248: This dean seems quite competent

"When I was a child in an orphanage, life was very hard, and it was not easy to eat enough."

The introverted An An said firmly: "I can't see it wrong.

"Why don't we first see how this dean did when you were a child.

An An hesitated for a moment.

"It's like potatoes, which obviously have sprouts and can't be eaten at all, but they are still made into vegetables.

So he immediately objected.

"It's just that our orphanage has not been doing well recently.

"You must be wrong.

The dean had a very soft smile on his face.

"Yes! Didn't you also say that the orphanage has problems? Then you should say so too!

He asked, "Master Ye, what do you think the facts are like?

"Children, I also want to give you some good food.""

But after catching up, he saw the dean sitting outside the door.

"And there is indeed a problem with the taste of the food, I have tasted it myself, how can I not know.

Ye Xuan activated the red dust beads.

He simply said: "I have nothing to say about this.

"I was worried that there might be a problem with the food."

"There is also the dean, even if he eats chaff every day, he keeps the good ones for us children. 35

When the water friends are discussing.

"It's even less likely that it was intended to be thrown away.

It's just that the orphanage in the picture is obviously very dilapidated.

As the head of the orphanage, he is qualified for this.

Can't see any problem at all.

Holding a bowl of gruel in his hand, nothing else, just drinking like that.

“Even if there was a problem, it was the cooks in the kitchen. 35

So An An looked at Ye Xuan.

at this time.

Watching the two sisters quarrel.

Feed the children mush, but drink gruel secretly.

Soon the screen appeared.

"Didn't you listen to your best friend, she has grown up here since she was a child, there is really a problem, she doesn't know anything about it, right?

"If it's really like what An An said, it's impossible for me to grow up so healthy!"

"Why, don't you think that the food is not delicious?"

But the dean can only drink gruel, which is really pitiful.

A gentle man with glasses appeared, he was the dean.

The best friend wanted to go over and apologize to him, saying that 4.9 should not make trouble unreasonably.

Immediately retorted: "Rotten vegetables? That's impossible!

The children were very happy when they heard that there was meat to eat at night.

It made my girlfriend not know what to say.

"The children are not very healthy, and if something happens, it will be troublesome.

"I definitely don't believe it was the dean who did it anyway."

Young girlfriends are no exception.

"I can only apologise to you for a while."

"I felt the food didn't taste right the other day."

What An An said is reasonable.

But then he spoke up immediately.

The young best friend fiddled with the spoon in her hand, somewhat complaining.

The dean was not angry, but squatted down and patted his best friend's head.

Hear this.

Girlfriend quits it right away.

It's not at all comparable to the current Xiaoyanglou..

"This thing, the father said that the public is reasonable, and the mother said that the mother is reasonable. Who knows what the truth is."

Ye Xuan was still indifferent.

And if you look closely, you can see that she is somewhat similar to her best friend, which should be what she looked like when she was a child.

Although their dishes are not very tasty, they can fill the stomach anyway, and there are vegetables in them.

But if it's a war of words, An An is obviously not a girlfriend's opponent.

Facing the rebuttal of the girlfriend.

The exasperated girlfriend also spoke up.

"Even at that time, we never had bad food."

See the dean leave.

One of the little girls, with two ponytails, is very cute.

Water friends see here.

"I feel that this An An doesn't look like a liar, she must have found something to say that.

"So I went to the kitchen and wanted to ask.

“Either those dishes are left over to be thrown away1”

"Those dishes are on the table, obviously ready to continue to be used.

"I know better than anyone who the dean is."

"An "647" An, tell me, what did you find?""

The water friends still don't understand what's going on.

I also feel that the dean is very good.

"No, Master Ye said that An An is right, then there must be something wrong with the orphanage, you watch it! 99

"It's even worse than the ones in the market that haven't been sold for two or three days.

"In this way, you have to eat obediently first, and in the evening, I will get you some meat to eat, okay?"

"Because we eat the same things as children."

But on second thought, what does this have to do with the dean.

The two were arguing with excitement.

At this moment, my girlfriend regretted it very much.

"There's absolutely no way he could feed the kids rotten vegetables, or even sprouted potatoes!

And if it goes on like this, there will be no result.

"As a result, I accidentally discovered that there were some rotten dishes in the kitchen.


"Why are you eating so much vegetables today!

It can be seen in the picture that many children are gathered in a large room.

Seeing this, the best friend immediately looked over.

See two girls throw the topic to themselves.

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