Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

264: Angels turn into demons, it's incredible

264: Angels turn into demons, it's incredible

This change is too bizarre.

Roughly knocked off his girlfriend's hand.

"Didn't the dean really treat us well?"


"Ye, you say, are these pictures faked by you. 35

Can't say it's completely unreasonable.

The water friends have seen this with their own eyes.

"That's legal responsibility!

"An An, let me tell you, the dean will never do these things, all things!

If it is really used for charity, then they will not have the slightest distress.

Her messy thoughts took her a long time to understand Ye 660 Xuan's words.

They can only vent all their anger on the best friend who has been helping the dean to speak!

But she also saw these pictures with her own eyes.


Ye Xuan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

Hear this.

"You're not the party involved, how would you know what's going on!

And the water friends listened to Ye Xuan's words at this moment.

"You don't have to suspect that there is something wrong with your memory.

"Human nature does change.

It's not that they care about the money.

"Not only do you have no sympathy, but do you think it is right?"

The girlfriend was stunned for a moment.


But thinking about it now.

These words are precious.

Seeing Ye Xuan nodded.

She instinctively thought that the dean would not do these things.


Even An An felt the strong anger of the water friends.

"Let that dean get out! Honestly explain how many children he has harmed!"

If you think about it this way, there seems to be only one explanation left.

"The facts are already in front of you, why do you still want to protect him?

"You are so powerful, why don't you go to heaven!

"Could it be that my memory is all wrong?"

In fact, so does she.

If he wanted to, it was not impossible.

The girlfriend shook her head vigorously.

But like the dean, he changed from a very good person to a devil.

"What the hell do you want to do!"

That's what he was all about.

And An An with such a good character is now about to be pissed off.

"Absolutely impossible.""

"As I said, the past cannot represent the present, much less the future.

"Can't that slap just now wake you up?"

It's just that the pretense was too good!

The best friend grabbed An An's shoulder and shook it.

And the girlfriends are obviously not beaten by the facts.

If you follow the way of thinking of your girlfriend.

It was as if the dean had really endured a huge frame of slander.

It's obvious that you don't want to believe it.

"Speak, why are you dumb? This is the good man you keep talking about!

"What's your purpose in doing this!"

But the fact is completely contrary to what they imagined, and no one will remain indifferent.

"Does it mean what you say?"

So much so that someone like my best friend who grew up in an orphanage has never seen his true face!

"As you all saw, the dean was really kind to us when we were young."

"Shut up all of you!"

"shut up!"

"Because those are also true.

Indeed, human nature is subject to change.

He said angrily, "Who should wake up?

Among the water friends, there are actually many so-called social caring people.

"But what you think of as a good guy, that's his nature from the beginning."

"Are these children willing to be orphaned?

But if she said that her best friend was also involved in everything, she would never believe it.

It's just that she thought that her best friend was just confused for a while.

Their money was not used for treatment, but all went into the pockets of some black-hearted people.

"How could he have become like this! 35

Even, she was still full of resentment.

Look at these barrages.

"They can have a better life, why should they be a tool for others to make money!""

So he scolded: "Have you had enough trouble?

"Now that technology is so advanced, you must have used some kind of technology?

Anger even more.

She only hoped that her best friend could pull back from the precipice and turn around in time.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly.

"However, I can tell you very clearly now.

I don't know where the dean is now.

"These kids are pathetic enough."

They also donated a lot of money.

But right now.

Things have come to this point, but the best friend is still talking to the dean.

Even An An, who had some sympathy for her, felt that she was a little redundant now.

"It's just that there are so many things you don't know!

They also thought about it.

To be able to say these words is enough to prove that An An does not intend to let the dean go.

The girlfriend was furious again.

"You were deceived by this surname Ye, you gave me sober up!

Because the dean treated the children really well when he was young.

So he opened his mouth tentatively and said, "You mean to say.

"In my opinion, this woman must be complicit, right? Otherwise, how could someone be so indistinguishable from right and wrong!

"Do you know that this is already a cover-up for you now?"

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