Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

141: What the hell, do you call it popular?

141: What the hell, do you call it popular?

"Misunderstanding. 99

"Ask Master Ye, where did the extra hundred come from?"

Ye Xuan sneered: "You watch the water friends in the live broadcast room, do they believe it?"


The water friends in the live broadcast room began to scold.

"Yes Yes Yes.


"So you still have to pay a protection fee to maintain your popularity?"

"Water friends."

"Smoking and smoking.

Ye Xuan said in a flat tone:

"Auntie, your son's filial piety is suitable for fertilizer."

"Big brother came to smoke, I'll give you some..."

"Big brother. (acej)

talking room.


"Misunderstanding f*ck!

A street boy dressed in non-mainstream clothes came over.

Ye Xuan looked at the old lady: "You said your son is very popular?

"It was just an accident."

"The big fish eats the little fish is a great game!"

Xiaoyong immediately showed a flattering smile:

The live broadcast room is constantly popping up.

But thinking about the need for Ye Xuan to figure out where his son is, he can only laugh:

Seeing that Xiaoyong took out a hundred more.


"Hehe. 35

"One hundred per person.


Just when the water friends scolded.

"If this kind of scum is not returned to the furnace and rebuilt, what is it left for?

thought here.

"It turns out that the popularity is good, so you can collect protection fees from your classmates? 35

Ye Xuan will surely generate sympathy.

I took the old lady's 200 yuan to buy fertilizer and came to the school gate to wait.

See you!

"It's all a misunderstanding.


In the picture, the three street runners received the money.


"If your son can be like that, it has nothing to do with you, the mother..."

In the face of Xiaoyong's flattery, Jie Liuzi is not at all appreciative and impatient:

All the classmates who came to school, saw a few people and walked around, which made Xiaoyong feel very proud.

"Auntie, your son is a dutiful son."

"The same question!"

"How could I forget the protection fee, this will be given, this will be given!"

See where the money comes from.

"It turns out that well-connected classmates can walk around when they meet?

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

Xiaoyong put his hand into his trousers pocket and took out three hundred yuan and handed it to Jie Liuzi, with a flattering smile:

"Auntie, your son, the dutiful son, also has an older brother named Uchiha Itachi..."

After being beaten in the face, the old lady defended with an embarrassed expression:

"Your son is a ruffian, is this a misunderstanding?

The red dust beads screen is also changing.

Xiaoyong, who was very arrogant in front of his mother, greeted him with a smile like a traitor when he saw Jie Liuzi:

"No one dares to move when I have you covered."5

"He has a lot of friends, and he has acquaintances everywhere..."


"Auntie, guess I believe it or not?

Then and Xiaoyong stood at the school gate and smoked together.


"Yeah, how did you get 300 if you robbed 200?

"what's the situation?"

"Playing around, making fun of your classmates who can extort money, how thick is your face?"

Hear these words.

"My son is very popular. 35

"I don't usually do that.""

On screen:

"You said your son is popular."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned:

They asked the old lady's son, what else did he do to honor his ancestors?

Ye Xuan looked calm: "Let the bullets fly for a while. 35

Although the old lady didn't know who Uchiha Itachi was, she knew that this was definitely not a good thing, so she kept smiling awkwardly:


Ye Xuan did not speak.

The old lady's son Xiaoyong.

"It's this week's protection fee.

Xiaoyong went to class.

"Fuck, that's what happened."

A few dressed bells and whistles.

After seeing the picture, the water friends beat their chests and sighed in anger.

Instead, the palm stroked the red dust beads.

next moment.

"This bastard has also learned to extort.

Just wanted to scold Ye Xuan.

They all asked Ye Xuan in the live broadcast room.

The old lady looked angry.

"It's all children playing around, laughing..."

"What about the protection fee!?

Thinking of what the old lady did, Ye Xuan sneered:

Wait until the old lady is finished boasting.

The students in the class were also very afraid of Xiaoyong, and they walked around when they saw him.

If it is normal.

"He is usually filial.

Bullets are flying.

Seeing the old lady so embarrassed.

"This son is very talented, and he is a good seedling in prison.

The red dust beads appeared on the screen again.

"Colluding with street liars to bully classmates, do you call this a misunderstanding?

Not only can't sympathize, but even want to give the old lady a few big ears.

"Don't worry, brother."

"It would be naive if you just thought it was over."

When he learned what the old lady did before 567.

The old lady was beaten in the face on the spot.

The screen is full of mockery.

"Three big brothers."

Because in the eyes of the classmates, Xiaoyong is a class bully who has an intersection with the society, and he can't be offended.


The old lady looked at the live broadcast room.

After a while.

The next moment, the red dust beads appeared on the screen.

"Stop talking nonsense! 99


Can not afford to offend.

The school bell rang.

After class, Xiaoyong took the two younger brothers of the class and found a few weak classmates to collect protection fees.

The water friend was shocked.

"Let me go, where did the extra one hundred come from?

The old lady was in an embarrassing period. Seeing that Ye Xuan changed the subject, she immediately started touting it again.

It doesn't mean you can't hide.

"Didn't you just steal its mother two hundred?"

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