Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

119: So, poor students need more than 10,000 mobile ph1s?

119: So, poor students need more than 10,000 mobile phones?

"That's it!"

"I have to give it to you." 9

"If the school doesn't give it to you, I'll give it to you!

"If the poverty fund is not given to you, there must be a shady story."

"Sister, elder sister really loves your experience, elder sister can tell you."

"I just want to sponsor a student, if you want, I can give you two thousand living expenses per month

There are many water friends in the live room.

They all expressed their willingness to donate generously.

at the same time.

The students in Tan Xiuxiu's class were also moved in a mess:

"Don't say it, just give the subsidy to Tan Xiuxiu.

"Yes, with both hands and feet, it must be given to Tan Xiuxiu."

"I originally wanted a scholarship, but looking at what happened to Tan Xiuxiu, I still don't want it."

"Yeah, Tan Xiuxiu's father sacrificed for justice, and this society should have given Tan Xiuxiu some care..."

a time.

No matter the class.

Or a live broadcast room.

02Almost everyone agrees to give Tan Xiuxiu the highest poverty money.

At this moment.

Tan Xiuxiu looked at Teacher Jiang, and she was very moving:


"Can you give me the highest level of poverty money?"

"Not only do I need it, but my family needs it too!"

Hear the word!

Teacher Jiang did not directly agree, but looked at Ye Xuan and asked, "Master Ye?


Ye Xuan answered lightly.

A serious expression appeared on Teacher Jiang's face:

"Our school is an acting school. 55

"Everyone's acting ability is very strong.

"But the purpose of the poverty fund is to help people who really need help, not people who can perform."5

"If it wasn't flipped by you."

"The most high-end bursary will definitely be given to Tan Xiuxiu."

"However, since you flipped the brand, I would like to ask if there are any girls in the class who are worse than Tan Xiuxiu?

‘Fuck, what are you dawdling about?”

"Hurry up, take the poverty-stricken gold to Tan Xiuxiu."

"Fuck, the old man sacrificed his life for righteousness. Could it be worse than this?"

"That's right, hurry up and give Tan Xiuxiu the poverty money, or I won't agree with the 40-meter sword in my hand."

"Support Tan Xiuxiu!

"Support Tan Xiuxiu!"

"Support Tan Xiuxiu...

When Teacher Jiang's voice fell.

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

Almost all the water friends are supporting Tan Xiuxiu and think that Tan Xiuxiu should receive poverty money.


at this time.

Ye Xuan said something earth-shattering: "Tan Xiuxiu, she is not eligible for poverty money at all!""

As soon as this word comes out!

Like cooking oil on fire.

The live broadcast room exploded at once:

"Master Ye, what did you say?

"Master Ye, it's not fair for you to say this."

"Master Ye, give you three seconds, hurry up and say it again!"

"Damn, take off the powder and take off the powder, Master Ye is too Jill. 35

"Master Ye, if you can't come up with a reason, I'll send you a blade!

"Master Ye..."

Hear what Ye Xuan said.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were not happy all of a sudden.

Not only are the water friends in the live broadcast room unhappy, but Tan Xiuxiu's classmates are also unhappy:

"Master, why?

"Master, you can't talk about it. 55

"Master, why is Tan Xiuxiu not eligible for a bursary!"

"Master, give me a reason, otherwise even if you are handsome, I won't be your wife anymore..."


Whether it's a live room or a classroom.

Almost everyone is denouncing Ye Xuan.

It was also at this time that Tan Xiuxiu looked at Ye Xuan: "Master Ye, why do you say that I am not eligible for the scholarship?"

"What phone you are using?"

Ye Xuan's eyes fell on Tan Xiuxiu's mobile phone and asked in a flat tone.


Tan Xiuxiu's face changed slightly and did not answer.

"Don't want to talk?"

"Then I will speak for you.

"The phone you're using now is the Apple 13 Pro Max!

"The phone is now priced at 13,000, and it was more expensive before. 99

"You can afford a 13,000 cell phone.""

"But came to apply for the 8700 bursary? 35

"To use the 8700 bursary. 35

"Improving life for mothers?

Hear the word!

Tan Xiuxiu's face suddenly became ugly, and she gritted her teeth: "Master, can't poor students be able to use mobile phones?"

"Poor students can't use mobile phones? What logic is this?"

"Hehe, according to Master Ye's words, poor students should be inferior to others?"

"Master Ye, poor students should use cheap mobile phones, so should poor people use flying pigeons to pass on books?"


"Master Ye, I feel that you are discriminating against the poor."

"Master Ye, poor students also have vanity..."


A large number of barrages appeared in the live broadcast room.

These barrages are supporting Tan Xiuxiu.

Ye Xuan did not entangle with the water friends, but pointed the finger at Tan Xiuxiu and continued:

"Of course the poor can use mobile phones well."

"But students who receive poverty funds are not good! 99

"The reason is that you have the money to buy a good phone, which means you have the ability to improve your life.

"Poverty money should be given to those who need it more.

Hearing this, Tan Xiuxiu's face became ugly: "I..."

"Wait until I'm done!

Ye Xuan interrupted Tan Xiuxiu's speech and continued:

"You said that mothers need poverty money to improve their lives.

"But you have the money to buy more than 10,000 mobile phones first, instead of taking care of your mother first.

"Does this mean that a good cell phone is more important than a mother?35


Tan Xiuxiu's face changed greatly, he hesitated: "I...I..."

At this time, Ye Xuan sneered: "Also, your question is just as simple as the phone?"

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