Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

241: The evil deeds that cannot be offset by the 18 layers of hell

241: The evil deeds that cannot be offset by the eighteen layers of hell

Judging from the rampant performance of this rich second generation, we know that he is not a good bird either.

Not to mention Sun Zihang.

These two people got together and completely verified the old saying, stinky fish find rotten shrimp.

Last second, the rich second generation was still smiling.

But Sun Zihang just nodded.

He waved his hand and slapped him.

"Sun Zihang, do you think Laozi is stupid?

"Also, who told you that you can touch what I don't want?

Sun Zihang was beaten, but he didn't even have the slightest intention to resist.

It was obvious that he was about to die.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 99

"I really don't dare.

"Otherwise, I'll break up with her when I go back, is this the head office?"

No one thought of it.

The good man who, in their opinion, had a conflict with a playboy for his girlfriend.

He was such a humble person.

They were all young men in their twenties, and the second-generation rich didn't look as strong as Sun Zihang.

But it could actually scare him like that.

"647 break up?"

"What's the point of breaking up. 35

The second generation of rich suddenly said a word, but Sun Zihang was confused.

The water friends also reacted for a long time before they roughly guessed the meaning of this sentence.

It seems that this rich second-generation play is quite flowery.

If his ex-girlfriend had been single, he probably wouldn't be able to remember such a person.

But now that she has a boyfriend, it feels different.

I have to admit that some of these people born with golden spoons are somewhat abnormal.

Just when Sun Zihang didn't know what to do, Fu Erdai's eyes swept over coldly, and said in a commanding tone:

"I don't care what method you use, anyway, I need her to come to me willingly."

"do you understand?

Sun Zihang suddenly realized.

It turns out that the rich second generation likes this tune.

"Brother, I understand!"

(acej) "I have an idea now, why don't I tell you?"

Hearing Sun Zihang's plan to encounter a travel encounter and a conflict broke out.

The water friends can only see the sky when the clouds and mists are cleared.

Just now, they were still thinking about the fact that Sun Zihang had been in private contact with the second generation of the rich.

Why do you still fight when you are traveling?

It's all clear now!

It turned out that everything was a scene arranged by Sun Zihang!

He is using his girlfriend's love for him to let her take the initiative to find the rich second generation to meet the needs of the rich second generation!

Then he took the money behind his back.

Judging from the results, both Sun Zihang and Fu Erdai got what they wanted.

Only the girlfriend is the only victim!

Even usually never send barrage, just watching the lively water friends.

Now I can't help but yell.

"What the hell, this beast! How could someone do such a thing, no, he doesn't deserve to be a person at all!

"To say that he is a beast is to exalt him, just like him, thrown into the pigsty, the pigs will ignore him! 35

"Is it something a human can do to give away one's girlfriend?"

"Even if this guy pretends to agree on the surface, and then quietly protects his girlfriend, I can still give him a high look!

"Who knows where this beast is, just scolding him is no longer enough, I want to kill him!

The water friends were totally rioting.

There was even a slight lag in the barrage of the entire live broadcast room.

You can imagine how powerful they are.

Sun Zihang was at a loss for words.

The evidence is overwhelming, this is not as simple as derailment before.

What he got on this time was not only the relationship between the two, but also the innocence of his girlfriend!

"Baby, listen to me."

"It is not so. 35

"You also know how great his background is, if I don't do what he says.

"Then I will definitely be killed by him!""

"You didn't see that there were dozens of people standing outside the box at that time!

Hear this.

Ye Xuan smiled slyly.

Then the red dust beads immediately switched the screen.

It was obvious that there was no one outside the box, and only one waiter passed by with a plate.


Sun Zihang was speechless.

The look in Ye Xuan's eyes was also full of anger.

This time, the water friends don't do it anymore.

"Fuck! You dare to stare at our Master Ye, are you impatient?"

"What a slap in the face for a second! Master Ye has done a good job, dealing with such a bastard who is inferior to a beast, that's how it should be!

"A lie needs more lies to make up for it, and it's been exposed, let's see how you can make it up!"

"Miss, wake up, get out of this scumbag, go get cured, it's not worth it to waste time for him! 35

For Sun Zihang's various actions.

The water friends have completely seen through the essence of his scumbag.

At this time, saying he is a scumbag is actually complimenting him.

What is a scumbag? The worst thing is to go out and flirt with other women behind his girlfriend's back.

If he was just a scumbag, it was absolutely impossible for him to become such a state of indignation.

What he has done is beyond words to describe.

If you don't knock him down to the eighteen levels of hell, you won't be able to transcend life forever, and you won't be able to offset his evil deeds!

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