Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

218: The winner is called tactics, the loser is a joke

218: The winner is called tactics, the loser is a joke

A man with frostbite on his face, holding a gun fiercely and shooting.

Bullets whizzed past his ears, and he seemed to be unaware.

Fear seems to be a non-existent emotion to these people.

If it were an ordinary person standing here, it is estimated that they would be lying on the ground in fright now.

What's more, it's not surprising to pee your pants.


The man groaned suddenly.

Later, it could be seen that his lower abdomen was red with blood, obviously being hit.

But he didn't wailing, nor did he make any bigger movements, just snorted, that's all.

"Brother, are you alright! 39

"June 13" At this moment, a person ran over and asked loudly.

Seeing this person's appearance, everyone finally recovered from the real shock.

Because this person is none other than Liu Siyuan's father!

"It's okay, missed the point. 99

"Don't be stunned, hurry up!

"Just knock this down and we'll win! 35

Although the man frowned, he didn't seem to care about his injury at all.

Father looked at him worriedly, confirming that he was really okay for the time being.

continue to shoot.

It's just that he didn't rush forward, but was always by the man's side.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary.

Absolutely far beyond the general camaraderie.

Finally, all the enemies were driven away.

In the face of this kind of charge that is not afraid of death, they are still defeated after all.

"Brother, we won!

"The enemies are all gone!"

The father shouted excitedly.

But got no response.

Look back.

Only then did he realize that the man was propped on the ground with a gun, although his entire body was still standing.

But the head has been lowered, obviously lost consciousness.

"Big brother!"

"Medical soldier, medical soldier! Come here quickly! 39

The crowd looked moved.

What kind of will made this soldier stand upright even in a coma.

to intimidate the enemy.

The medics rushed over quickly and carried the man away on a simple stretcher.

Father wanted to follow, but there was no order from above.

So he still needs to continue to clean the battlefield.

Soldiers are bound to obey orders.

So no matter how worried he is now, he can only grit his teeth and continue to act.


In this anxiety, the following orders came down.

The first thing my father did was to go to the medical station to see the man's condition.

Fortunately, the man has been out of danger.

That bullet really didn't hit the deadly place, and it only took a few hours before you should be able to wake up.

Father never leaves.

Even though he was equally tired, he still refused to leave in the medical station.

Staring at the man with bloodshot eyes.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of men is very good.

But about three hours later, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Doctor! Nurse!"

Father noticed it right away.

The doctor and nurse were called immediately.

After checking it out.

The doctor said: "Don't worry, it's all right."

"Just after a few days of rest, you can get out of bed and move around normally."

"But if you want to continue fighting, it will take at least two or three months.

They won this battle.

But the war is far from over, this is just a staged victory.

"Brother, take good care of your body.

"I will kill your share of the enemy together.."

"Maybe when you fully recover, this war will be over."

"Then let's go home together.

The man looked at his father and smiled slowly.

There are no strategic plans for the next few days.

It's just that the army is going to be moved, and all the wounded at the medical station must stay behind.

some sentinel.

A young soldier came over with a gun on his back.

"Brother Liu, it's time, go and rest."

Father nodded and turned to leave.

I have been standing in this place for a day and a night, and I have to concentrate on guarding against the enemy's sneak attack.

He was indeed a little tired.

Back to camp.

My father was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard chaotic footsteps outside.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the roar of many people.

"problem occurs?"

All the tiredness of my father disappeared in an instant.

With a jolt, he jumped up, grabbed the gun and ran out!

There is no emergency rally order.

He had no choice but to grab a comrade who was in a hurry.

Asked: "What happened!"

The comrade-in-arms didn't know if he was busy doing what.

It's just that Jian 4.9 replied in a single sentence: "The group of dog days bypassed us and went to raid the left-behind troops behind!"

"When the news came, many brothers had died there!"

As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of deceit.

Since the two sides are already hostile, no matter what means they use, it is not surprising.

Since ancient times, it has been a winner and a loser.

The victor's sneak attack can be regarded as a superb strategic tactic.

The sneak attack of the loser is nothing more than a joke.

But after my father heard these two words from his comrade-in-arms, he was struck by lightning.

Because of the rear position, the man he called the eldest brother is also there!

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