Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

186: Throwing it away without value is really Yang Meng's nature!

186: Throwing it away without value is really Yang Meng's nature!

Seeing his wife cry more and more miserably.

Wu Ming was still a little unbearable after all.

"Now you finally understand?

"You take this Yang Meng as a good teacher, and she takes you all as fools.

The wife cried extremely sadly, but it could be seen that she still couldn't pass this hurdle.

Yang Meng sells things very happily.

Even the cost of applying for classes, including the cost of selling things.

This class will allow her to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars!

As for cost?

In addition to those skin care products, even this conference room was provided free of charge by a student below, without spending a penny at all.

"Damn it, I can only earn two or three thousand dollars after working hard for a month. This woman can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars just by fooling around. I'm so mad!

"Are these women stupid? Don't you hesitate to buy something so expensive?

"This is the genius of Yang Meng. She made full use of 600's sense of competition and impulsive consumption. This bitch really has some tricks."

"I just wanted to know what would happen if I didn't buy her stuff."

While the water friends despised Yang Meng, they also had to be shocked by her method of collecting money.

Ordinary people do not know how many people can save hundreds of thousands.

And she only took ten minutes.

Ye Xuan has been following the barrage all the time.

I saw someone asking what would happen if I didn't buy Yang Meng's stuff.

So the red dust beads were immediately activated.

"Sister, if there is something you can't say in class, you must come to me in private?

Yang Meng had a kind smile on her face, and her address was even more cordial.

The woman opposite her had a look of embarrassment on her face.

After hesitating for a moment, he still said, "Mr. Yang, I want to discuss something with you. 35

"Although I really enjoyed taking your class, especially the skin care products you worked so hard for us to use are also very useful."5

"However, my family's company has some problems, so I want to cancel the remaining class hours.

"There are still several unopened bottles of skin care products I bought before, can I return them together?

Under normal conditions.

This kind of thing during class, as long as it has not been taken, can actually be withdrawn.

Even if the full amount cannot be refunded, part of it can be refunded.

As for the goods, as long as it does not affect the secondary sales, it is actually completely refundable.

But after hearing this.

Yang Meng's face sank in an instant, and she couldn't find any enthusiasm from earlier.

"Is something wrong with the company?"

"What happened?"

The woman didn't seem to notice Yang Meng's change.

He opened his mouth and said: "It's very serious, the capital chain is broken, and the company will go bankrupt at any time."

"So I…."

The words are not over yet.

Yang Meng interrupted her directly.

"Okay, no need to say anymore."

"You don't have to come to me about this, you can't withdraw from the class, I said this a long time ago. 35

"In addition, those skin care products are bought voluntarily by you, I didn't force you.

"Everything has been sold, and I am not responsible for recycling."

"I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

After speaking, Yang Meng (acej) got up and left, with an icy attitude different from before.

The woman was stunned.

Because this is completely different from the teacher Yang in her impression.

Wu Ming even sighed and looked at his wife.

"See? This is your teacher Yang. Roman

"As long as you find that learning is useless, or you can't squeeze money out of it, you will immediately throw it aside.

"Do you still think she's good?"

The wife didn't speak, just kept crying.

It was obvious that he couldn't accept this fact for a while.

As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy one marriage.

Now that Wu Ming has found himself.

Ye Xuan also didn't want to see his marriage fall apart.

Seeing that his wife has been shaken at this moment, he is ready to add another fire!

Although so far, Yang Meng's performance has been heinous.

But the water friends still want to see what kind of angry things she has done.

So Ye Xuan urged the red dust beads.

On the screen, it immediately showed what Yang Meng looked like when she was in class.


"Men always like to say that marriage is the grave of freedom.

"I think this sentence is actually very reasonable, but it is only for men, and it is more applicable to women. 35

"You can all think about it."

"Even those sisters who married into wealthy families have lost their most precious freedom?"

"It is also after marriage that you will suddenly realize.

"Obviously do what you want to do before, without the slightest concern. 35

"But suddenly it depends on other people's faces. No matter what you think, you must discuss it with your husband first."

"There are other sisters, not only to work, but also to be cattle and horses when they come home."

"Do housework, cook, take care of children, take care of the elderly.

"These things, most of the pressure is on us women.

"And men, as long as the work is too tiring, you can shirk most of the responsibility, I want to ask you, why!"

Yang Meng's words are indeed somewhat provocative.

This is especially true for the women who attend the class below.

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