Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

168: Yang Feng's return, the mayor greets him personally, 666

168: Yang Feng's return, the mayor greets him personally, 666

"Crack clap..."

in this instant.

Several brothers of the Liu family.

It felt like being struck by lightning.

Several brothers were all stunned in place.


"Yang Feng?

"It turned out to be Yang Feng?"

I saw Yang Feng get out of the car.

The minds of the five brothers of the Liu family were blank.

In their plan, Yang Feng would be imprisoned for at least seven or eight years.

By the time Yang Feng was released from prison, there would be no place for Yang Feng to stand in Longhu Town.


Only three days.

Yang Feng was released?

Was also greeted by the mayor himself?

"Five Eight Three" just too rude.

"Master Yang."

“On behalf of the residents of Longhu Town, I welcome you home. 95

The mayor walked up to him and enthusiastically presented a bouquet of flowers to Yang Feng.

"Thank you mayor.

"Thank you so much Mayor..."

Being greeted by the mayor personally sending flowers, Yang Feng was also flattered and hurriedly took it with both hands.

The flowers were taken by both hands, and the mayor felt that the person in front of him was polite, and immediately smiled:

"Yang Feng."

"Because you have a good reputation."

"So, in the future, the construction of the yamen will be handed over to you. 99

Hear the word!

Yang Feng was overjoyed.

He never thought of such a good thing.

The yamen project is the fat poor among the fat poor.

The profit is even bigger than building a villa, this time he can make it.

"Thank you mayor. 99

"Thank you mayor.

"I will definitely not live up to your expectations..."

After reacting, Yang Feng, who was overjoyed, quickly expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome. 35

The mayor patted Yang Feng on the shoulder and added with great respect.




at this time.

Someone set off firecrackers to welcome.

With the sound of firecrackers, the crowd welcoming Yang Feng also shouted:

"Welcome home.

"Longhu Town will be your home from now on.

"Thank you for rooting out the bullies for us."

"Brother Yang Feng, the future construction of my house will be handed over to you."5

"In the future, we will also hand over the construction of our house to you. Luo

"Me too.

"My home too

for a while...

The scene was very lively.

at this time.

The three figures walked out slowly.

These three people are Yang Feng's mother, wife, and son!




When family members show up.

They all rushed towards Yang Feng.

Then, the family hugged tightly.

"Woooo, Dad, I thought you were going to jail...

"Husband, you are really going too far, and you almost left the family..."

"Son, you can't be so reckless in the future, I'm a good old lady when you leave, what about your daughter-in-law and son...


The family hugged and cried together.

"Wow, I'm so moved. 99

"Why are my eyes wet?"

"What's the matter, who threw sand in my eyes?"

"Wuwu, why Master Ye can always find this kind of story is so touching.

"The husband is righteous, the wife is affectionate, the mother is kind, the son is wise...a prosperous family. 99

"Love, love..."

Seeing a family reunion.

The water friends in the live broadcast room burst into tears.

After tears, many water friends went crazy again:

"Master Ye, what happened next?"

"Yes, Master Ye, what is the ending?

"Is this the end? Is this the end? Everyone is happy O.."

"Wuwuwu, Master Ye speak quickly..."

In the face of the urging of the water friends.

A smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face: "It's almost over, but there are still some good parts?

"What's so exciting?"

"Quick, I'm going to watch the wonderful. 35

"What's more exciting than this?"

"Just look at the forty-meter sword in my hand..."

When Ye Xuan said there was something more exciting, the water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly became anxious.

next moment……

The red dust beads screen flashed.

The story has advanced to a new stage.

After the family cried for a long time, the red and swollen eyes finally loosened.

Just when everyone thought it was over.


Yang Feng walked straight in one direction.

Therefore, the eyes of the crowd eating melons followed Yang Feng's direction.

This look.


The five brothers of the Liu family are actually standing here?

"Brother Liu is here too?"

"Hmph, what are these five brothers doing here? 59

"Hehe, their brothers must be surprised now, right?

"It's more than an accident, you look at the faces of their brothers with a 4.9, it's a shock transition."

"Hmph, I used to be so arrogant, but now I'm so cowardly, I still need Yang Feng to clean up..."

After seeing the Liu family brothers.

The melon-eating crowd at the scene talked a lot, and their eyes flashed with the joy of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.


They really want a fight.

However, the good show that the people who eat melons thought did not happen.


"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Yang Feng approaching him, Liu Dabao suddenly felt a little flustered and stuttered when he spoke.

Yang Feng chuckled: "Do you know why I didn't go to jail and came out so quickly?"

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