Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

111: What about Laozi's 40 meter sword? To stab this clown!

111: What about Laozi's 40-meter sword? To stab this clown!

Kong Dongxing taught Manager Zhang's mother four methods.

As soon as I arrived at the general manager's office, I saw my mother in the office, pointing at the general manager's nose and cursing:

Manager Zhang waved the project department wearily.

You can crush yourself to death!

"You are always doing some underworld operations, why don't you go back to the underworld..."

The first three methods were beyond the control of Manager Zhang's mother.

Two in the morning.

"Don't go too deep into the play."

"I'll lend you a forty-meter sword to hack this scum to death..."

Hear this voice!

Just the last straw.


I saw so many water friends in the live broadcast room spitting fragrance at myself.

"I beg Master Ye, don't let such a righteous person as Manager Zhang get hurt..."

Ye Xuan couldn't help but feel a little helpless and sighed:

"Small hole.

"I just use red dust beads to reproduce the previous history."5

Seeing that Kong Dongxing did not repent.

I don't even know what Kong Dongxing said to his mother.

At this time, Manager Zhang's mother also hurried to help:

under such extreme pressure.

"Kong Dongxing tried to die a few times, but this time he really died, right?"

Manager Zhang was immediately vigilant and said with a smile:


Fragrance mode turned on again.

As soon as I returned to the project department, a colleague came up with an ugly expression:

The water friends were busy spraying people, and Ye Xuan was not idle either.


"You water-friendly too much."

"Why did you come to this world, you scum?"

The whole person is like a flashback.

"Dianmao, do you have any misunderstanding about the victim?"

When the video was just connected, Kong Dongxing was still gnashing his teeth in hatred.

"That's right, how is the underworld managed? Why is everything stuffed into the sun?

"Manager Zhang, kill this villain.

Manager Zhang only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"This little hole, he came over and asked Mom what to do?"

"Manager Zhang, it's dangerous." 9

There was a lot of excitement in the live broadcast room.

"I see Auntie here alone.

He didn't understand why his mother suddenly became so extreme.


"You're self-inflicted and can't live...

"Jingle Bell……."

"Master Ye, save Manager Zhang.

Found a vent in no time!

"Yeah yeah.

Seeing that Manager Zhang was deceived, many water friends who were too involved in the drama even directly launched a barrage to Ye Xuan:

The water friends in the live broadcast room were angry.


The listener is attentive.

"Go and do something else.""

In the middle of the night, my mother had called him more than a dozen times.

Kong Dongxing was also taken aback.

The picture of the red dust beads continues the story that happened before...

"So, is Manager Zhang eavesdropping?

Seeing that Manager Zhang suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's palm stroked the red dust beads again.

"I don't care. 95

"Hang Mao, you're not a victim, you deserve it. 99

Kong Dongxing agreed and left.

"Manager Zhang, stop talking, draw your knife!

"It's all history that has happened before.

It was used very well by Manager Zhang's mother.

"Your mother said that this job was too busy and delayed your daughter-in-law, and asked the general manager of the project to pay him a daughter-in-law!""

"And 537, he also said that you helped him a lot with his work, and he is very grateful to you..."

During this period of time, the work pressure itself is great.

Manager Zhang, who had been tired all day, received a call as soon as he fell asleep.

But he immediately reacted with enthusiasm:

Manager Zhang himself is somewhat vigilant.


"You have arranged my son's work so busy that he has no time to fall in love, and you will pay me a daughter-in-law!"

How many times?

But the fourth method: extreme persecution.

At night, I finally rested, and was urged to marry by my mother in the middle of the night.

In this moment!

"The final result.

All are barrages of scolding Kong Dongxing.

When he left, Kong Dongxing's eyes were full of sneer.

"Damn, I want to rush off the screen and kill this villain for Manager Zhang..."

a time.

"Come and ask Auntie, do you need any help? 35

this moment!

"Fuck, is this gone?"

The live broadcast room is crowded.

As his actions were exposed, his face was full of embarrassment, but he was still reluctant to admit his mistakes.

Ye Xuan's eyes turned to Kong Dongxing, who was linked to his video.

The drowsy state instantly became awake.

Seeing Manager Zhang appearing now, one by one, they burst into barrage with excitement, hoping that Manager Zhang could give the other party some color to see.

"Mr. Zhang's mother was just given chicken soup with poison, and she was caught by Manager Zhang. What a lucky cleverness."


But it was explained by Kong Dongxing and his mother.

The anger of the water friends in the live room.

"Yes, tell Manager Zhang who Kong Dongxing is."

"Anyway, it was Manager Zhang who stole my girlfriend.

"Manager Zhang, this person wants to harm you."

To keep people alive?

"Didn't you see it?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room simply hate it.

"Hello Manager Zhang.

He didn't lie at the door eavesdropping beforehand.

"You call it retribution."

Manager Zhang was puzzled.

Manager Zhang just came back to accompany his mother.

Just a week.


"Why are you a victim?"

"You deserve it."9

Manager Zhang only felt that his head was hit by a sledgehammer.

Kong Dongxing was instantly angry and cursed:

"Manager Zhang. 35

The speaker intends.

Back from the construction site.

When the call was connected, the mother over there said: "Son, hurry up to fall in love, hurry up to get married!

"Thank you.

Manager Zhang felt his head exploded.

"Beautiful boys."

How many times?

"Kong Dongxing, grass mud horse! 35

"I am the victim, why do you scold me? Why do you scold me?

"You quickly go to the general manager's office to have a look.

Seeing what Kong Dongxing did.

Look at the barrage of the water friend's request.

He has worked for many years and is a competent competitor of the deputy general manager.

Recently, the deputy general manager of the project was appointed to other projects.

At this moment, Manager Zhang feels like a camel with the ultimate load.

Run quickly to the general manager's office.

"Caught on the spot.

"Even if the country's population is in short supply, it won't be your turn to be reincarnated, right? 35

"I don't care. 99

Instead, he shouted to millions of water friends in the live broadcast room.

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