"Then I'll light it." Chen Yiyi took the torch and put it into the fire and lit it easily.

""Let's go." Lin Xuan took the engineer shovel and walked out of the woodshed.

The two looked at the fire outside. Looking up at the furnace, they could only see a vague shadow.

"It's quite bright." Chen Yiyi held up the torch and said in surprise,"I thought it was as small as a candle."

""It's because of the rosin." Lin Xuan said calmly.

It was a bit cold in the wild at night, and both of them shivered a little. They ran to the stove and found that it was much warmer.

""Hoo" Chen Yiyi exhaled white mist, only to find that the night weather had become much colder.

The girl hadn't taken a shower today, not to mention her hair. She was still thinking about the method of taking a hot bath that Lin Xuan mentioned, but she still hadn't seen it. She was embarrassed.

She turned her head and saw Lin Xuan's naked upper body. Guan Xiaodao,"Lin Xuan, teach me how to do it, you go back to the woodshed first"

"No, it will be done soon."Lin Xuan waved his hand.

He used a wooden stick to remove the clay slabs on the stove. No, now they should be pottery slabs.

Then he moved the stone blocking the stove fire and found that the stone was still warm. After the stone was removed, a wave of hot air rushed to their faces. It made the two feel warm.

"It's warm now." Chen Yiyi's tense body relaxed.

"Get the charcoal out so we can go back." Lin Xuan used the engineer shovel to dig out the charcoal in the furnace. This would lower the temperature in the furnace.


Even after several hours, there were still some sparks on the charcoal. After the charcoal was dug out, the smell was even stronger, making the skin of both of them feel burning.

"Well, when the temperature drops, we will know whether the pottery is good or bad."Lin Xuan said in a relaxed tone

"Then let's go back quickly. It's getting late."Chen Yiyi urged.

She was afraid that Lin Xuan would catch a cold without a shirt on. Although the temperature here is high now, the heating area is only in one direction, and the back will still feel cold.

The night wind is blowing without the shelter of the wooden shed, and the cold makes people's skin tight.

"Let's go."

Lin Xuan took the lead and walked forward, saying,"If the small ice tank is okay, we can choose a hot bath tonight."

""Huh?" Chen Yiyi was stunned. She hesitated and said,"What does a hot bath have to do with a ceramic water jar?"

"The relationship is really great." Lin Xuan nodded affirmatively

"Could it be? Put a ceramic water jar on the fire?" Chen Yiyi made a bold guess.

"No, it's too troublesome to do this."Lin Xuan said with a twitch of his mouth.

Putting the ceramic water tank on the fire is not only time-consuming, but also very inconvenient. Carrying the water tank on the fire is a big problem.

"What's the solution?" Chen Yiyi pouted and asked.

The girl looked at Lin Xuan's mysterious look and felt like rushing up to bite him. The audience in the live broadcast room were also waiting for Lin Xuan's answer, and the barrage of comments was flying.

The backstage staff mobilized the drone to lower and prepare to receive Lin Xuan's voice

"I'm just curious, how do you take a hot bath in the wild?"

"To be honest, I feel itchy if I don't take a shower in the city for a day. It's really unbearable to go out in the wild without taking a shower for a few days"

"Do you think you are as lucky as the little girl? Other challenges I haven't taken a shower for ten days"

"The sour smell on my body could probably kill wild animals."

"Lin Xuan seems to know a lot of things, such as making bows and arrows, pottery, and iron smelting."

"With Lin Xuan here, I dare to live a leisurely life"

"The solution is very simple."

Lin Xuan walked forward and said softly, you can figure it out if you think about it."

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