"Damn, this star appears again!"

"How strange! There was no light just now, how come it appeared again?"

Netizens were very curious.

Lin Xuan was also very curious, because he found that this light flickered, sometimes it would be"extinguished" directly, and sometimes it would flash a very bright light, which was very strange.

"This should be a cave of bandits during the Republic of China period."

At this time, Lin Xuan looked at the cave and said,"If I am not mistaken, this should be a treasure cave of bandits. I guess that glowing thing is pearl agate, or night pearl or something like that."

"Damn, a treasure cave?!"

"Oh my god, is this true?"

When netizens heard Lin Xuan say it was a treasure cave, they all became excited.

"Host, please go in and take a look!"

"Treasure cave? So there must be treasure inside! The anchor rushed in to take a look!"

"Host, how do you know this is a treasure cave?"

"Uh, why does this look like a snake hole to me? (Laughs)"

Netizens were all curious and wanted to see what was hidden in this treasure cave.

Some netizens also curiously asked Lin Xuan how he knew that this was a treasure cave.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said:"In fact, it is very easy to judge.

You see, there is a Yuan Datou on the ground of this cave, which means it is from the Republic of China period.

During the Republic of China period, there was chaos and war.

Those bandits occupied the mountains and often went down the mountains to rob houses.

They hid the treasures they robbed from the landlords in the caves.

The outside of this cave is very small and hidden.

It is impossible to live in it.

It is very likely to be a treasure cave.


When the netizens heard it, they all felt that there was some truth.

Then, some netizens said:"Anchor, since it is a treasure cave, you should go in and take a look!"

Lin Xuan nodded and smiled:"That's what I meant. Let's go in and take a look now. Maybe we can find something good. Let's go."

After that, Lin Xuan bent down and slowly got into this small cave.


Lin Xuan had just entered the cave when a cool breeze blew towards him. At the same time, a black shadow flashed by, like lightning, hiding in the darkness and disappearing.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

This should be more than just a treasure cave!

There might be some strange things hidden inside.

"What the hell is that? It scared me!"

"Oh my god, did I just see a ghost?!"

"Ghost? No way, there are no ghosts in this world!"

"Uh, this cave looks a bit weird, anchor, be careful!"

"My god, this cave is so dark and eerie, even scarier than the last coral snake cave!"

"The anchor is really brave. If it were me, I would have just nodded and run away out of fear!"

"If it were me, I would have peed my pants out of fear!"

"I admire the host’s courage, so amazing!"

"The anchor is awesome! The person I admire most now is the anchor! His courage is unparalleled!"

"If I were asked to run into this cave in the middle of the night, I would definitely faint from fright! The anchor is much braver than me!"

Through the high-definition camera of the drone, netizens also saw the fleeting black shadow, and all of a sudden, netizens were terrified. The appearance of a strange black shadow in this gloomy freezer reminded many netizens of the plots of some horror movies, and their faces turned pale.

At this time, Lin Xuan was alone in the deep mountains and old forests. He entered this gloomy and terrifying cave and saw the strange black shadow, but there was no fear on his face. This made netizens admire him very much, and secretly marveled at Lin Xuan's courage!

Lin Xuan smiled. , and then continued to walk forward.

He walked step by step into the treasure cave, and at the same time, he looked around very vigilantly. Slowly, Lin Xuan walked more than ten meters into the cave. The place was open and the temperature inside rose. It became a little warm and felt very comfortable.

When he got here, Lin Xuan suddenly found that on the side of the cave, under the cover of some soil, a golden object was exposed, illuminating a corner of the cave with golden yellow.

At this time, netizens also saw this scene.

In the live broadcast room, all kinds of barrages flew out.

"Damn, what is this shiny gold thing?!"

"It emits a yellow glow, is this gold?!"

"It should be gold. There must be gold hidden in the treasure cave!"

""Host, go dig it up!"

When netizens saw the yellow light, they were excited and expectant. Then they sent out comments, wanting Lin Xuan to go over and see if there was any gold hidden inside.

Seeing the yellow light, Lin Xuan's eyes lit up slightly!

He walked to the corner, and then gently kicked away the buried soil with his feet.

In an instant, a bright yellow light burst out, and the whole cave was illuminated yellow, as if a yellow headlight was turned on!

Such a strong yellow light suddenly burst out in the darkness, which made Lin Xuan's eyes narrow slightly. He covered his eyeballs with his hands, and after adapting to the light a little, he slowly opened his eyes and looked through the gaps between his fingers.

At this glance, Lin Xuan's face was immediately surprised.

I saw that rows of golden gold were buried in the bottom mud, like yellow croakers, neatly arranged in a large box, with at least hundreds of pounds!

At the same time, netizens in the live broadcast room also saw this scene clearly.

Suddenly, the live broadcast room went crazy

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

""What the hell!"

Countless comments flew out, all of which were filled with the word"What the hell"!

Netizens were all shocked.

They didn't expect that after Lin Xuan kicked away the soil, there was actually so much gold hidden underneath.

A large row of gold bars neatly arranged, covering the entire box!

There were at least several hundred kilograms of gold!

The golden light was shining, as dazzling as the sun.

When netizens saw so many gold bars, they were immediately excited and excited, and their faces flushed.

This was really because this large box of gold opened their eyes!

"Oh my god, that's a lot of gold!"

"Oh my god, it's all gold! A whole box of it!"

"This is really a treasure cave, there is so much gold!!"

"I was jealous that the host actually found so many yellow strips!"

"Oh my god, so much gold, the host is going to make a fortune!"

"Host, are you missing any accessories on your thighs?"

"Ahhh, I'm so envious, jealous and hateful. I didn't expect that this place really is a treasure cave, and the host even found so much gold. I'm envious, jealous and hateful!"

"I was so poor that I shed bitter tears"

"I want to be the anchor's follower, a running dog! I want to follow him and pick up gold. Is that okay, anchor?"

Netizens were all envious and jealous, and they all posted various comments, as if they had eaten citric acid.

Some female fans were even more excited when they saw Lin Xuan find such a big box of gold.

"I want to marry the anchor, ah ah ah, I want to live off her!"

"Host, I am very beautiful and have a great figure. Would you like to consider me?"

"Host, I am a model and I once won a beauty pageant. Could you please give me your home address?"

"Host, can I go out to the mountains with you tonight?"

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