Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

101: This is too showy, Master Ye is the show of the flower

101: This is too showy, Master Ye is the show of the flower

"Pfft, hahaha!"

"Master Fashan is too showy. 99

"666, Master Fashan, I want to give you a thumbs up.

"Master Fashan, I want to know how you consecrated it?"

"Master Fashan, do you have a video of consecration? I have a friend who wants to watch it.

"Master Fashan, which clubhouse did you go to, I also want to be consecrated.

"Master Fashan, you are so naughty, does the abbot know?"

"Master Fashan, did you use a bald head to consecrate the light?"

"Master Fashan..."

In an instant!

The water friends in the live broadcast room were throwing barrage like crazy.

And all the water friends are LSPs, they don't care what Master Fa Shan instigated Li Lang to say, they just follow up and ask about consecration.

at the same time.

The cultivator chat group is boiling.

Because Lingshan Temple is huge.

Therefore, the ordinary monks in the temple are all high above.

Elders like Fashan are simply arrogant with their nostrils turned upside down.

To this...

Many practitioners are not used to it.

But there is no way to get used to it.

Who made Lingshan Temple strong?

However, now it has been revealed that Fashan went to the club to consecrate?


"Well, it's ridiculous. 35

"666, Fashan's operation is too showy.""

"On the surface, it's virtuous, but behind the scenes, it's consecrated?"

"It's alright, Lingshan Temple's face will be disgraced now."

"Yeah, after this incident, Lingshan Temple will be nailed to the pillar of shame."

"Cowhide 666, Master Ye is still very powerful.

"Yeah, Master Ye is too surprising. 39

"Master Ye 666..."

Some are happy and some are sad.

The water friends and chat group practitioners in the live broadcast room are happy.

But those capitalists who subsidized Mr. Zhao to cultivate little fresh meat and harmed young people.

As well as those sailors who took the money from President Zhao and smeared Ye Xuan on the Internet.


these chickens.

Seeing Ye Xuan kill the monkey Fashan with one knife at a time, they were very frightened and apprehensive in their hearts.

They clearly know.

Ye Xuan didn't forget them.

But now he is busy killing monkeys, and he can't take care of these chickens.

They want to escape...

But think about it.

After all, in Ye Xuan's fortune-telling.

Even if they fled to the corners of the earth, they would be found by Ye Xuan.


These people have to sigh.

Offended Ye Xuan, the world has no place for them?


They could only wait anxiously.

See how Ye Xuan handles them in the end.

Of course, some black-hearted capitalists and sailors who discredit Ye Xuan are also thinking.

just in case……

What if Master Fashan erupts?

Just as some black-hearted capitalists and the navy who discredited Ye Xuan thought.

Master Fashan broke out!

His anger was like a volcanic eruption.

Strong shame is like gasoline like rivers and lakes.

Gasoline was poured on the volcano.

Fashan broke out completely.

The angry Fashan almost exploded on the spot, staring at Li Lang fiercely, he really wanted to smash Li Lang's head to pieces.

Go to the clubhouse.

Consecrated to XX.

This kind of secret can be said casually?

He Fashan, really can't afford to lose this person, he must take off this consecrated hat,


Fashan looked fiercely at the live broadcast camera, gnashing his teeth:

“Ye Xuan!55

"You must have used a magic trick on Li Lang.

"That's why Li Lang is talking nonsense and smearing my innocence!""


Ye Xuan showed 520 an interesting expression:

"Consecrated Mage.

"You said that I controlled Li Lang with a demon method. 99

"You can solve it with the Dharma and you're done.



After being exported by Ye Xuan.

Master Fa Shan's face was ashen with anger, and his whole body was trembling, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

See this scene.

Ye Xuan continued his sarcasm:


"Why are you so pale?

"Is it mad at me?"

"Didn't you say that Buddhism is boundless?

"Using Buddhism to solve my demonic law is over.

"No way, can't you say that the Buddha Dharma is boundless?

"Why, now that I have met a demon who knows how to do magic, is there a limit to Buddhism?"




Run by Ye Xuan.

Monk Fashan suddenly felt shameless.

Think of the fact that millions of people now look at themselves making a fool of themselves.

Among them were many fellow practitioners, Fashan was so embarrassed that he wanted to vomit blood.


Blood surged.

for being too angry.

A mouthful of blood rushed down his throat from his chest and abdomen.

In order not to lose face too much, Master Fashan forcibly swallowed the blood again.


Ye Xuan, however, was arrogant and continued to pursue the victory:

"What are you?"

"Why can't you even say a complete sentence?"

"A man can't say no, you can't even say a complete sentence now, how can you show your sword in the club? 99

"How can it be opened in the clubhouse?

"No, no, no.""

"Are you opening the light with your mouth?

"Master, you are too 666.

"Just say it."

"Your generation of eminent monks."9

"How can one be condescending. 35

"Consecrate some dusty women?"


"You opened it with your mouth..."

The sound fell.

The live room completely exploded:

"666 Ah!

"Master Ye is too 6."5

"I didn't expect that Master Ye was still a joker.

"Master Fashan's new name, Master Kaiguang, is too appropriate!"

"Using the mouth to consecrate the light, is the consecrated master's tongue so hard? 666!

"Upstairs, you don't know that Master Kaiguang's tongue is so powerful that it can shine like a lotus flower."

"Big brother upstairs, you are too Jill Show."

"No no no, Master Ye is the best. 35

"Yes, yes, Master Ye is the best. 55

"I'm thinking, will Master Kaiguang be sprayed to death by Master Ye later...

The live broadcast room was very lively.

The sailors were also very happy.

But how lively the live broadcast room is, how happy the water friends are, and how angry Master Fashan is!



He is so angry.

However, he could only be incompetent and furious.

There are several reasons for this impotent rage:

1: I can't scold Ye Xuan

2: Video connection, can't beat Ye Xuan

Three: Even if he made an appointment offline, he was the one who was beaten.

so angry

more angry

The reasons for his incompetence and rage are not limited to these three points!

Four: On the issue of Li Lang, he was repeatedly slapped in the face.

Five: The most disturbing thing is:

He usually talks about Buddhism boundlessly.

But now Lingshan Temple has taken out the goggles.

Even losing half of his blood and essence, (acej) couldn't make Li Lang lie.

This is so...

Isn't there a limit to Buddhism?

clap clap clap...

His face was slapped by Ye Xuan.

Before meeting Ye Xuan, his life was black and white.

After meeting Ye Xuan again, his life is so... all black



at this time.

Li Lang suddenly spoke weakly.

Master Fashan stared fiercely: "What's wrong?"

Li Lang told the truth: "Master Fa Shan, you can't break Ye Xuan's Dharma, not because the Buddha Dharma is limited, but because your cultivation is not enough!"


Why didn't I think of that?

It's not that Buddhism doesn't work, it's that I don't!

Master Fashan's eyes lit up, and Li Lang in front of him became cute in his eyes.

“Ye Xuan!’

"Did you hear?"

"It's not Buddhism, but me!"

After saying this, Master Fa Shan thought that Ye Xuan must be speechless.

But what Master Fashan didn't expect was.

Ye Xuan sneered:

"Master Consecrated Light. 99

"Are you 118 years old?"

"But I'm only 17 years old this year."

"You have practiced for so many years. 99

"In the end, I practiced the Buddhadharma.

"So, at your age, have you cultivated into a dog?

Master Fashan, who finally replied, was in a good mood.

But before he could relax for two seconds, he couldn't find Bei by Ye Xuan's words.

"Is it on the dog?

"Did it fix it on the dog?"

"Is it repaired to a dog..."

The mind again and again... After being hit hard again.

A mouthful of blood gushed out from Master Fashan's belly again.


I couldn't resist this time.

Master Fashan spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Fuck, blood spurting?"

"Master Ye, cowhide!"

"This mouth escape, isn't it better than Naruto?""

"Isn't this hate more burning than blogger's biography?"

"Master Ye is going to be a bull, this mouth is definitely open to Pangu."

"Don't say anything, just pack up and salute now, and immediately worship Master Ye as your teacher!"

"I'll go as well.""

"I'll go as well!"

"Take me one!"

"Take me a..."

Seeing Master Fashan spurting blood.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are crazy with joy.

But compared to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

The people in the cultivator chat group were not only mad with joy, but were also shocked:

"This... is this Master Fa Shan?

"My God, Master Fashan vomited blood from qi?"

"Master Fashan is the elder of Lingshan Temple, and he vomited blood because of qi?"

"I couldn't believe my eyes if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.99

"Masters, today's live broadcast will definitely be recorded in the history of practitioners."


"Must +10086..."

Li Lang...

Mr. Zhao and several people...


Water friends in the live room...

The practitioners of the chat group...

Everyone thought that the live broadcast was here, and it would definitely end.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Ye Xuan played a new trick again.

I saw Ye Xuan looked at Master Fa Shan and said in a relaxed tone:

"Master Kaiguang.

"In order to repay you, ask the navy to discredit me."

"I even prepared a surprise for you!"

Hear the word!

Master Fashan's heart skipped a beat.

He wasn't stupid enough to think that Ye Xuan had really prepared a surprise for him.

Therefore, Master Fashan looked vigilant: "What surprise?


Ye Xuan snapped his fingers.

I saw Xiao Jiu jumping with an induction cooker.

On top of the induction cooker, there is also an iron cup, and there seems to be liquid flowing in the cup.


"what is this?"

"Master Fashan looked vigilant. 99


"It's me. 39

"I'm a three-eyed...

A wailing sound came from the iron cup of the induction cooker.


Master Fashan's heart tightened and his pupils shrank.


Three eyes!

Is it three eyes?

His apprentice Sanmu, who specializes in dirty work for Lingshan Temple, knows many secrets of Lingshan Temple.

If these secrets are revealed, Lingshan Temple will lose face in the light, and will be jointly targeted by other cultivation forces!


What will Sanmu say later?

He must not admit it!


"Save me!

"Our Lingshan Temple has to maintain a bright and positive image, so it is not convenient to do some dirty things."


"You arranged for me to defect from Lingshan Temple.

"Let me do some dirty work outside for the temple.

"For example, Duan Haitao, the head of the spiritual division.""

"For example, Wuer Mountain's deputy mountain master Feng Shanyue.

"And Lei Tianxing, chairman of Lei Ya Company..."


The three-eyed demon monk who had been refined into a liquid frantically sprayed some secrets out as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Ordinary water friends in the live room.

I still don't understand the hidden gold content.

But the cultivators in the chat group widened their eyes in shock:

"Feng Shanyue was also killed by the three-eyed demon monk? 35

"My God, Lei Tianxing was also killed by the three-eyed demon monk?"

"No way, Lin Ning, vice chairman of Tianshan, was also killed by the three-eyed demon monk?"

"Xu Xian, the head of gossip, is a super expert. How did the three-eyed demon monk kill him?"

"Good guy, good guy, so many people died at the hands of the three-eyed demon monk.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lingshan Temple has killed so many people, this time it will definitely cause public anger.

"Yes, but I can't figure it out, why can the three-eyed demon monk kill so many masters?

"I'm also thinking that the strength of the three-eyed demon monk should not be able to beat those talents..."

Just when all the practitioners were talking about it.

The three-eyed demon monk finally gave the answer:

"Master! 35

"I'm not a match for these guys.

"But these are the hidden dangers of our Lingshan Temple."

"So, the masters in the temple and I shot together to destroy it."

"Master, please admit these things.

"As long as you admit these things, Master Ye will let me go. 35

"During this period of time, Master Ye boiled me like boiling water, it's really old and miserable..."

"shut up!""

"Don't talk nonsense!

"Lingshan Temple is a place of purity.

"Those of us in Lingshan Temple are all compassionate people.

"Stomping on an ant to death, we people in Lingshan Temple still feel distressed, how can they kill so many people?"

When the three-eyed demon monk spoke.

Master Fashan was panicked.

This is the secret of Lingshan Temple.

Once these super secrets are exposed.

Many forces are bound to unite.

Let's attack their Lingshan Temple together again.

Although Lingshan Temple is strong, the tigers can't hold back the wolves.

Moreover, the strength of those forces is not as simple as a pack of wolves.

He wanted to quickly stop disciple Sanmu from speaking.

But on second thought, he had no use in stopping him.

With Ye Xuan standing by his side, he couldn't stop it at all.

Therefore, it is better to let Sanmu finish the speech first, and after he finishes speaking, he will refute, which will appear more confident.

the other side.

The three-eyed demon monk was also stunned.

Shut up, the master actually told him to shut up?

At first, I wanted to practice at Lingshan Temple.

But the master said that he was smart and was most suitable for dirty work, and even promised him a lot of benefits.

these years……

Do a lot of dirty work.

Have been in danger of life dozens of times.

It's a huge fluke to be alive to this day.

However, the benefits promised in the temple were hardly fulfilled.

Now he was caught by accident, his body was gone, and he was so pitiful that only his soul remained.


His master said that if he turned his face, he would turn his face.

Therefore, the three-eyed demon monk was directly angry:


"My grass and mud horse!"

"Let me handle the dirty work for the temple. 35

"You took all the benefits that the temple gave me, do you think I don't know?

"Grass mud horse..."

"You even swallow your apprentice's things, how shameless are you?"

"Now that Laozi is caught by Master Ye, you just want to pat your butt and leave?"


"Why do I have such a vicious teacher as you?"

"Since you don't care whether I live or die, I don't care whether Lingshan Temple lives or die."

"these years……"

"The bad things Lingshan Temple has done are...


The three-eyed demon monk said a lot more.

The practitioners in the chat group were shocked and stunned when they saw so many inside stories being exposed:

"Fuck, this thing was actually done by Lingshan Temple?"

"Grass, Lingshan Temple is too shameless, is it possible to do such a thing?"

"I f*ck, this is a temple, this is a monk, can you do that kind of thing?"

"I f*ck, the treasure of our family is actually in Lingshan Temple?

"Ah, I'm crazy, my father was killed by Lingshan Temple..."

With many secrets exposed.

Many practitioners in the chat group were so angry that they almost ran away on the spot.

As for Master Fashan.

At this moment, Master Fashan almost exploded in situ.

Can't think of it. Can't think of it.

Ye Xuan's tactics were so cruel.

They directly took off the underwear of their Lingshan Temple.

what should I do now?

At this moment, Master Fashan was in a state of confusion.

Thirty-six counts!

Go ahead!

After making a decision in mind.

Master Fashan just wanted to hang up the video and discussed with Lingshan Temple first.

"Master Kaiguang!"

"Are these things the three-eyed demon monk said true?"

At this moment, Ye Xuan's voice rang in his ears.

Master Fashan was furious: "What a bunch of nonsense, nonsense!"


"Can I get you to tell the truth?"

Ye Xuan chuckled, a little provocative in his smile.

This sentence completely angered Master Fashan!

From beginning to end, he has been slapped in the face by Ye Xuan, slapped in the face by Ye Xuan, and...

He has had enough!

He was going to punch Ye Xuan in the face.

If you hit Ye Xuan in the face, you can earn back the face of yourself and Lingshan Temple!

The protective power of the escaping power of the goggles is limited.

However, his own mana is powerful, and he has a heart guard filled with half of his blood essence to stabilize his mind.


He was 100 percent sure.

Ye Xuan must be unable to control his mind and let himself tell the truth.

after making a decision.

Master Fashan sneered: "Come on!

As soon as this word comes out!

The live room vibrates.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Let's see if Ye Xuan can completely defeat Master Fa Shan.


Ye Xuan's heart was silently urging his fate.


Master Fashan with a heart guard.

His heart suddenly twitched violently.

After twitching for a while, Master Fashan found that the function of his heart guard was still working, and he was immediately ecstatic:


"see that?"

"Have you seen it? 39

"Your sorcery is of no use to me at all!

After a long defeat and a victory, Master Fa Shan fell into ecstasy. After shouting a few words to Ye Xuan, he shouted to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"did you see it?

"did you see it?

"You Master Ye is not omnipotent.

"He can't do anything about me right now, hahaha."

"Our treasure at Lingshan Temple is the best, Ye Xuan can't break it..."

Seeing Master Fashan so rampant.

Water friends who are not practitioners, just think that Master Fashan is crazy.

But the practitioners in the chat group lamented one after another:


"The heritage of Lingshan Temple is really strong. 95

"Yes, Lingshan Temple has existed for thousands of years."

"In the long history of thousands of years, I don't know how many catastrophes, Lingshan Temple can survive, it shows a lot of problems."

“Hey, Ye Xuan is still too young. 55

"How can a person compete with a force?

"After all, Lingshan Temple is better..."

Just when everyone thought Lingshan Temple had won.

Ye Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a mocking expression, and then kept urging mana in his heart.

"Fate Heart Technique..."



Ye Xuan kept pushing his life skills.

The power of the superposition of thousands of spiritual talismans also appeared at this time.

The power of the goggles is powerful, but under Ye Xuan's barrage of attacks.


"Bang bang bang...

"Bang bang bang...

Master Fashan, who was ecstatic, suddenly his heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.



Feel the protection of the goggles to the limit.

Master Fa Shan shouted in horror, hoping that Ye Xuan would stop.



The sound of glass shattering came.

Master Fashan, who was still proud just now, widened his eyes:



"The goggles are broken, how can this be?

PS: Today is Wednesday, and there will be an update tomorrow and Thursday, starting with 40,000 words!

It's a matter of recommendation, I hope the reader will subscribe anyway, and I will thank the reader!

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