All of this is thanks to Lin Xuan.

Several special forces soldiers looked at Lin Xuan with eyes full of gratitude.

""Mr. Lin, thank you."

Dong Rui bowed his hands, showing gratitude on his face.

The other special forces soldiers also had gratitude in their eyes.

Lin Xuan smiled faintly, waved his hand, and said,"It's just a small favor, you're welcome."

Although Lin Xuan said so, several special forces soldiers understood that if it weren't for Lin Xuan's help, their physical fitness would not have been so greatly improved!

"Mr. Lin, we have no way to repay your kindness! Please accept our salute!"

Dong Rui stood at attention and gave a very standard military salute!

"Mr. Lin, please accept our salute!"

The other special forces soldiers also immediately saluted Lin Xuan with a standard military salute.

They raised their saluting hands slightly to a position slightly above their foreheads.

Saluting in this position represented the highest respect for Lin Xuan. This was the salute that soldiers made to the people they respected the most.

Lin Xuan nodded, and then said:"You���The sky is about to leave, right? I wish you good results in the competition!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin, we are confident that we can achieve excellent results in the competition!"

Several special forces soldiers spoke out one after another, their voices full of confidence.

At this time, their physical fitness is more than three times that of normal people, very strong, so they have enough confidence to achieve excellent results!

That night, Lin Xuan and the special forces talked all night long, and both sides talked very happily.

After the chat, several people went back to the underground palace to sleep.

The next morning.

The special forces were leaving.

Lin Xuan sent them down the mountain.

Qingyang Village, at the entrance of the village.

Several special forces boarded the helicopter and looked at Lin Xuan reluctantly.

"Goodbye, Mr. Lin."

Several special forces soldiers waved to Lin Xuan reluctantly.


Lin Xuan also smiled and waved.

The helicopter took off and rose to a high altitude.

An hour later, the helicopter returned to the Southern Military Region.

The six special forces walked down from the helicopter, feeling like they were walking with the wind, full of energy and in a particularly good mood.

"Report to the commander! We are back!"

As soon as they returned to the military district, several special forces soldiers walked into the commander's office to report.

The commander was handling military affairs. When he saw the six people coming back, he nodded lightly and did not take them seriously.

After all, these six guys returned from poverty and did not learn anything over there.

""Continue with your physical training! Try not to lose too badly in today's Army League!"

The commander said coldly, with a serious tone in his voice.

Hearing this, Dong Rui straightened his face and said,"Commander, don't worry, we will never lose again in this Army League!"


The commander was stunned when he heard this. Then he raised his head, looked at Dong Rui seriously, and said,"Where do you get your confidence from? Have you forgotten the tragedy last year? At that time, you were beaten by Wang Gang from the Northern Military Region so badly that your mother didn't recognize you!"

"Wang Gang? I would lose in the past, but now he will definitely not be my opponent!"

Dong Rui said with great confidence on his face.

They are the strongest special forces in the Southern Military Region. They have been suppressed and beaten for many years, so they naturally have a depressed atmosphere. At this time, Dong Rui already has powerful strength, so he will naturally not be timid anymore, so he speaks more confidently.

When the commander heard his tone, he was slightly startled, and then said:"Oh, you have grown up? Why, have you learned something?"

The commander had some guesses and looked at Dong Rui with interest.

"Commander, to be honest, we did learn some powerful skills from Mr. Lin!"

Dong Rui paused, then spoke.

""Oh, really? What skills?" the commander asked with interest.

Dong Rui touched a thick white wall next to him and said,"Commander, I want to punch this wall, do you mind?"

Hearing this, Commander Wei narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile,"Go ahead, I want to see what good skills you have learned!"

""Yes, Commander!"

Dong Rui nodded, then he clenched his fists and took a deep breath.


Dong Rui shouted, exerted force with his right hand, and punched the wall hard.


Dong Rui used 100% of his strength in this punch. He used all his strength and his fist cut through the air, making a sharp sound.

He wanted to perform well in front of the commander so that the commander would look at him with new eyes.


The next second, Dong Rui's fist hit the wall.

Suddenly, there was a sound like an explosion.

Countless white dust splashed on the wall.


All I saw was a deep fist mark on the thick wall. The wall was deeply sunken, and cracks appeared on it, like a spider web.


When Commander Wei saw this scene, he gasped and was completely stunned.

His eyes widened as he stared at the marks on the wall, his pupils filled with disbelief.

"You, you actually cracked the wall with one punch?!!"

The commander came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and his voice trembled slightly, revealing disbelief.

Dong Rui smiled and said,"Commander, how about it? If I go to participate in the military league now, do you think I can get a good result?"

"You kid, when did you become so strong?!"

The commander looked at Dong Rui with surprise in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it.

"It's Mr. Lin!"

Dong Rui���There was great respect in his tone and a sincere expression. When he mentioned Lin Xuan's name, it was as if he was talking about the person he admired the most.

"Mr. Lin?"

Commander Wei was startled at first, then he reacted and said in surprise:"You mean Lin Xuan?!"

Dong Rui said:"Yes, Commander! We have all learned very strong skills from Mr. Lin!"

The commander noticed that Dong Rui said the word"all" and was immediately surprised:"What?! Now you are all so strong?"

The commander looked at the others, all of whom were puzzled and expectant.

"Yes! Commander, if you don't believe me, I'll show you!"

Dong Rui turned around, looked at the tall man, and said,"Xiao Gao, show it to the commander."

""Yes, Captain!"

The tall special forces soldier stepped forward, clasped his hands, and said,"Commander, I'll punch the wall for you to see."

As he spoke, Gao Zi clenched his fist, gritted his teeth, and then, he punched the wall hard.


The fist hit the wall like a rocket.


The entire wall shook violently, and countless dust flew up.

A deep pit appeared on the wall!

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