"It's intact, without any cracks." Chen Yiyi checked it with the help of a torch.

"There are two ceramic cups inside."

Lin Xuan put down the small water tank, then took out the two ceramic cups and tapped them lightly, which made a crisp sound.

He handed the ceramic cups to the girl and said,"Go back and test for leakage. If there is no leakage, it means it can be used."

"Okay." Chen Yiyi happily took the cup. This is life.

""Let's go back." Lin Xuan picked up the small water tank and strode towards the wooden shed.

After two days of hard work, it was time for inspection. The two gathered in front of the wooden table and poured water into the small water tank with a bamboo tube.

They stared at the bottom of the small water tank intently. A few minutes passed. They turned their heads and smiled at each other.

"There is no water leakage at all." Chen Yiyi said excitedly

"Yes, it worked."

Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief. It was worth the day's hard work. He chuckled and said,"Get ready. Let's take a hot bath."

He carried the small water tank to the fire and used a bamboo shovel to pick up the stones from the fire and put them into the small water tank.

"It's already been prepared." Chen Yiyi turned around and came out holding the clothes.

"Let's go. Let's go to the wooden cage and draw water in."Lin Xuan carried the small ice tank out of the wooden shed and put it in the wooden cage.

He took the bamboo tube that he had prepared in advance and passed it through the gap in the wooden cage. One end pushed the small water tank, and the other end connected to the bamboo tube of the sink. In this way, he drew water into the small water tank.


A sound of evaporating water was heard, and the water quickly covered the heated stones.

This is a natural way to heat water, but the prerequisite is that there must be a large container so that the heated water is enough for bathing. Otherwise, it is just a chicken bundle.

"I can finally take a hot bath." Chen Yiyi said excitedly, holding a torch, her beautiful eyes staring at the wooden cage that was steaming.

""I'll test the water temperature first." Lin Xuan said softly, stepping into the wooden cage.

Use stones to heat water. The only problem is temperature control. If you put too many stones, the water will be too hot, and if you put too little water, it will be too cold.

Moreover, there is a danger in this, which is to prevent the stones from breaking when they expand and contract due to heat and cold, especially when they are brushed with cold water, there is a high possibility of stone fragments splashing out.

The wooden cage solves the damage caused by stone breaking, and people just need to stand outside the wooden cage and add water.

As for the water temperature, people have to test it by hand, and they will have experience after doing it a few times.

"Hmm, the water temperature is about right."

Lin Xuan tested it with his hand, then moved the bamboo tube filled with water away and said softly,"You can come in and choose a bath now.""

"Lin Xuan, take a shower first. You are not wearing any clothes. Chen Yiyi handed over a towel, charcoal powder and boxer briefs.

"That's fine too, you can go back to the woodshed and warm yourself by the fire first." Lin Xuan hesitated and nodded, reaching out to take the things.

"Okay, I'll go back and boil some water to wash my hair." Chen Yiyi said softly

"Go ahead." Lin Xuan enjoyed his first hot bath in the wild

""Hoo, hoo!"

Lin Xuan was satisfied when the warm water poured over him. The busy day seemed to be worth it at this moment.

"If I have the chance to build a wooden tub for bathing, wouldn't that be more enjoyable?"Lin Xuan was taking a bath, but his mind was a little distracted.

He muttered to himself,"There is no shortage of wood. Waterproof seams can also be glued with rosin."

"The plan is good, but it takes too much time."Lin Xuan shook his head. When there was only a little water left, he found that the water was still a little hot.

He pulled the bamboo tube over and let the water flow into the small water tank, and enjoyed the hot bath again.

"There are so many things you can do with this small water tank."Lin Xuan said softly.

In fact, taking a hot bath is not difficult. The only difficulty is the container. With a small water tank, you can fill it with water during the day and expose it to the sun, so you can get warm water.

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