Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

114: This is so burning, the water friends in the live broadcast room are surging

114: This is so burning, the water friends in the live broadcast room are surging

"Have you finally been caught?"

"The people of the East China Sea sent a congratulatory message. 99

"The people of Xishan sent a congratulatory message.""

"The people of Sanqin sent a congratulatory message.

"The people of Qilu sent a congratulatory message..."

"Damn, Manager Zhang finally caught this villain. 39

"What are you still doing? Just kill this villain...

After seeing Manager Zhang grabbing Kong Dongxing.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were suddenly surging.

Let's talk about the scene of the incident played in the Red Dust Pearl.

Manager Zhang thinks of the torture people have endured for days, his face is extremely gloomy, his eyes are bloodshot, and he even looks a little hideous:


"is it you?"

"You've been behind my mother's back all this time, giving advice to my mother?"


See Manager Zhang's hideous expression.

Kong Dongxing was frightened and took a breath of cold air, his body couldn't help trembling a little, and he immediately turned around and ran away.

"I hit someone."

"Manager Zhang beat someone..."

for being too frightened.

So Kong Dongxing shouted while running.

In a blink of an eye.

Colleagues who heard voices.

They all drilled out from various rooms of the project department to watch the fun.


A figure appeared not far away.

This figure is the hideous-looking Manager Zhang.

Manager Zhang usually treats people politely and politely, but today he appeared with a ferocious face, which immediately shocked everyone!

"Stop him!


Manager Zhang roared.

Now Manager Zhang is Vice President Zhang, and his face is still great.

With the order, several melon eaters acted as the vanguard and stopped Kong Dongxing who was running away.

Seeing can't escape.

Kong Dongxing could only helplessly defend:

"Mr. Zhang. 39

"I'm also kind."

"I called my aunt to get an idea. 35

"It's also for you to start a family sooner!""

Manager Zhang's eyes were almost spitting fire, gnashing his teeth:

"That is to say!

“My mother called me in the middle of the night to urge the marriage. 35

"Come to the project department to make a fuss in the general manager's office.

"There are many other things that you ordered my mother to do?

The voice falls!

The people who eat melons around are stunned.

They have long known that Manager Zhang has a mother who is crazy about marriage.

This mother did everything she could to urge Manager Zhang to get married.


The originator behind all this.

It turned out to be Kong Dongxing? Was it Kong Dongxing who was blamed by Manager Zhang?

"Kong Dongxing, where is your conscience?"

"Kong Dongxing, you bastard. 99

"Kong Dongxing, you are too unhuman"

"Manager Zhang treats you so well, but you retaliate for your kindness?

"Why are you such a person, I really misread you before..."

a time.

Colleagues who learned the truth yelled.

Don't look at the one behind Kong Dongxing who makes the trip 6.

But when he was doing it with integrity, Kong Dongxing was a coward. Even if he was scolded by so many people, he only dared to defend in a low voice:


"I also care about President Zhang."

"It's also for President Zhang to get married sooner."

I heard Kong Dongxing's shameless explanation.

Manager Zhang's eyes spit fire angrily, and he was furious:

"Kong Dongxing!"

"Do you want a face?"

"You usually work slowly, I will help you do the work. 99

"You filled out the wrong salary form, and I'll take the blame for you."5

"You want to repay me."

"Let my mother call me in the middle of the night to urge me to get married? 35

"Let my mother run into the chairman's office to fight?

"Let my mother buy children's supplies to put in my dorm?""

"Let my mother go to my ex-girlfriend's house to make a fuss?"

"Are you still human?"

Say the last sentence of the accusation.

Manager Zhang was already roaring angrily.

At this time, colleagues at the scene also knew the reason:

"Damn, so vicious?"

"Damn, this is a white-eyed wolf!

"Kong Dongxing turned out to be such a scum."

"President Zhang, let this scum be fired!

"Yes, this scum has a lot of mistakes and can be fired completely. Suffer"

"Yeah, get fired!"

for a while!

colleagues around.

They asked Manager Zhang to fire Kong Dongxing.

Manager Zhang closed his eyes, he knew that officials should not be indecisive, otherwise everyone would bully you.

Kong Dongxing had already offended him to this point.

If he does not fire Kong Dongxing, he will have no prestige in the future.

thought here.

Manager Zhang opened his eyes and said coldly, "Kong Dongxing, go through the resignation procedures!"

resignation process?

Fired yourself?

Forget it, get fired!

In the past, I was afraid of offending Manager Zhang, so I only dared to play tricks behind my back.

Now that you have been fired, are you still afraid of being slapped with 537? Just scolding it back and you're done!

After making a decision in mind.

Kong Dongxing sneered:

"Manager Zhang!

"How about your ability to work?

"How about being responsible and courageous?"

"After all, it's just a single dog, and a single dog in his thirties."

"I don't work as well as you."

"Not as good as you are. 35

"There's nothing like you.

"But I just have a girlfriend, are you angry?"5

"from now on.

"You don't have a girlfriend anymore!"

Just then, a female voice came from the field.

Everyone followed the voice and saw that the person who came was Xiao Lin.

Seeing Xiao Lin say that she has no girlfriend anymore, Kong Dongxing panicked at the time, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Lin, don't break up with me! 35


Xiaolin ignored Kong Dongxing.

Instead, he picked a wild flower from the side of the road, walked to Manager Zhang, and knelt down on one knee:

"Manager Zhang.

"I love you for a long time."

"Can you make me your girlfriend?"

"I am very clean and have never had a relationship with Kong Dongxing."


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