1018: It's you who are caught

Foreign students also saw that they were exposed by the Hongchen Mirror in the live broadcast room, and they panicked and deleted the text they entered.

They say different things:

"Bagga! Ye Xuan the bastard!

"I've been discovered, Oppa, come and save me!

Netizens laughed:

"It's really stupid, and you speak a foreign language, doesn't that tell us your identities? 35

"If they had an IQ of 'one five three', they wouldn't come to spray people.

"Those who come to Xiaguo to study are waste. It is better to expect sows to learn advanced mathematics if they have IQ."

"I'm a college student. Many foreign students in our school come here to hang out. They go back after graduation, and they don't study in class."

"What is this person thinking about? (Thinking)

"You have to ask the principals of some schools.

"There are no international students in our university..."

"These people are in the Xia country, and they can't build the Xia country. They are still spraying people in the Xia country. It's useless to keep them. It's better to drive them away."

"This... it's just too serious to drive people away."

"Cha, they couldn't just spray people, they definitely did a lot of bad things.""

The Red Dust Mirror in Ye Xuan's hand shows what these international students did:

Urinating and urinating everywhere in Xia Country, littering everywhere, surfing the Internet everywhere, grabbing the seats of the elderly when riding the bus, skipping the queue at the school cafeteria, and even sneaking close to Xia in the name of traveling. The military center of the country took pictures.

Internet Police:

"The behavior in the front can also be said to be low-quality, and the behavior in the back is a spy!"

Netizens petition:

"Arrest these international students.

"These are all conspiracies, arrest them."

"Kick them out of the Xia Kingdom.

"I get upset when I see them, let them go.

Internet Police:

"We will check carefully and will not let a bad person go."

International students are in a hurry when they see the words of the Internet police in the live broadcast room:

"What do you want to do? We are international students, you can't arrest us!""

"Baga! I'm not from Xia, you have no right to condemn me.""

"If I don't just take a few photos, it's illegal? The people of Xia are really stingy.


"These foreign students are really low-quality."

"Yeah, I always thought foreigners were high-quality, so that's all."

"It's all known to beautify foreigners. In fact, the quality of foreigners is not that high. . . . 99

"The key is these people are spies.

"You can shoot it, so you don't need to be caught."

International students:

"The people of the Xia country really have no seeds, and it's not that they stole your military secrets, which is also a crime? 39

"Arrest us if you can, this is a diplomatic matter.

"Our embassy will protect us."

"Our country can be different from your country, our country will protect us."

Internet Police:

"What you say is useless. I have already contacted the local police. One of you people is counted as one. Don't even try to run away."

"Don't think about it until you find out your identity and purpose."

"Don't say you call the embassy, ​​it's no use calling 3.4 God to come! 99

"I said! 35

The live broadcast room cheered:

"The internet police are really tough!"

“This internet police officer deserves praise. 35

"There is nothing to say about these foreign spies. If they dare to come to Xia, they must be prepared to be left behind forever. 35

"Just now, my Xia country is still afraid of you small countries?"

"Do you really treat our Xia Kingdom as a sick cat?"

"It's you who are caught!"

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