"Then you eat the fish soup." Chen Yiyi came over with a steel pot.

"How come there is so much left?" Lin Xuan looked at the steel pot, which still had half of the fish meat and fish soup.

"It's left for you. People who work harder should eat more." Chen Yiyi said seriously.

"I'll give it to you if I can't finish it." Lin Xuan didn't argue and started eating with chopsticks.

""Hmph, I won't eat it." Chen Yiyi snorted coquettishly, and started to kill fish with the fish and hatchet.

As a person who grew up in an orphanage, she had killed fish before, but they were all crucian carp and the like.

Herring, not the taste of a certain country's exotic canned herring worms.

Lin Xuan felt that it was a bit fishy when he ate it, but the taste was okay, and there were oyster mushrooms in it to enhance the flavor.

He ate the fish soup and watched the girl trying hard to kill the fish, and she had to divide it into two halves so that the moisture would dry faster when smoking.

Lin Xuan watched the girl working, but the fish soup was inadvertently eaten up, and he didn't react until he didn't get any soup.

He looked down at the steel pot with only some soup residue left, and silently poured some water to boil it.

"Finished eating?" Chen Yiyi looked at the steel pot with a smile, knowing that Lin Xuan usually gave her food to eat, even though she could eat a lot.

"Well, how about cooking a little more?" Lin Xuan asked

"Are you still hungry? Then cook some more." Chen Yiyi said as she was about to stand up.

"I'm full, you cook some more," Lin Xuan said hurriedly.

After Lin Xuan put away the pottery, he stood up and walked towards the wooden shed, ready to light the fire in the cellar furnace.

As soon as he entered the wooden shed, he saw the girl preparing to go out.

How is the time zone divided?" Chen Yiyi held the round sundial

"That's it. I'll carve the lines after firing. That way it will be clearer."Lin Xuan said with a smile

""Huh?" Chen Yiyi was stunned. She looked down at the round sundial in her hand. It was so simple. Sometimes, people always think things are too complicated. It is still very simple to get to the bottom of it, unless you want to study something very profound.

Lin Xuan squatted down, picked up a burning firewood and walked out.

"Are we going to start firing pottery?" Chen Yiyi asked quickly.

"Yes, the fire is on now." Lin Xuan nodded and walked out of the wooden shed.

Chen Yiyi immediately followed behind him and asked,"How long will it burn?"

"Half an hour, maybe."

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said,"At least we have to burn the pottery thoroughly until it turns red."

If the fire is not strong enough, the pottery will not be transparent enough and will leak.

"So that's how it is." Chen Yiyi nodded, not quite understanding.

Well, the girl still didn't understand. She was completely... It was possible that few people in society knew about pottery. Except for those who were in specialized industries or had learned about it by chance.

Lin Xuan quickly lit the fire. Thick smoke rose from the furnace, but the flames could not rise.

"This won't work, the flame temperature isn't high enough."

Lin Xuan found a bamboo tube, pointed it at the fire hole under the furnace, and blew air from it.

""Whoosh whoosh"

The influx of air and the increase in oxygen instantly increased the flames, which rose above the furnace and enveloped the pottery.

"Wow, the fire is too big. Chen Yiyi was frightened and took a few steps back. The temperature was too high.

"Chen Yiyi, bring those clay tablets over here." Lin Xuan turned around and ordered.

""Okay." Chen Yiyi immediately turned around to get the clay board that was drying, and brought it back in a moment.

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