Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

127: She's not being bullied, she's a bully

127: She's not being bullied, she's a bully

"Uncle, refund the money." 9

"Uncle, go and apologize. 35

"Isn't conscience more important than 20,000 yuan?"

"It's easy to make money, but it's hard to pick up your conscience."

"Uncle, you need some face, and you dare not learn from your daughter-in-law!"

Seeing that Tan Xiuxiu's mother threw 20,000 yuan to the ground, she asked her husband to pick it up.

The water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly became anxious.

One after another, they were madly brushing the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Hope Tan Xiuxiu father.

Can send money back.

Conscience picks up.


In the end it backfired.

Tan Xiuxiu's father was angry at first.

But looking at 20,000 yuan, his eyes were full of hesitation.

In the end, there was no hesitation, it was all greed.

next moment!

Tan Xiuxiu's father picked up the 20,000 yuan.

With an embarrassed look on his face, he picked up the 20,000 yuan and sighed angrily:

"Wife. 35

"It's really good money. 55

"That person is definitely not bad for money, or he wouldn't give 20,000 casually. 99

Seeing her husband no longer elm head.

The wife also smiled, hammered her husband's chest, and said affectionately: "You!

"Grass mud horse!"

"A pair of badass pens!

"Is this the end?"

"What about being honest and kind?"

"Damn, Laozi believed that you had a conscience before, but he was really blind.

"MMP, it's not a family, if you don't enter a family, this family is better than pigs and dogs! 99

"It's no wonder that Tan Xiuxiu is smoking bad, it turns out to be a family inheritance.

"I learned to wrong people at such a young age, how can I get better in the future?"

"Master Ye, what else did Tan Xiuxiu do?

"Yes, what else did Tan Xiuxiu do?

"What else did Tan Xiuxiu do?

"Master Ye, hurry up and say..."

After seeing the performance of Tan Xiuxiu's family.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all angry and smoking.

After the intense anger, the water friends in the live broadcast room urged Ye Xuan to reveal other evil things that Tan Xiuxiu had done.

"don't want."

"Please, Master Ye."

"Please don't expose me, I know I'm wrong.

Seeing that Ye Xuan has to be exposed.

Tan Xiuxiu was almost scared to pee.

If this is exposed again, will I still be alive?

I'm afraid that no matter where she goes, someone will stab her in the spine, right?

"Tan Xiuxiu!"

"Are you scared now?"

"If you said that you did evil to the old man and blackmailed 20,000 yuan, it was your mother's instigation."

"What about the back?

"Did your mother instigate you later?"

"After that, you did a lot of heinous things.

"You have hurt a lot of people."

"It even left a shadow on many people's lives. 35

"Now, do you want to take a few fluffy words in one stroke?

What else did Tan Xiuxiu want to say.

But Ye Xuan was speechless.

Yes, Ye Xuan is telling the truth.

The evil she committed was only exposed, and she couldn't accept it.

And how much pain did those who were hurt and bullied by her suffer?

"Master Ye, expose quickly!

"That's right, let everyone see the evil things Tan Xiuxiu did."

"Master Ye, start the liver!""

"Master Ye, be quick..."

Under the urging of many water friends.

Ye Xuan explained with a sigh:

"Blackmail 20,000 yuan."

"This incident had a great impact on Tan Xiuxiu.

"Since then, Tan Xiuxiu has become more wicked and better at acting.

"Like when I was in middle school."

"Tan Xiuxiu wants to be the eldest sister.

"Do you know how Tan Xiuxiu operates? 35

Once the problem arises.

Friends have speculated:

"Hit your sister?"

"Pull the head?"

"Send a Gift?"

"Being a teacher's scumbag? 35

"Looking for an off-campus gangster to be a big brother?

0.. ask for flowers ·

"What kind of little gang to form together?"

All in all.

The water friends in the live broadcast room guessed a lot.

However, no one guessed.

In desperation, everyone had to let Ye Xuan announce the answer.

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice:

"Take a shot at a man!""

"Everyone should know."

"At school. 35

"Every class probably has one.

"Then one or two silly classmates."

"These two silly girls are the targets of everyone's bullying."

"Tan Xiuxiu's class also has a silly boy. 55

"To establish prestige.

"Tan Xiuxiu asked the sisters to go to the silly boy."

"Then let the sisters slander, saying that the boy touched his own headlights. 35

"Seeing the stupid classmate turned out to be a lunatic, many male classmates are aggressive and want to teach the stupid classmate a lesson.


"before this."

"Tan Xiuxiu, who was already prepared, rushed out. 35

"Find a trash can and put it directly on the stupid classmate's head. 55

"Stupid classmate just took the trash can off his head."

"Tan Xiuxiu went up and slapped seven or eight in a row.

"After slapping the face, he slapped the silly boy on the calf with the legs of the stool, knocking the silly boy to the ground.

"Then, Tan Xiuxiu stepped on the male classmate's face with her foot.

"Because of this. 39

"All the male students in the class were shocked.

"After all, who would have thought that there would be such a fierce and ruthless girl in a fight?"


"All the girls in the class recognize Tan Xiuxiu as the eldest sister.

"In order to consolidate her position, Tan Xiuxiu took the lead in excluding and isolating female classmates who did not listen to her.

"Three years of junior high school."

"Tan Xiuxiu caused at least three female classmates to suffer from depression."

"It wasn't until the third year of junior high that something big happened. 35

"This big event almost cost Tan Xiuxiu's life!" Fan.

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