He took the bamboo slips and went back to the shelter. He poured out some leftover gold from last night with firewood. He drank cold water on the night and was interrogated.

"Good morning." Chen Yiyi greeted casually.

"There are quite a few hibiscus trees here." Lin Xuan took the hatchet and went to the bushes on the other side.

The bark of the hibiscus tree is very suitable for making ropes and is easy to peel off.

Half an hour later, Lin Xuan peeled a large bundle of hibiscus bark. He returned to the camp with the bark and saw the girl sitting on the stone outside the shelter sewing a cloth bag.

"Have you finished sewing one?" Lin Xuan asked softly.,

"How about this one?"Chen Yiyi took out a palm-sized cloth bag from her arms.

"Very good, it's too small and very suitable."

Lin Xuan took it and said with a satisfied smile."I'll go put a bamboo cage in the water first, and then come back with the other bamboo cages."

"Then you should be careful." Chen Yiyi said with a worried look on her face.

"Xiao Xiao, you have also walked that road. It is not dangerous."Lin Xuan pretended to be relaxed.

"You can't provoke saltwater crocodiles." Chen Yiyi warned with a stern face.

She was always afraid that Chu Feng would go hunting saltwater crocodiles. Saltwater crocodiles that are five or six meters long are too dangerous.

"Yes, Commander Chen Yiyi. Lin Xuan saluted in a funny way.

""Puff." Chen Yiyi's serious face broke instantly. She smiled like a blooming flower.

She rolled her eyes and scolded,"Stop it. It's always like this."

"Don't go to Conglin, just stay in the shelter." Lin Xuan told Xun seriously. He took a bamboo cage and set off.

"Lin Xuan, you didn't bring any water." Chen Yiyi was stunned for a moment and shouted anxiously

""Please fill the bamboo tube with water, I will bring it back when I come back." Lin Xuan shouted without looking back.

The reason for the slow progress in the bushes was the obstruction of the dry shrubs and vines. After opening up the road yesterday, Lin Xuan's progress was several times faster than yesterday.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the beach. As soon as he got down to the beach, he found that many birds were pecking at some small fish and shrimps.

"Something left behind after the tide receded?"Lin Xuan's eyes lit up and he immediately rushed over to look for something to eat.

"Is this herring?"

"Oh, there are crabs."

"There are more kelp than yesterday."

Lin Xuan really found a lot of edible things. If he had come an hour or two later, the birds would have eaten everything on the beach. When he was picking up herrings, he found that many of the fish had been pecked with small holes.

"It was an unexpected harvest. I think I should come earlier next time."Lin Xuan chuckled. The harvest included three palm-sized herrings. It was early in the morning and the sun was not very hot. The herrings had died for about two or three hours, so it was still okay to eat them.

If it was noon, these fish would be completely inedible.

"Looks like today's breakfast is ready." Lin Xuan put three herrings and a few crabs into the bamboo cage, took a hatchet to cut a few bamboo tubes, and then transferred the fish and crabs into the bamboo tubes.

The bait was ready, he found a herring that had been pecked by birds, took out the intestines, put them in a cloth bag, and then hung it in the middle of the bamboo cage with a rope.

"I should be able to catch some fish." Lin Xuan used a hatchet to poke a few small holes in the bag. He then tied the rope to the bamboo cage.

"The sea here should be shallower."

He chose a shallow spot to lower the bamboo cage and tied the rope to a big rock.

"I hope to catch more fish." Lin Xuan muttered to himself. Food has always been his concern.

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