt children for various reasons. 99

"Especially children from the countryside like us are kind and simple.

"Why don't you think about it."

"In this way, the children's lives can also be improved, and your life can be much easier." Fan.

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