Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

116: That's right, a girl from a class is Ye Xuan's wife

116: That's right, a girl from a class is Ye Xuan's wife

Both playful.

"Kong Dongxing has done the biggest mistake."

In front of millions of people in the live broadcast room, he smashed the wheel directly into Ye Xuan's face.

Kong Dongxing and his mother begged for mercy.

Ye Xuan chuckled: "What bet?"

have to say.

"Hahaha, is it really Master Ye?"

"Just change the nickname to [Ye Xuan's wife].

A beautiful woman appeared in the camera.


"Master, choose me.""

"This is not genuine repentance, it is fear of being punished and begging for mercy in order to avoid punishment.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were unrelenting.

"Fuck him +1..."

Talking room!

have to say.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan shook his head, his tone was flat:

Kong Dongxing hurriedly kowtowed to Ye Xuan and thanked Ye Xuan.

"Master, I am the Queen Mother or choose me, I will help you ascend to the throne of Jade Emperor"


"Don't say that the nickname is changed to Ye Xuan's wife, even if she really is Ye Xuan's wife.

an entire classroom.

"Master Ye!"

"I'm going to make a bet with you! 39

And pure.

"Master Ye, I'm your female fan, can you give me benefits?

"Master Ye, the live fortune teller, actually made a video with us?"

"Enough is enough!"

"I agree."


"Good good.

Today's girls are not open, but unrestrained.

Seeing these girls have to drive.

Video link.

"Such a beautiful woman is only worthy of Master Ye.

"Why didn't you think about it when you avenged your kindness and vengeance in the past? 39

Video invitation.


"Even if Master Ye is not right, I agree.

"Although it is a villain's behavior, it will not use the bad luck charm.

Continue to let Ye Xuan punish Kong Dongxing.

"I'm drooling in favor."

"Master, I am the daughter king, and all the women who have chosen me are yours."

"Don't fall in love, just get married, I have already thought about the name of the child.


"Legally in favor.""

Ye Xuan hurriedly smiled and tapped the brakes, then said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, what do you want?"

After seeing Teacher Jiang's beautiful face.

"Apologize now, what did you do earlier?"

The sound fell.

"Now having a baby, I can do it.

"Damn, isn't this my long-lost wife?"


"dong dong dong..."

"Wuwuwu, we are so lucky, we never thought that Master Ye would be able to flip our brand."

When these female students saw Ye Xuan, they all showed expressions like seeing a ghost, and shouted:

"Girls in our class."

the other side of the lens.

It was still early after the cut, Ye Xuan said indifferently: "Whoever wants to do a fortune-telling, let's post a barrage!

"Master Ye turned over my sign, so lucky."5


"And there are millions of water friends in the live broadcast room. After this live broadcast, Kong Dongxing also died socially."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were collectively surging.

dozens of female students.

Ye Xuan's eyes stopped.

"I'll call you my wife, do you dare to agree?"

Next (acej) moment!

Included in the live broadcast.

At this time, Ye Xuan's eyes quickly glanced at the nickname of the barrage.

"As long as Master Ye can figure it out, what meeting is being held now."

Teacher Jiang is also excited, and his tone is full of difficulty and disbelief:

Teacher Jiang rolled his eyes, revealing a quirky expression:

The anger of the water friends in the 553 broadcast room only subsided.

"Master, I am Su Daji, I will give you the enjoyment of King Zhou.

"We make a bet with Master Ye.""

"Hands and feet agree. 95

"Just guess what meeting our class is having.

"It's rough upstairs. Teacher Jiang is my wife. I even thought about where to bury it."

"For a month, do you think it's okay?

"We've made a deal."

"Having 43 wives at the same time."

"Is it true? 35




"I changed my nickname to [Ye Xuan's Big Wife].


The sound fell.

Just watching the barrage is a kind of enjoyment.

Teacher Jiang turned the camera around.

"Master, choose me."

"Can you bet? 99

It's a stunner!

The live room is directly boiling:

"The 42 female students in our class have been changed to 【Ye Xuan's wife!】"

"Mr. Jiang flipped over your teacher's name!"

Ye Xuan cut off Kong Dongxing's live broadcast.

"Nothing is more than giving advice to Manager Zhang's mother.

"Master Ye. 39

"Ah, is it Master Ye?"

"Yes, yes, you give me benefits, and I will help you have a child..."

A hint of slyness flashed in Teacher Jiang's eyes, and he said strangely:

"is this real?""

This beauty is about 20 years old, with fair and tender skin, big lively eyes, and small wavy hair.

Seeing will not punish yourself.

"Come on, kids.

"Isn't our class having a meeting now?

Teacher Jiang did not answer directly, but looked at the students in the class with excitement:

"Master, I am the jade-faced fox. I will give you the enjoyment of the Bull Demon King."

"This punishment.

Locked a nickname [Mr. Jiang].

"How pitiful it is to beg for mercy now, how hateful it was to harm others in the first place.

"Master Ye, fuck him!"

The water friends are all jokers.

Seeing that the students agreed.

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