145: Damn, expel this idiot

Zhang Ni suddenly appeared.

Let Xiaoyong feel a little helpless.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the students were also whispering:

"What's the situation?"

"Didn't Xiaoyong say that Zhang Ni confessed to him?"

"Be quiet, it's obvious that Xiaoyong is lying. 95

"Tsk tsk, Xiaoyong is the best in our class. It's a shame that even Zhang Ni can't handle it."5

"That's right, I can't handle others, and I'm still bragging here, it's shameless..."

Hear the whispers of the classmates.

Xiaoyong only felt a fever on his face.

I can't wait to find a hole in the ground to get in.

This is really a shame to throw it at my grandma's house.

Just when Xiaoyong wanted to muddle through, Zhang Ni was not happy.

Your own learning comes out on top.

Just because of Xiaoyong's scumbag's prank, he gave himself a concussion and damaged his memory.


This guy can't tell himself.

He also proclaims himself to be a madman.

Now it's not just proclaiming that he is a brain-dead.

On the contrary, she turned black and white and fabricated right and wrong, saying that she confessed to him?

A thought here.

Zhang Ni blushed.

An even more angry question:

"Little Yong.

"You speak clearly.

"When and where did I confess to you?"

The whispers of the classmates just now.

It has made Xiao Yong feel that his self-esteem has been humiliated.

Feel like your authority is being challenged.

But because I was afraid of Zhang Ni's father, I felt aggrieved and wanted to muddle through.

did not expect!

Never thought.

Zhang Ni was shameless.

The next moment, Xiaoyong was already angry, and said:

"Zhang Ni.

"Do you forget it?"

"Wednesday morning last month."

"I brought you breakfast. 35

"You look at me while you eat breakfast and say that I damaged your memory and make me responsible for you!

"I said: How to be responsible?"

"You said: be your boyfriend and marry you in the future."

"I think we're still young.

"I rejected you.

"Have you forgotten about this?"

After telling the fabricated story, Xiaoyong also looked at Zhang Ni with an exaggerated look, making a real appearance.

a time.

The classmates in the classroom were all surprised, and they all looked at Zhang Ni and began to discuss:


"Maybe it's true?"

"Zhang Ni is such a person. 99

"I said, Zhang Ni won't have a crush on Xiaoyong long ago, right?"5

"Yes, yes, Zhang Ni must have had a crush on Xiaoyong for a long time..."

Look at the students who are talking about it.

Sounds full of malicious speculation.

Zhang Ni's tears fell like broken beads.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Zhang Ni pointed at Xiaoyong angrily, trembling all over.

Looking at Zhang Ni's grief-stricken look, Xiaoyong not only has no shame, but also has a sense of revenge.

last confession.

Rejected by Zhang Ni.

This hatred, he always remembered.

Now, Zhang Ni is trembling with anger, and Xiaoyong has a sense of revenge success.

In order to continue this pleasure.

Also to make yourself look better.

Xiaoyong pushed the shameless lower limit to a new low level.

next moment.

Xiaoyong looked at Zhang Ni again with a serious look:

"Zhang Ni. 35

"The reason I rejected you for the first time was that we were too young to fall in love."

"But in fact, I don't think we are young, but I think you are a madman."




these two words.

Like two knife holders.

Every stroke of the two words.

It was a knife that pierced into Zhang Ni's heart.

When Xiaoyong uttered the word "brain", Zhang Ni's heart felt as tender as a knife, but she could only have red eyes and tears: "You

"What's wrong with me?"

"I'm telling the truth.

"Although I don't study well, I have a conscience."

"After rejecting your confession, I feel that this is too inappropriate. After all, it was I who made you concussion."

"Man, you should be responsible!

"That's why I decided to confess to you."

"Otherwise, do you think I'm a normal person who can look down on a brain like you?"




these two words.

Once again, it deeply hurt Zhang Ni's inner scar.


Zhang Ni, who was humiliated to the extreme.

Directly cried out in public.

Then, Zhang Ni, who had just returned from a follow-up visit, turned around and ran out of the classroom.

Seeing Zhang Ni run away.

Xiaoyong said shamelessly to his classmates in the classroom:

"Look. 35

"Zhang Ni is still embarrassed.

"Fuck, I hate it so much!

"I'm so gritted my teeth."

"How can there be such a shameless person in the world?"

"Ah, ah, mad at me, mad at me.

"Damn, this kind of scum should be expelled from male status. 39

"Where's the knife? Where's the knife? I want to kill this fellow, even if I get caught afterwards.

"This kind of human villain should be fried in a frying pan until he dies.

"I used to think that the eighteen layers of hell were too cruel, but now I feel that the eighteen layers of hell should be placed in the human world and let this beast experience it.

When the water friends in the live broadcast room saw Xiaoyong's operation.

All the water friends' eyes turned red.

He beat his chest and wanted to kill Xiaoyong.


some anger.

Can only vent in the empty space.

After venting his anger with the barrage.

The water friends all turned their attention to Ye Xuan:

"Master Ye, what will happen to this scum in the future? 35

"Yes, did this scum die in the end?

"If he doesn't die, I'll kill this scum."

"I'm going to chop this scum alive. 35


In the face of angry inquiries from water friends.

Ye Xuan did not tell everyone the answer, but said lightly: "Everyone, keep reading!""

next moment!

The red dust beads appeared on the screen again.

In the picture, Zhang Ni, whose eyes are red and swollen, has returned home.

First thing at home.

Zhang Ni told her father what happened just now.

Xiaoyong hurt his daughter, and Zhang Ni's father was always full of anger.

Because of rational repression.

It didn't explode.

Watching my daughter get killed like this.

Not only did Xiaoyong not repent, but he went even further and denounced his daughter's innocence!


Zhang Ni's father's volcano erupted.

The angry Zhang Ni's father, with a knife, was about to rush to the school and chop up Xiaoyong.


at this time.

Zhang Ni's mother appeared.

For fear that her husband's actions would not be serious, she firmly held her husband.


The husband has made up his mind.

Xiaoyong must be chopped up.

Therefore, the husband finally shook off his wife and set off with a knife.

See this scene.

The wife hurriedly called Zhang Ni's head teacher.

Knowing that Zhang Ni's father came with a knife, the head teacher was frightened, and quickly informed Xiaoyong and told Xiaoyong to hide.

Xiaoyong is bragging with his classmates in class.

Hearing that the strong bear-like man from Zhang Ni's father came with a knife and wanted to chop himself up, he was immediately frightened.

So...(Li Wangzhao)

Xiaoyong went home immediately.

When she was young, the old lady felt that her home was not safe, so she took Xiaoyong to a relative's house.

Zhang Ni's father went to school and did not find Xiaoyong, so he went to Xiaoyong's house to find him.

When Xiaoyong was not found at home, he squatted at the gate of the school every day, vowing to chop up Xiaoyong.

Xiaoyong didn't want to study.

Now there is Zhang Ni's father guarding.


Xiaoyong found a reason not to go to school,

Just thinking about taking the high school entrance exam when it's time.

Being bored at home, Xiaoyong went to a restaurant to work part-time serving dishes.

As a result, the first day served the plate.

Quarrel with dinner guests.

As a result, the guests were not used to him either.

He slapped Xiaoyong fiercely.

Xiaoyong was stunned with a slap, and he went home that night.

After staying at home for a while, Xiaoyong went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet. When the money ran out, he became a network administrator.


Zhang Ni's father.

He never gave up looking for Xiaoyongjiu.

Xiaoyong, who had been up all night on this day, just opened his eyes, and his whole body was awake in an instant.


Zhang Ni's father Zhang Kaiyuan!

With a livid face, he sat opposite him!

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