He knows a lot of people, and some of them are willing to give him some face and will avoid him unless the matter is very important.

"Those staff members, let's see if we can connect them."Grandpa Su thought of a new method.

""I understand. I have arranged for someone to contact them." Sunan said in a deep voice.

He may not be able to break some rules, but he can find loopholes.

"Who gets it

? He is most concerned about this. I believe many forces are paying attention to it as much as he is. However, with Academician Li Gu around, no one dares to go too far.

"There are twelve groups of challengers, and the chances are too high."Su Nan said the results of Taiyi's data analysis.

"Oh? Then don't let them go. Try to contact them all."

Old Master Su narrowed his eyes and said calmly,"Tell these people that as long as they pass on the permanent land to us, Old Master Su, they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives."

""I understand." Su Nan replied respectfully.

"If her character is okay, she can marry into our Su family."Old Master Su said indifferently.

As for girls, he didn't think any girl could survive in the wild for a year, so he ignored them.

"Yes." Sunan replied respectfully

""Chirp chirp"

The birds chirped this morning. It sounded quite pleasant to Lin Xuan.

He didn't know if it was because of the hot bath, but he had a very good sleep last night. He didn't feel grumpy when he woke up in the morning.

""Where's Chen Yiyi? Why did you get up so early today?" Lin Xuan didn't feel any pressure on his body. He didn't touch anyone when he was rummaging around in his sleeping bag.

He turned his head and looked towards the wooden shed, but didn't see any familiar figures.

"Out?" Lin Xuan muttered to himself as he sat up and felt a chill.

He rubbed his arms and said helplessly,"It seems that I should try to get the linen out as well."

Lin Xuan was about to get up, and when he turned sideways, he saw two"positive" characters written on the wooden calendar made by the girl, which meant that he had been in the wild for ten days.

It also instantly reminded him to sign in.

"Sign in." Lin Xuan ordered in his mind.

The next second, a virtual screen flashed before his eyes, and the date on it lit up.

"There are only two days left to receive another ten-day gift package."Lin Xuan said softly in his heart, silently reciting the interface of closing the sign-in system.

He put on his combat pants and walked out of the shelter, and saw the girl squatting by the sink washing clothes.

""You still get up so early. It seems that you have adapted to the days in the wild." Lin Xuan said as he looked at the petite figure.

Living in the city, the two of them rarely slept in and always got up early. Especially the girl got up earlier, made breakfast and reviewed the knowledge she had learned.

The girl had the title of a top student, but she also studied very hard in private, although she was more talented.

"Go to the toilet."Lin Xuan solved the problem of three urgent things.

After he came out of the wooden cage toilet, he saw the girl coming over with the clothes she had chosen.

"Good morning." Chen Yiyi greeted with a smile.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer? Be careful of stunted growth." Lin Xuan said softly.

The girl is about 1.56 meters tall, and she will still grow taller at the age of 16.

"That part is underdeveloped."

Chen Yiyi pouted. She puffed out her chest and shouted,"In two years, I will definitely grow to more than 1.6 meters tall."


Lin Xuan glanced at the girl. The girl in the loose jacket had Hua Yunli's standard equipment, that is, Chen Yiyi with the 'airport-shaped


Chen Yiyi was keenly aware of Lin Xuan's eyes, and said with her long hair,"Big pig's hoof." The girl took the clothes to dry. The sun was not yet in the sky.

Compared with city life, the two of them had slept for more than an hour.

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