Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

243 I'm not a prostitute, let's hang out with my sister

243: laugh at the poor but not at the prostitute, come and hang out with my sister

Seeing Sun Zihang lying on the hospital bed, his girlfriend felt more distressed.

She has already checked, the disease of cell cancer, as long as it starts to develop, it will be extremely painful.

But if you want to treat it, let alone whether it can be cured or not, the cost alone is an astronomical figure.

You have to pay off your debts and pay for treatment.

Her salary alone is a drop in the bucket.

My girlfriend looked at the time, it was almost time to go to work.

Just as she got up to leave, a woman walked in and walked straight to the bed.

The girlfriend didn't know her, so she could only politely ask "647": "Hello, may I ask you who are..."

The woman smiled slightly.

“I am a former colleague of Zihang, and I heard that he was ill, so I came to see him. 39

Hearing this, his girlfriend was not suspicious.

After all, she also knew that Sun Zihang worked at night, so it was normal to meet a few more beautiful girls.

So she said, "I'm sorry, Zihang just fell asleep."

"His leg hurts badly and it's hard to sleep, so don't wake him up, okay?"

The woman nodded in understanding.

However, he quickly pointed to the door and motioned for his girlfriend to come out with her.

The two girls came to the corridor.

Without saying a word, the woman took out a newspaper-wrapped thing from her bag and handed it to her girlfriend.

And said: "This is a little bit of my heart. In the past, Zihang took good care of me, and it's time for me to repay him."

His girlfriend reached out and took it, opened it, and there was a pile of money inside, at least fifty thousand dollars.

Although now is indeed a time when money is very short.

But so much money, how can you ask for it casually.

So she said: "No, I can't take so much money. 35

"I don't hide it from you, Zihang not only had a fracture, but also found a cell carcinoma, which is simply a bottomless pit. 35

"Zihang also told me that it's not easy for you girls to work at night, and you don't earn that much.

"I don't know how long the money will be kept, so you should take it back.

Facing the rejection of the girlfriend.

The woman did not accept it.

Instead, he said: "It doesn't matter, you can take it.

"I...I don't work at night anymore.

"It's hard to say, but it's easy for me to make money now.

"It's just that I was in a hurry when I heard about this, so I could only figure it out."5

Hearing the woman say this, his girlfriend hesitated with the money.

But at the same time, she also keenly captured the key points in the woman's words.

As the saying goes, money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat.

But women would actually say that it is easy to make money now.

For a girlfriend who is seriously short of money now, this is like a divine sound.


The girlfriend wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to call a woman when she opened her mouth.

This woman is also shrewd, and immediately said: "I should be older than you, if you don't mind, just call me sister."

"Don't worry, although the relationship between me and Zihang is very good, it's the kind of innocence, so we can keep in touch more in the future.

The girlfriend nodded again and again.

After hesitating for a while, he still said: "Sister, can I ask, what kind of work are you doing now?

"You also know that Zihang's illness will cost too much money."

"With my current income, it's simply not enough."

Hear what your girlfriend says.

The woman's expression became a little weird, but she didn't answer immediately.

Girlfriend thought she asked something that shouldn't be asked..

Was going to apologize.

But I heard the woman say: "My job... ordinary people can't accept it. 35

"However, when it comes to making money, it's really fast.

"It's just that you have to suffer some grievances and occasionally get hurt.

"But the more you do this, the more you can earn."

She was vague and didn't say exactly what the job was.

When her girlfriend heard what she said, she summed it up in her heart.

It is normal to think that this job is a relatively risky job, and the greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

As for being wronged or injured, she doesn't care.

If she can really make money and cure Sun Zihang, she thinks it will be worth it.

"Sister, can you tell me in detail, I... want to make more money.

Looking at her girlfriend's firm eyes, the woman seemed to sigh helplessly.

Then he said: "Have you really thought about it?

"Then have you heard that sentence? Laughing at the poor but not at the prostitute..."

In an instant, the girlfriend understood what the woman said about the job.

The idea that had just settled down was shaken immediately.

But the woman did not stop 4.9 at this time, and continued: "This work has a bad reputation.

"How much is fame worth these days?"

"As long as I make money, others will look at me highly, who cares what I do."

"As for those gossips, I don't care if the mouth grows on others.

"I only know that if I have money, I can have a better life, I can buy anything I want, and my loved ones can be cured when they are sick.

"Aren't these enough?"

These words are so delusional.

Especially for the girlfriend at the moment, it's completely inside her heart!

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