Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

161: The deception is too much to break Yang Feng's mother's b1s!

161: The deception is too much to break Yang Feng's mother's bones!

Ye Xuan nodded in understanding.

Now my mother is also old and needs someone to take care of her.

Hearing Yang Feng's words, his wife couldn't help but laugh.

"It's worthy, why am I not worthy? If I don't deserve it, then you deserve it?"

The five brothers of the Liu family beat Yang Feng.

I will not be competitive with the Liu brothers in the future.

The villa is definitely not to be given up.

People often say, "The sky is falling and there are tall people on it. 99

I also have a lot of time to spend with my family at night.

So many people who originally wanted to find Yang Feng to build a house also went to the five brothers of the Liu family.

"I didn't cry, I killed fish in Guangdong for twelve years, and my heart is as cold as my kitchen knife.

The wife takes care of the old and the young every day.

Bad news came.

Half a month has passed.

Yang Feng's wife came in with a thermos.

Then, the mana urged, and the red dust beads continued to rotate.

Even if he saw Yang Feng fall to the ground, he would peek at him from afar.

The wife sobbed as she spoke.

It's hard work every day.

Called for a long time, but no movement.

Yang Feng pulled his wife by the hand and said softly:

That's fine too.

After all, so much money was put up.

However, the villa is still closed due to his hospitalization.

"Let me tell you, when I was a soldier in the army, the injuries I suffered were much more serious than this, and this can only be regarded as a piece of cake for tigers to eat bean sprouts.

Just enough money to spend, not so much.

And he is the god of this home.

What is the use of making so much money?

What can I do with this home?

I had a slight concussion, but my skin was broken.

"What's wrong?" Yang Feng asked,

Concentrate on building your own villa.

Think back to what happened

The doctor said that he can be discharged from the hospital, and it seems that there are no sequelae.

In addition, Yang Feng was at home and ran from both ends of the villa.

567 said that he was going to call the doctor.

Yang Feng figured it out.

Left out the family.

I saw my wife running over in a panic: "It's not good, it's not good.


Gently patted Yang Feng's back:

Yang Feng sometimes thinks about it.

at this time.

Yang Feng quickly hugged his wife and comforted him:

The hospital that the villa janitor sent himself to.

"God bless me, I will marry a daughter-in-law like my sister-in-law in the future."

"It's alright, don't call the doctor, I just got up in a hurry, and what's wrong with my head? I can't remember.

Yang Feng got up quickly.

No other issues.

Carrying Yang Feng on his back, he ran to the town's infirmary.

"How many do you have?"

"It's alright, you see I'm not alive and well now, this little injury is nothing at all. 35

"Are you all right? Does your head still hurt?

Ignore these rumors.

Gotta start work early.

this half month.

The gatekeeper of the villa hurried over.

Yang Feng is also happy.


The wife said that the villa was fine, but that several walls were torn down.

The doctor in the town infirmary bandaged it.

I saw Yang Feng sitting on the edge of the bed, covering his head with his hands.

Just when Yang Feng thought everything was going well.


But never dared to come.

Watching the villa being built day by day.


If it falls, something happens.

You can't have an accident yourself, or the family will be scattered.

It doesn't matter if you don't find it.

The wife looked terrified: "Just now... Brother Liu, broke our mother's bones!"

"Woooooo, Yang Feng's wife stopped crying, I cried."5

Subsequently, he was observed in the hospital for two days.

I dare not go against the five brothers of the Liu family.

Ye Xuan cleared his throat and said:

The screen flashed.

Try to wake up Yang Feng.

"I cried too, what a touching couple."

"Don't be worthy, you two are repeating the machine here? Read on.

"You know what? I heard that you were sent to the hospital, I felt like I was in bed, I thought I would never see you again, woo woo woo...

During the period when Yang Feng was in a coma, the five brothers of the Liu family did not make small moves, so he still owns the right to build the villa.

Very well, Brother Liu, this is not over.

The gatekeeper of the villa has been hiding in the distance.

Until the four brothers of the Liu family left.

After walking a few steps, the thermal insulation box was casually placed on the table, and Yang Feng was supported with one hand while asking anxiously:

I used to go out before dawn and go home in the middle of the night.

Town rumors.

Peace of mind when enjoying family time with your family.

Yang Feng slowly exhaled.

I learned from his wife that he was photographed by Liu Dabao with a brick.

But still need to rest at home.

During the two days of rest in the hospital.

Rumors intensified.

Seeing the building slanted.

Slight concussion, scratched the skin of the head.

The villa built by Yang Feng was also torn down with an excavator.

I am no longer the one who used to be alone.

Yang Feng was also thinking.

For half a month, no family came to find Yang Feng to work.

Seeing that his wife stopped crying, Yang Feng changed the subject and asked about the villa.

When Yang Feng woke up, it was already noon the next day.

"Upstairs upstairs, ask yourself, are you worthy?"

Time is fleeting.

As the children grow up, there are more places where money is needed.

Seeing anxious water friends urged.

Go to the villa to supervise during the day.

At this time, the wife looked at Yang Feng with red eyes and said:


Immediately panicked.

"How many do you have?

Yang Feng covered his head in pain.

Yang Feng was scared.

"Hmph, you still have the heart to play tricks, it's your fault.

If someone asks you to work, you will take it.

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