Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

253: The past is the past, the present is the present

253: The past is the past, the present is the present

The dean walked in in a hurry with a lot of coats and quilts in his arms.

"Don't go out and run.

"It's so cold... Where did the dean go?"

Yet Ye Xuan remained expressionless.

"A person who can even care about his own life for us."


The world is warm and cold.

Usually they will also help the children every three to five..

A gust of wind blew, and he trembled involuntarily.

If it goes on like this, he won't be able to support it for long.

The dean left all the coats for the children.

"Children, put this on your back. 99

But still gritted his teeth and knocked on the door from house to house.

She could believe that the Dean used to be a really good person.

But in this harsh environment, no one will not think about themselves first.


How many people can help others when they can't eat enough themselves?

"But seeing this now, can you still say it?"

There are even villagers who are at home, but pretend not to hear.

I don't think there's anything wrong with what she sees.

"Brother Zhao, please give me some coal, any later, the children will freeze to death!

"Why don't you order the "Six Four Seven" stove for us?"

see this scene.

An An was silent.

Just like animals that resist the cold together.

The other children are now patronizing and trembling, who still has time to care for her.

It can be seen that the conditions of the orphanage at that time were really bad.

The children were all huddled together in the corner.

"Aunt Wang, can you give me some coal, the children can't hold on anymore.

Because of the dean in the picture, 4.9 is indeed very touching.

The audience in the live broadcast room was inevitably a little moved.

"I didn't expect that the conditions at that time were so difficult that the orphanage didn't even have any cinders.

To put it simply, 99% of those who do charity are those who have no worries about food and clothing.

"I'll go get some coal right now."

But at the same time, she was also very angry.

But at this time.

The screen appears.

When he opened his mouth, he even breathed a lot less.

Master Ye has said that facts are facts and will not change because of anything.

Inside the dilapidated orphanage, air leaks from all sides.

Young girlfriends were also in the crowd.

His back looks so lonely.

Then he looked at Ye Xuan.

He then left the orphanage in peace.

The best friend in front of the screen didn't know that the dean actually asked for coal like this.

One by one they were all shivering.

It's not that these villagers are cruel.

The dean asked one by one.

"I don't understand whether this dean is a good person or a bad person. Just looking at this scene, he is definitely a good person!"

It's just that she also believes in her own eyes.

The water friends were even afraid that he would fall into the ice and snow in the next second.

Although he didn't say anything, he couldn't hide the anger in his eyes.

"The past does not represent the present or even the future.

Although it's still a bit cold, at least it won't be shivering anymore.

At this moment, his entire body is white.

From her red eyes, you can tell that she is not at peace now.

Still praying.

Some villagers will open the door, saying that this year's snow is too heavy, and their coal is not enough.

"I was suddenly moved, but this dean is too stupid, since he wants to come out, why don't he wear a coat.

in the snow.

He just said lightly: "There is no need to question me.

But he still endured this coldness and whispered to the child: "You guys wait here."5

There was a lot of snow hanging from his eyebrows.

Now that I know the truth, I have already cried and burst into tears.

"In this weather, you have to brave the wind and snow to find coal. Just rush to this point. In principle, there is no problem with the dean."

One can imagine how difficult it is for him to protect so many children by himself.

To An An next to him: "You don't know why you speak ill of the dean! 35

But he didn't say leave one for himself.

Seeing the children nodded blankly.

The dean refused to give up.

His footsteps also became slower.

The thinner child's face has changed color, and it can be seen faintly blue and purple.

In that era when every household could only seek food and clothing.

The best friend saw that An An did not speak.

People who haven't really felt the cold won't understand that feeling.

He hurriedly covered these coats and bedding for the children.

Even if the whole person is curled up, he is still moving forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

The dean himself was just wearing an old sweater.

The clothes on the children are too thin.

It was a snowy day.

This is clearly a precursor to frostbite.

Stumbling over talking.

The exposed skin was already purple and a little black.

"Why should I be questioned by you!"

"Just turn on the stove, and the inside of the house will be warm."

Not even the coal needed for a stove.

I have to admit that the dean's actions really touched many people.

The dean in the picture finally walked into the village.

This proves that his body temperature has also begun to drop.

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